Journal Transnational Universal Studies 2024-08-10T05:55:12+00:00 JTUS [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Journal Transnational Universal Studies </strong>is a double blind peer-reviewed academic journal and open access to law and politics. The journal is published monthlyrec by Central Publishing.</p> <p><br /><strong>Journal Transnational Universal Studies</strong> provides a means for sustained discussion of relevant issues that fall within the focus and scopes of the journal which can be examined empirically.<br />This journal publishes research articles multidisciplinary sciences, which includes: Humanities and social sciences, contemporary political science, Educational sciences, religious sciences and philosophy, economics, Engineering sciences, Health sciences, medical sciences, design arts sciences and media. Published articles are from critical and comprehensive research, studies or scientific studies on important and current issues or reviews of scientific books.</p> <p>Published articles are from critical and comprehensive research, studies or scientific studies on important and current issues or reviews of scientific books.</p> <p>This journal publishes research articles covering multidiciplinary.<br />Journal has become a member of Crossref (Prefix: <a href="">10.58631</a>) with Online ISSN <a href="">2984-7435</a> and Print ISSN <a href=";search_id=26747351">2984-7427</a></p> Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program Initiative of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal (IT) Banjarmasin in an Effort to Improve Welfare and Sustainable Development in the City of Banjarmasin 2024-07-27T02:19:53+00:00 Andi Indrawan [email protected] Hartono Hartono [email protected] Ibnu Naufal [email protected] Adi Lukman Arifin [email protected] Fikri Jati Wibowo [email protected] <p>This study aims to analyze the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program initiatives carried out by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Banjarmasin in Banjarmasin City. This case study explores the implementation of community empowerment-based CSR programs carried out by companies in an effort to improve welfare and sustainable development in the surrounding area. The research method used is qualitative descriptive, the analysis is carried out by in-depth analysis of the 2022 PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Banjarmasin CSR Program Implementation Report document. The results of the analysis show that CSR programs implemented by the company, such as the CSR initiative program of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga IT Banjarmasin, have a positive impact on community empowerment, including people with disabilities and women's groups, both in improving the economy, and having an impact on the environment. In addition, this initiative program has also managed to obtain a satisfactory level of trust with an average Community Satisfaction Index (IKM) score of 3.5 with the predicate (A) or very good.</p> 2024-08-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Indrawan, Hartono, Ibnu Naufal, Adi Lukman Arifin, Fikri Jati Wibowo Growth and Yield Response of Several Zucchini (Cucurbita Pepo L) Varieties to Auxin Application in The Midland in Tropical Area 2024-08-05T12:37:59+00:00 E. Fidiyawati [email protected] Budi Waluyo [email protected] Eko Widaryanto [email protected] <p>Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) is a short-lived vegetable plant with a harvest period ranging from 28 to 60 days after planting. It offers health benefits and has the potential for development in Indonesia, although it faces challenges, particularly because it thrives better in highland areas. This research aims to identify adaptive zucchini varieties for medium-altitude areas and evaluate the effect of auxin (IAA) on the growth and yield of zucchini in these regions. The study employed a split-plot design, with the main plots being varieties (P1, P2, P3) and the subplots being auxin concentrations (A0, A50, A100, A150 ppm). Observed variables included plant length, leaf number, stem diameter, leaf area, flowering age (male and female), number of flowers (male and female), number of fruits per plant, fruit weight per plant, as well as fruit length and diameter. The results indicated that the Carissa variety adapted best, producing a fruit weight per plant of 1,067.40 g. Additionally, auxin application increased the fruit weight per plant compared to those without auxin.</p> 2024-08-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 E. Fidiyawati, Budi Waluyo, Eko Widaryanto The The Effect of Work Motivation and Work Discipline on Employee Performance at PT Bank Mandiri (PERSERO) Tbk Regional Office 2 Palembang 2024-07-19T05:44:12+00:00 Electrina Rahmadani [email protected] Marlina Widiyanti [email protected] Muhammad Ichsan Hadjri [email protected] Muhammad Yusuf [email protected] <p>The purpose of this research was to examine how work motivation and work discipline affect employee performance at PT Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk, Regional Office 2 in Palembang. In this study, the population used was 150 employees at PT Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk Regional Office 2 Palembang by calculating the sample size carried out using the Saturated Sampling technique, including 40 people from the finance department, 40 people from the operation department, 35 people from the credit and business support departments as many as 35 people. The sample was selected using the proportionate random sampling technique, which ensures that every employee in the population has an equal chance of being chosen as part of the random sample. The multiple linear regression analysis results indicate that work motivation and work discipline positively and significantly impact employee performance. Work motivation, it is expected that in forming work team members, it needs to be adjusted to the appropriate level of education, appropriate work experience. Work discipline, the application of sanctions for employees who have been warned not to repeat their mistakes. Employee performance is anticipated to consistently produce work outcomes that meet the company's expectations.</p> 2024-08-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Electrina Rahmadani, Marlina Widiyanti, Muhammad Ichsan Hadjri, Muhammad Yusuf Habiburokhman's Political Communication Network in the 2019 Election 2024-07-05T22:18:21+00:00 Hermansyah Hermansyah [email protected] <p>In the 2019 election, the role of the political communication network is very important for every legislative candidate who participates in the contest. In essence, a candidate who has many relationships and is supported by a network strength can certainly make it easier to win the votes of the people. This research aims to find out how Habiburokhman built a political communication network in the 2019 election. In this study, a qualitative approach is used. Meanwhile, the method used is Communication Network Analysis (CNA). The data collection techniques used are interviews and documentation. Analysis on a data is in the form of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing using UCINET. As for the triangulation test in this study, using source triangulation was carried out to a political communication expert, Gun Gun Heriyanto. The results of the study explain that the success achieved by Habiburokhman in the 2019 election is inseparable from the support and strength of a political communication network that has been built so far. The networks are divided into five groups, namely the political communication network group of the volunteer team, the political communication network group of the success team, the political communication network group of the women's team, the political communication network group of the millennial team, and the political communication network group of the media team. Then Habiburokhman during the 2019 election used a community-based dor to dor kampage approach.</p> 2024-08-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hermansyah