JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 1 January 2024 18
JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 1 January 2024
E-ISSN: 2984-7435, P-ISSN: 2984-7427
Ilma Luthfi Tsania, Ari Ambarwati, Salman Al-Faris
Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia
Email: ilmaluthfi2[email protected]
In the digital era, Instagram Reels has emerged as a potential medium to present interesting
stories to promote language and literature-based products or services in Indonesia. This study
aims to investigate and analyze strategies for utilizing Storynomic in the context of Indonesian
language and literature through the Instagram Reels platform. This research uses a qualitative
approach with content analysis methods. The results of the analysis show that the application
of Storynomic has a positive impact in increasing audience attraction and product order
potential. The use of creative narratives, the character of the products formed, and the
incorporation of cultural elements in the story are key to the success of this strategy.
keywords: Storynomic, Instagram Reels, Indonesian Language and Literature
In the ever-evolving digital age, marketing products and services through social media
platforms has become a must (Ananda et al., 2023; Puspawati & Ristanto, 2018). One increasingly
popular platform is Instagram, which provides a variety of features to reach a wide audience. In
this context, not only the essence of promotion is in focus, but also how the messages are
conveyed to the audience in a unique, creative and compelling way. Therefore, this study raises
the concept of Storynomic as an approach that combines narrative and economic elements,
applied especially to the Instagram Reel platform.
With this background, this study focuses on the use of Storynomic in the context of products
based on Indonesian language and literature. Language and literature-based products have their
own characteristics that can take advantage of the appeal of stories to increase consumer
understanding and engagement (Madjid & Wahyudhi, 2014). Therefore, this study details the
Storynomic strategy applied to Instagram Reel with the main aim of increasing audience attraction
and the potential for ordering products based on Indonesian language and literature.
Storynomic Strategy in the Digital World: A Study on Instagram Reel in Increasing
Audience Attraction and Potential for Ordering Products Based on Indonesian Language
and Literature
JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 1 January 2024 19
This study becomes relevant given the development of increasingly dynamic digital
marketing trends Morzhyna et al., (2019), where not only the functional factors of the product are
the determinant, but also how the story around the product can attract attention and build a
deeper relationship with consumers. Therefore, this research is expected to provide deeper insight
into the effectiveness of using the Storynomic strategy in achieving the marketing goals of
Indonesian language and literature-based products on the Instagram Reel platform.
Through an in-depth analysis of the concept of Storynomic and its implementation on
Instagram Reels, it is hoped that this research can contribute to practical and theoretical
understanding in the domain of digital marketing, especially in the context of language and
literature-based products (Albers et al., 2020). The findings of this research are expected to open
opportunities for the development of more effective and innovative marketing strategies, having
a positive impact on business people, content creators, and consumers who are increasingly smart
and critical in choosing products.
This research uses a qualitative approach with content analysis methods (Ahmad, 2018). This
approach was chosen to dig deeply into Storynomic's strategy applied to Instagram Reels,
products based on Indonesian language and literature, as well as to identify their impact on
audience appeal and booking potential. In the data collection stage, the sample was selected
purposively, focusing on Instagram Reel accounts known to use the Storynomic strategy,
especially on products based on Indonesian language and literature, such as commonly known as
"Shopee poison" (Rai & Thapa, 2015). The data collected includes Instagram Reels, user
comments, and engagement metrics, providing the basis for in-depth analysis. Data analysis is
done through the identification of Storynomic strategies, audience engagement categorization,
and thematic groupings to understand the story patterns used. The validity and reliability of the
data is strengthened through triangulation and peer review techniques, ensuring research results
have a solid basis. Research ethics is a focus by prioritizing user privacy and transparency in the
presentation of data and findings. With this method, this research is expected to make a significant
contribution in understanding digital marketing practices, especially the application of Storynomic
in the context of products based on Indonesian language and literature on the Instagram Reel
Through in-depth content analysis, the results of the study identified several Storynomic
strategies applied to Instagram Reels, products based on Indonesian language and literature. It
was found that the use of compelling narratives, the formation of product characters, and the
incorporation of cultural elements in the story became the dominant strategies (Alexander, 2017).
Ilma Luthfi Tsania, Ari Ambarwati, Salman Al-Faris
20 JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 1 January 2024
For example, some "Shopee poison" accounts associate products with user stories or creatively
describe user experiences, creating an emotional bond with viewers.
Audience Engagement and Impact
Analysis of engagement metrics shows that Storynomic's strategy is effective in increasing
audience engagement (Zaenal et al., 2020). Instagram reels with strong stories tend to get more
likes, comments, and shares. This engagement not only shows the appeal of the content, but also
creates positive interactions between brands and consumers. In some cases, stories that engage
users directly generate discussion and questions, opening up opportunities for further discussion
(Purhita et al., 2023).
Potential Bookings and Purchase Decisions
Increased audience engagement is directly related to product ordering potential. A positive
reaction to a story on an Instagram Reel is often followed by a purchase (Wijaya, 2020).
Storynomic's successful strategy creates wants and needs among viewers, encouraging them to
explore and buy promoted products. Discussion of sales data and purchasing trends shows a
positive correlation between Storynomic strategies and consumer purchasing decisions (Wonua
et al., 2023).
Practical and Theoretical Implications
The results of this study provide practical implications for businesses and marketers in
optimizing the use of Storynomic on the Instagram Reel platform. The implementation of the
Storynomic strategy that covers aspects of Indonesian language and literature opens up new
opportunities to understand and reach the market in a deeper way (Hidayat et al., 2023;
Saptawuryandari, 2014). Theoretically, this research contributes to the understanding of the
concept of Storynomic in the specific context of language and literature-based products,
complementing the digital marketing literature.
Research Sustainability
Although this study provides significant insights, there is room for continued research.
Future research may broaden the scope by involving further analysis of cultural influences and
current literary trends in Storynomic (Ciancarini et al., 2023). In addition, further exploration of the
long-term impact of implementing Storynomic strategies on aspects of consumer loyalty and
brand image can be an exciting area of research.
In the context of marketing products based on Indonesian language and literature on the
Instagram Reel platform, this research provides an in-depth understanding of the effectiveness of
Storynomic's strategy. The results of the analysis show that the application of Storynomic has a
positive impact in increasing audience attraction and product order potential. The use of creative
narratives, the character of the products formed, and the incorporation of cultural elements in the
story are key to the success of this strategy.
Storynomic Strategy in the Digital World: A Study on Instagram Reel in Increasing
Audience Attraction and Potential for Ordering Products Based on Indonesian Language
and Literature
JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 1 January 2024 21
Audience engagement, measured through metrics like likes, comments, and shares, shows
a positive response to Instagram Reels with Storynomic-based stories. This creates a closer
interaction between brands and consumers, creating an emotional bond that encourages active
participation from viewers.
The impact is not only limited to engagement, but also extends to potential product
ordering and purchasing decisions. Positive reactions to stories have an impact on consumers'
interest in exploring and buying the promoted product. This illustrates the important role of
Storynomic in stimulating consumer purchase actions.
The practical implication of this research is that the Storynomic strategy can be an effective
tool in marketing products based on Indonesian language and literature on the Instagram Reel
platform. Businesses can leverage this concept to increase their digital presence and build closer
relationships with consumers. While the results of this study provide valuable insights, further
research can be conducted to more deeply understand the long-term impact of Storynomic
strategies, including their impact on consumer loyalty and brand image. Thus, this research
provides a foundation for further exploration in exploring the full potential of Storynomic's
strategy in digital marketing of products based on Indonesian language and literature.
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Copyright holder:
Syarifah Khusnul Khotimah, Nasruddin, Hanida Aulia Santi, Asse Padly, Anastasya Rosyida An-
Nafi (2023)
First publication right:
Journal Transnational Universal Studies (JTUS)
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