JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 2 February 2024 98
JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 2 February 2024
E-ISSN: 2984-7435, P-ISSN: 2984-7427
Rita Rostika, Yulvina Maulida, Irfan Zidni, Mochhamad Ihsan C.U, Alexander M.Khan,
Buntora Pasaribu
Padjadjaran University, Indonesia
Email: rita.rosti[email protected]
The purpose of this study was to test what type of natural feed provides growth and
physiological conditions of the green lobster gut. One important factor to support the
development of aquaculture is appropriate feed to support growth. Efforts can be made in
optimizing the growth of sand lobsters through feeding that contains calcium and in natural
feed consistently. This study consisted of 4 treatments of natural feed types rich in Calcium and
Posfor, namely anchovies, rebon shrimp, gold snails and barnacles. The purpose of this study
was to observe different types of natural feed that can increase lobster survival (SR), weight
growth rate, intestinal histological features and hepatopancreas in green lobsters and water
quality at the study site. The highest survival rate in this study was found in the treatment of
rebon shrimp and gold snails of 96%. While the highest growth rate parameter is the treatment
of anchovy feed of 113.9 ± 30.7020. Furthermore, the highest intestinal histological condition
is the treatment of anchovy feed, namely the area of villi of 1857,667 (μm2) and the number of
villi in the intestine in green lobster 1857,667.
keywords: green lobster, calcium-phosphorus, natural feed, growth, intestinal hytologic
Green lobster (Panulrirus homarus) is one of the crustacean animal commodities in
Indonesia with high economic value both in the domestic and international markets (Pratiwi et al.,
2016; Rostika et al., 2023). In 2018 Indonesia became the second largest lobster producer with a
total production of 556 tons below Vietnam. However, lobster production in Indonesia still comes
from fishing compared to production from cultivation (Budiyanto, 2021).
Growth and gastrointestinal conditions of green lobster (Panulirus homarus) with
different natural feeding, which are raised in a longline submerged cage system on the
east coast of Pangandaran Regency
JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 2 February 2024 99
In lobsters as crustaceans, calcium and phosphorus play an important role in growth, namely
as the main ingredients in the process of hardening the exoskeleton after the molting phase
(Kunkel et al., 2012). According to (Zaidy & Hadie, 2009) The required calcium requirement in the
hardening phase of the lobster skin is a maximum of 2.5% and a minimum phosphorus of 1.2%.
However, the needs of calcium and phosphorus cannot be met from within the body (hemolymph)
and the environment because it is only able to meet 10% and 0.34% of the needs so that both
minerals must be contained in the feed (Hadie et al., 2010).
In nature, lobsters utilize various organisms such as fish 1.81%, mollusks 49.80%, detritus
3.66% and crustaceans 44.5% as feed (Purnamaningtyas & Nurfiani, 2017). The use of trash fish as
lobster feed has a negative impact on the environment (Irvin & Shanks, 2015b; Junaidi, 2016), low
feed conversion rate (Irvin & Shanks, 2015b; Jones, 2010) and formulation Low calcium and
phosphorus range from 4.15 49.52% (Susi, 2013; Talat et al., 2005). In addition, the use of artificial
feed on lobsters will become waste in the cultivation media, if the formulation is not right (Niode
et al., 2017). Research (Irvin & Shanks, 2015a) Natural feed is more optimal in increasing growth
because it contains attractants that can increase feed response in crustaceans.
Some natural foods that can be a substitute for trash fish that contain high calcium and
phosphorus in lobsters from the molluscs, crustaceans and gastropods are rebon shrimp (Acetes
sp.), gold snails (Pomacea canaliculata), barnacles (Cirripedia). The three feeds have high calcium
and phosphorus content respectively as in 757% and 292% rebon shrimp (Direktorat Gizi, 1992),
keong mas 129,18 % dan 60,52 % (Putri et al., 2019), and barnacles (Cirripedia) by 727 %
(Rahmaningtyas et al., 2017). This study aims to determine the best type of natural feed and its
effect in increasing survival and growth rate as well as the physiological condition of lobsters
(Panulirus homarus).
This research will be conducted from November to December 2023. Lobster rearing is
carried out in Floating Net Cages (KJA) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Padjadjaran
University, in East Coast Waters, Pangandaran Regency, West Java.
The test animals used in this study were juvenile green lobsters with initial weights ranging
from 70-90 g; length 13-16 cm. Green lobster is obtained from the results of catching in nature
by fishermen of Pangandaran Regency.
The feed used consists of 4 types, namely anchovies (Stolephorus sp.), rebon shrimp (Acetes
sp.), gold snails (Pomacea canaliculata), barnacles (Cirripedia). Feed is given in the afternoon in
the amount of 20% by weight of biomass. Data collection was carried out for 60 days by measuring
the length and weight of lobsters every 10 days until the end of rearing. Measurements of lobster
body length and weight are carried out by taking 5 heads at each treatment. Body length
Rita Rostika, Yulvina Maulida, Irfan Zidni, Mochhamad Ihsan C.U, Alexander M.Khan,
Buntora Pasaribu
100 JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 2 February 2024
measurements are carried out using millimeter blocks with an accuracy of 1 mm while weight
measurements use digital scales with an accuracy of 0.1 g. Water quality data collection includes
parameters of brightness, current velocity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and salinity.
Measurements were taken at the beginning and end of the study in the morning and evening.
Test lobsters were kept on a cube-shaped L-shaped submerged cage with a length of 272
cm, a width of 250 cm, and a height of 135 cm. The material on the cage frame is made of square-
shaped High Destiny Polyethyline (HDPE) poles. Cages already tied to buoys are sunk at a depth
of 5 m.
The study was designed using a complete randomized design (RAL) consisting of 4
treatments and each was given 5 individual repeats. The parameters used consist of survival rate
(SR), weight growth rate, intestinal histology and water quality. Analysis of water quality and
gastrointestinal conditions was analyzed descriptively. Performance parameters are statistically
analyzed through the fingerprint analysis test (ANOVA). If the treatment had an effect, Duncan's
follow-up test was carried out at a 95% confidence level. The survival rate is calculated based on
the formula proposed by Huisman (1987), namely:
𝑆𝑅 =
SR = Survival (%)
Nt = Number of fish at the end of the study (tail)
No = Number of fish in the study awaal (tail)
Weight growth is calculated using the equation proposed by Effendie (1997), namely:
Wm = Wt Wo
Wm = Growth rate (g)
Wt = Average weight of seeds at the end of the study (g)
Wo = Average weight of seeds at the start of the study (g)
The histological examination is calculated using a formula according to Iji et al. (2001) as
𝐿𝑉 =
𝑏 + 𝑐
× 𝑎
LV = vili surface area (μm²)
a = vili height (μm)
b = apical width vili (μm)
c = basal width vili (μm)
Making histological preparations of sand lobster intestines was carried out at the Biological
Laboratory of FMIPA Universitas Padjadjaran.
Growth and gastrointestinal conditions of green lobster (Panulirus homarus) with
different natural feeding, which are raised in a longline submerged cage system on the
east coast of Pangandaran Regency
JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 2 February 2024 101
Survival Rate
At the end of the rearing period, survival data were obtained on 60% of all green lobsters.
The highest survival value was found in treatment A (gold snail feed) and C (rebon shrimp feed)
of 96% and the lowest in treatment D with anchovy feeding of 72% (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Green Lobster survival rate
The high survival rate is due to the amount and frequency of feed given precisely to prevent
mutual prey among lobsters and is supported by optimal water quality in accordance with its
natural habitat. This is in accordance with opinion Rihardi et al. (2013) which states that the high
survival is due to the timing and amount of feeding and the condition of water quality during
maintenance is stable and does not become a limiting factor on lobster survival rates. In addition,
it is suspected that the treatment of A, B and C comes from natural feed that has a shell so that
the calcium and phosphorus content in the shell is able to minimize the occurrence of cannibalism
and maintain survival in lobsters. This is in accordance with Suptijah, (2012) that calcium derived
from crustacean shells can make receptors quickly enter so that they can be directly utilized by
the body properly.
Predation activity that occurs in lobsters is characteristic of aggressiveness between
individuals in one container that shows dominance (Safir et al., 2023). Increased cannibalism in
lobsters occurs during molting, because the lobster's body is soft and it is of particular interest to
the alleged distinctive aroma released during molting that attracts other individuals for predation
(Handayani & Syahputra, 2018). Calcium plays an important role in speeding up lobster time in
the exoskeleton hardening process to avoid predation during molting.
Weight Gain
Growth measurements showed that during the 60 days of observation there was an increase
in the average weight gain of green lobsters. the increase had different effects between treatments
Rita Rostika, Yulvina Maulida, Irfan Zidni, Mochhamad Ihsan C.U, Alexander M.Khan,
Buntora Pasaribu
102 JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 2 February 2024
(P>0.05). The highest average increase was found in treatment D with feeding using anchovies,
which was 1.90% (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Sand lobster growth rate graph
The high increase in D treatment is thought to be because anchovies can meet the needs of
calcium and phosphorus to stimulate or stimulate lobster growth. As according to (Nurfaidah &
Agustono, 2021) Calcium plays a significant role in the molting process as gastroliths that will be
absorbed by lobsters to harden the shell again after the motling process. A more frequent molting
frequency will provide a better accretion rate (Safir et al., 2023). So the more often the lobster
molts, the faster its growth will be (Handayani & Syahputra, 2018). According (Kurniasih, 2008)
that crustaceans that obtain adequate nutritional content will experience faster molting because
the energy stored in food will be metabolized and used directly for growth and maintenance. As
it is known that molting plays an important role in the life cycle of lobsters. This is because the
success of molting will determine the growth of lobsters (Hakim, 2009).
Gain is directly proportional to growth and closely related to body weight. High weight
growth in D treatment can be achieved due to the availability of calcium which affects growth in
sand lobsters because in the hardening phase of the shell after molting lobsters and curstaceans
require calcium in the process. The content of calcium and phosphorus in anchovies is 757 mg /
100 g and 292 mg / 100 g (Direktorat Gizi, 1992) More contributions were able to produce the
highest growth in individual weight of sand lobsters in this study.
Weight growth is an indicator of physiological cell development, especially in crustaceans
Weight growth is influenced by various factors until molting takes place (Tahya et al., 2016).
Growth characteristics in crustaceans are different from fish. This is due to molting events in its
life cycle (Saputra & Indaryanto, 2019). Growth in lobsters occurs very rapidly during the postmolt
phase. In the postmolt phase, growth occurs optimally due to the absorption of various materials
from the environment and various mineral needs, especially calcium and phosphorus from feed
to restore the strength of the carapace (Safir et al., 2023). The ability of lobsters to metabolize
before molting is very influential on the success of significant growth. This is important because
Growth and gastrointestinal conditions of green lobster (Panulirus homarus) with
different natural feeding, which are raised in a longline submerged cage system on the
east coast of Pangandaran Regency
JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 2 February 2024 103
the failure of lobsters to collect energy can cause death (mortality) during the ecdysis phase
(Kunkel et al., 2012).
Histology of the Intestine and Hepatopancreas
Lobsters have a different gastrointestinal tract from the gastrointestinal tract of fish. The
process of breakdown and absorption of feed nutrients occurs in the hepatopancreas. The
gastrointestinal tract in lobsters consists of the mouth, stomach, hepatopancreas and
intestines. The hepatopancreas acts as the front intestine, while the intestinal part of the lobster
resembles the nature of the back intestine (Rostika, 2023). The results showed that the area of
lobster villi ranged from 505,908 1857,667 (μm2) while the number of villi ranged from 10,200 –
Table 1. Calculation of Number and Area of Lobster Villi
Total of Villies
Broad Vili (µm
The digestive tract will become healthier which then the development of intestinal villi will
be increases, so that digestibility and absorption of nutrients increase, especially protein and
calcium (Purwati et al., 2005).
The largest villi surface area is found in treatment D with anchovy feeding, which is
1857.6679 μm². This is thought to be because anchovies provide high nutritional contributions
such as protein, minerals, and other nutrients. It is supported by (Purwati et al., 2005) that the
digestive tract will become healthier which then the development of intestinal villi will increase,
so that the digestibility and absorption of nutrients increase especially protein and calcium,
histological images of the hepatopancreas are in Figure 3.
Rita Rostika, Yulvina Maulida, Irfan Zidni, Mochhamad Ihsan C.U, Alexander M.Khan,
Buntora Pasaribu
104 JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 2 February 2024
Hepatopancreas of lobsters given gold snails
Hepatopancreas of rebon-fed lobsters
Anchovy-fed lobster hepatopancreas
Hepatopancreas of barnacle-fed lobsters
Figure 3. The histology of the hepatopancreas is found in.
Based on the results of research conducted by Haetami et al., (2022) Regarding the
morphometrics of intestinal villi and goldfish weight gain, it is found that increasing the width,
length and depth of the crypta in the villi can increase the area of nutrient absorption which will
affect growth. Monitoring the gastrointestinal tract is important to assess digestive performance
because the intestine is an organ that plays an important role in the process of absorption and
digestion of nutrients from food (Raković et al., 2009). Intestinal performance is closely related
to the growth of sand lobsters.
The area of villi is related to the process of absorption of nutrients, the larger the size of the
villi, the more nutrients absorbed by the body which will affect the development of organs in the
body. Meanwhile, the length of the villi also serves to absorb nutrients through certain cells
transported by a network of capillaries and lymphatic vessels which are then flowed by the blood
to be distributed to cells throughout the body (Siagian, 2016).
Water Quality
Water quality observations were used as supporting parameters that could support the life
of sand lobsters in the study. Water quality observations used as supporting parameters during
the study were brightness, current speed, temperature, dissolved oxyden (DO), acidity (pH) and
salinity. The measurement results show that water quality still meets the quality standards for sand
lobster maintenance (Table 2).
Growth and gastrointestinal conditions of green lobster (Panulirus homarus) with
different natural feeding, which are raised in a longline submerged cage system on the
east coast of Pangandaran Regency
JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 2 February 2024 105
Table 1. Water Quality Measurement Results
Baku Mutu
Brightness (m)
Current speed (cm/det)
Temperature (°C)
27 32
DO (mg/l)
Salinitas (ppt)
*Standard according to SNI 8116:2015
**Standard according to Affan (2011); Radiarta et al. (2015); Prasetya & Hasidu, (2022)
The brightness value obtained on the coast of the East Coast of Pangandaran is 3.1 m. Based
on this, the suitability of lobster cultivation land in the KJA system has a very suitable brightness
of >3 m, while the category is quite suitable ranging from 2-3 m (Affan, 2011; Radiarta et al., 2015).
The brightness parameter relates to the number of particles floating or suspended in the water
column. The more particles that enter the waters, the condition of the waters will be more turbid.
The current speed measured on the East Coast of Pangandaran obtained a value of 19.5 cm
/ sec. Currents that are too strong will endanger the growth and construction of KJA, while currents
that are too low are not suitable for cultivation activities (Adipu et al., 2014). The suitability value
of lobster cultivation land with the KJA system ranges from 20-40 cm / sec (Prasetya & Hasidu,
2022). Current circulation plays a very important role in cultivation in KJA. Currents that are too
weak are not able to decompose food waste in maintenance containers, so it will result in buildup
and become toxic to cultivated biota (Louhenapessy et al., 2023).
The temperature value found during the study produced a value of 27-29 °C which shows
that the coastal waters of the East Coast of Pangandaran are very suitable for lobster cultivation
with the KJA system. The acquisition of temperature values during the study was not much
different from the 2023 study on the hatchability of lobster eggs which produced the best egg
hatchability of 91.5% with a temperature value of 29 °C (Faris et al., 2023). If there is a temperature
fluctuation, the lobster will have an impact on the inhibition of growth and molting process
(Handayani & Wardhana, 2022).
The acquisition of dissolve oxygen (DO) values in this study ranged from 6.4 8.8 mg / l.
based on seawater quality standards for KJA system cultivation, the corresponding DO parameters
> 5 mg / l. Thus, the dissolved oxygen (DO) value in this study is very suitable for lobster growth.
Dissolved oxygen (DO) can decrease in a body of water which will have an impact on growth,
metabolic performance and molting, and can cause a decrease in the immune system of lobsters
so that resistance to disease also decreases (Setyowati et al., 2013).
Rita Rostika, Yulvina Maulida, Irfan Zidni, Mochhamad Ihsan C.U, Alexander M.Khan,
Buntora Pasaribu
106 JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 2 February 2024
The degree of acidity or pH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions that indicates
the alkaline and acidic nature of waters. The pH value obtained during the study ranged from 7 -
8. The value is appropriate and slightly lower than seawater quality standards. Based on PP 22 of
2021, the quality of pH in waters during the study was still within the quality standard limits for
marine biota, namely 7 8.5.
The measurement results at the time of the study showed salinity values ranging from 34 -
35 ppt. Based on the standard value of water quality, the value obtained is appropriate for lobster
growth. These results are supported by research (Amali & Sari, 2020) That the salinity range
between 36-42 has a significant effect on the life pass rate of sand lobsters which is 97%. Salinity
is very important for the survival of marine life. A decrease in salinity value will change the
dynamics and composition of organisms, so that every marine life has a tolerance limit for salinity
(Rahman & Mansyur, 2016).
The highest value in the survival rate of green lobster is the treatment of rebon shrimp and
gold snails by 96%. However, for growth rate and physiological conditions of the intestine and
hepatopancreas, green lobster is best in giving anchovies treatment compared to other
treatments. This can be seen from the data obtained, namely growth rate, length growth 4.9,
feeding efficiency 10.16%. While the treatment that provides.
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Copyright holder:
Rita Rostika, Yulvina Maulida, Irfan Zidni, Mochhamad Ihsan C.U, Alexander M.Khan, Buntora
Pasaribu (2024)
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Journal Transnational Universal Studies (JTUS)
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