JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 9 September 2024

E-ISSN: 2984-7435, P-ISSN: 2984-7427

DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.58631/jtus.v2i9.115

Political Communicator Irine Yusiana Roba Putri Member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Period 2019-2024


Siti Sahra Musa1*, Sa'diyah El Adawiyah2

1,2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



The role of political communicators in the process of conveying public opinion should have capacity, so that the ideas conveyed in their messages are able to influence the public. This study discusses political communicator Irine Yusiana Roba Putri as a member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2019-2024 term. The purpose of the study is to analyze the role of political communicator Irine Yusiana Roba Putri in convincing and influencing the public as well as to understand the Elements of Communicators built during the 2019 campaign. The method used in this study is a qualitative method in the form of a case study. The results of this study illustrate that Irine yusiana Roba Putri has the capacity to be a political communicator as a member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia. Politician Irine is a representative of the group he leads, so that in communicating a politician as a political communicator will protect the goals and interests of his group in accordance with the goals as a legislative member in parliament, Irine is able to approach the community or his constituents in the style of a wongcilik approach, meaning descending and blending directly with the grassroots. From the results of Irine's research, it meets four elements in political communicators, namely; Credibility, attractiveness, similarity and power.


Keywords: Communication, Political Communication, Political Communicator, Credibility, Attractiveness.



The 1945 Constitution guarantees equality between men and women, and gender equality has been adopted into a policy to integrate gender perspectives into policy, planning and budgeting. Affirmative action has also been introduced in Law No. 10 of 2008 on General Elections to ensure that at least 30 percent of women are nominated for legislative candidates to address the problem of lack of gender representation in politics in the country. So the 2019 election is the fourth election since the implementation of the affirmative action policy. Various efforts have been made so that the policy can increase women's representation in the legislature by at least 30 percent Affirmative action is a policy taken with the aim that certain groups/groups (gender or profession) get equal opportunities with other groups/groups in the same field. It can also be interpreted as a policy that gives privileges to certain groups. In the political context, affirmative action is carried out to encourage the number of women in the legislature to be more representative (Arka, 2021).

(Anastasia et al., 2012) explained in the Women Research Institute (WRI) that affirmation action is a policy that tries to provide equal opportunities to certain groups or groups (such as gender or profession) in the same sector. It can also be understood as a policy that gives special treatment to certain groups. Affirmative action is used in the political environment to increase women's representation in political institutions.

(Hamid, 2019) said that in dealing with gender inequality in political activities, affirmative action is expected to be a solution. Regulatory support in the form of laws as conveyed by Patonangi, Anindhita et al. and Hamid that women may play an important role in society. This is because of the qualities and abilities that allow them to help women enter positions that were previously dominated by men. According to the results of a study conducted by (Susanti et al., 2021), the history of affirmative action in the field of elections began with the formation of Law No. 12 of 2003 concerning General Elections. Article 65 paragraph 1 explicitly states that in preparing candidates for members of the DPR, provincial DPRD, and district/city DPRD in each constituency, political parties must meet the minimum quota of 30% female representation. Regulations related to affirmative action of election organizers then continue to be enshrined in changes to the law on elections (Daryono Bawaslu Banyumas Jl Ahmad Yani No et al., 2021)

According to a study conducted by (Ekawati, 2014), the quota policy allows women to participate in the political process, and is assumed to be able to represent the interests of women and their groups. Women who enter politics, on the other hand, face not only economic and social barriers, but also questions of ideology, mechanisms, and patriarchal culture, which continue to be a stumbling block for women. Meanwhile, Mary Wollestonecraft, the formulator of feminist ideology in the 19th century in her essay entitled "The Subjection of Women" in Turner (2000), stated, intellectually and morally, women are equal to men, and they also have the same rights as men. Meanwhile, (Retyaningtyas, 2018) wrote about the equality of rights of women and men in political, economic, and social life, as well as non-discrimination, as the most basic human right and an important component of democracy.

Affirmations given by the constitution since the enactment of this affirmation since the 2009 election to meet the quota of 30% female representation in parliament, the number of women's seats has continued to decline even though the increase in women's participation in the election from 33.6% in 2009 to 37% in 2014, inversely proportional to the number of seats obtained in 2009 as much as 18.2% to 17.3% in the 2014 election. From these achievements, it is necessary to add a form of affirmation for women in the Election Law so that some women politicians have a desire to increase affirmation in the form of parliamentary quotas (reserved seats). Others want to require political parties to nominate women at number 1 in 30 percent of constituencies if they still use an open proportional system. Then, other female politicians hope that the application of the 2:1 zipper system for electability will be achieved if a closed proportional system is used. In fact, the higher the percentage of women in parliament as a result of affirmation, the weaker women's political power is. What strengthens even patriarchal politics in the form of dynastic politics (Arka, 2021)

Gender roles in Indonesia are also influenced by cultural and religious traditions, which often limit women's freedom or prevent them from participating in political activism. Culture can also influence women to lose confidence in political engagement. Women often consider the political recruitment process to be a zerosum game because of its competitive and intimidating aspects. A female leader faces a problem that is quite heavy. This is due to the assumption that it is the masculine character of the leader that is proven to provide the most success in leadership. This is a problem in connection with the socialization process that has been carried out for women, which in general, is not in accordance with masculine nature. Will female leaders also experience success? Do women leaders have to guarantee masculine traits to achieve effectiveness? What about her own innate feminine traits? Female leaders do not need to worry about their feminine character, because there are many research results that show that feminine leadership styles can also achieve success (Adawiyah, 2017)

General elections, conceptually, are a means of implementing people's sovereignty. Through elections, the legitimacy of the people's power is implemented through the "handover" of some of their power and rights to their representatives in parliament and government. The general election campaign is one of the efforts to influence the people persuasively (not forcefully) by carrying out rhetoric, public relations, mass communication, lobbying, and others. Although agitation and propaganda in democratic countries are strongly criticized, in general election campaigns, agitation techniques and propaganda techniques are widely used by candidates or politicians as political communicators.

The background of the philosophical Election Law is due to several considerations. First, the election itself has the goal of ensuring the realization of Indonesia's ideals and goals. This national ideal can be found in Pancasila which is enshrined in the Preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Tahub 1945, which reads that "The Government of the State of Indonesia which protects the entire Indonesian nation and all the blood of Indonesia and to promote public welfare, educate the life of the nation, and participate in the implementation of a world order based on independence, lasting peace and social justice". Second, in order for what is the goal and ideals of the Indonesian nation to be achieved, it is necessary to have a general election. The implementation of elections is due to elect representatives of the people and the state government, because elections are a means to realize people's sovereignty. To ensure the existence of the nation's ideals, it is necessary to have a basis based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution (Firdausy & Riswanto, 2019)

General elections or elections are democratic parties that must be held by democratic countries. Indonesia as a democratic country has carried out elections as a routine activity that is held every five years. The implementation of elections in Indonesia is always followed by the creation of legal instruments regarding elections. Ahead of the implementation of the 2019 elections, the House of Representatives or the House of Representatives and the Government are not spared to make new legal instruments related to the 2019 elections. Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections is a new legal instrument issued to regulate related to the 2019 Elections. The arrangements in the 2019 election are different from the previous elections, especially from 2004 to 2014 (Diniant, 2019)

Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections was not born without cause. Many backgrounds inspired the birth of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections. Looking at the considerations of Law Number 7 of 2017, there will be several reasons for the creation of the Law. First, Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections was issued to achieve state goals. Second, strengthen the democratic constitutional system. Third, the law was made in order to realize fair and integrated general elections. Fourth, the law was passed as an instrument that guarantees the regulation of the general election system. In addition to these four things, the consideration also still provides two reasons behind the making of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections. Fifth, namely, the law has the purpose of providing legal certainty for the implementation of general elections. In addition, it can be used as an instrument to prevent duplication in general election arrangements. Sixth, the last reason contained in the consideration is to create an effective and efficient general election (Diniant, 2019)

General elections have a very important position in the Republic of Indonesia and General Elections are related to the upholding of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and democracy is also related to the continuity of National Development in Indonesia. The General Election is a very important thing that requires an analysis. Because in our constitution, the 1945 Constitution before the amendment did not have a single article that explicitly mentioned general elections. However, since the amendment of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia related to General Elections (elections) is contained in article 1 paragraph (2), Article 6A, and article 19 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution. These articles have the essence and purpose of elections, namely strengthening the democratic constitutional system, realizing fair and integrity elections, ensuring the consistency of electoral system regulation, realizing effective and efficient elections as well as providing legal certainty and preventing duplication in elections (Firdausy & Riswanto, 2019)

General elections are a real manifestation of democracy in the practice of statehood in the present day, because it is the main means for the people to declare their sovereignty over the state and government. The people's sovereignty is manifested in the process of community involvement to determine who must run and supervise the running of the state government. In addition, the election also aims to elect representatives of the people who will sit in the representative body. In the UN human rights general statement in article 21 paragraph 1 it is stated that "everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through his freely elected representatives" The right to participate in this government is related to and inseparable from the next right in paragraph 2, namely "everyone has the right to have equal access to services by the government of his country". The affirmation is contained in paragraph 3 which states that "the will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of the government, this will shall be expressed in true and periodic elections of a general nature with the same right to vote and the will shall be held by secret ballot or through the procedure of free voting" (Arka, 2021)

In their journal, Elcaptura and Dinata explained that based on the provisions of Article 1 number 1 and Article 2 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections, six principles of general elections are mentioned, namely; direct, public, free, confidential, honest and fair. The principle of honest elections means that in organizing general elections, organizers/implementers, the government and political parties participating in the elections, election supervisors and monitors, including voters and all parties involved indirectly, must behave and act honestly in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. The principle of fair general elections means that in holding elections, every voter and political party participating in the election receives the same treatment, and is free from fraud by any party (Kolang et al., 2022).

The state has a great responsibility in eliminating discrimination against women because the development of discriminatory practices against women is closely related to various issues for which the state is responsible, such as poverty, the strengthening of religious and cultural fundamentalism or conservatism, as well as the restriction of women's rights both in politics and to take part in the public sphere to overcome the problem of discrimination experienced by these women. There is one international human rights instrument, namely Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) which was adopted by the United Nations in 1979 and ratified by Indonesia through Law Number 7 of 1984 concerning the Ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Thus, Indonesia has a responsibility to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women and apply the principle of equality between men and women in law and daily life. Indonesia has tried various things to protect women's human rights by applying CEDAW (Handayani, 2016)

Countries with a significant number of women in the formulation of progressive policies on women, such as Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands and so on. This is in contrast to the minimal number of women in parliament, such as Japan (7.3%), the United States (145), Kuwait and Saudi Arabia (0%). In Indonesia, the birth of encouragement for women in occupying the position of regional head or regional head leadership is very strong and relevant. Support through Government Policies in realizing gender equality and justice has been stipulated in GBHN, 1999, Law No. 25 of 2000 concerning the National Development Program (Propenas 2000-2004) and emphasized by Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2000 concerning Gender Mainstreaming (PUG). Other supporting laws, Law No. 7 of 1984 concerning the Ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; Law No. 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence; Law No. 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of Trafficking in Persons. In addition, the government is also making the Gender Equality and Justice Bill (RUU KKG), which is one of the bills that will be discussed in the 2009-2014 National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) (Tuti & El Adawiyah, 2020)

The toughest challenge for female candidates is the candidates from their fellow women, with their diverse local political cultures, the level of their confinement in the local patriarchal culture, their level of education, the level of understanding and awareness of the importance of their voices being adequately represented, and the level of views on politics itself. That is, removing doubts among women themselves about the notion that politics is bad and dirty. Understanding the meaning of politics from a women's perspective must be understood first, which is a platform for herself in fighting for the improvement and change of the fate of Indonesian women. So that it can criticize the general/masculine view that politics is a tool to gain power, rather than as an infrastructure/means to improve the state of Indonesia. Meanwhile, political parties are one of the mainstream vehicles (but the vehicles are not privately owned, but jointly owned by members of their party/party) that apply in this electoral system, which inevitably must be followed by Indonesian women. Because women are also rational creatures, their abilities are the same as men, so they must be given the same rights as men. The problem lies in the product of the State's policies that are gender-biased. Therefore, in the 18th century there were often demands for women to receive the same education, in the 19th century there were many efforts to fight for civil and economic rights opportunities for women, and in the 20th century women's organizations began to be formed to oppose sexual discrimination in the political, social, economic, and personal fields. The state of Indonesia is a country that is still thick with patriarchal culture. This patriarchal culture has been passed down from generation to generation to form differences in behavior, status, and authority between men and women in society which then becomes a gender hierarchy (2009:33). This is indeed true, as we have seen that until now the patriarchal culture is still very binding on our society (Nimrah dan Sakaria et al., 2015)

For women, politics means a lot, because politics is interpreted as a tool to voice women's demands and interests regarding equality and justice to get equal treatment in front of the law, politics, the State and society. Gender in the field of politics sees that the roles of men and women in politics should be the same and get the same place as the place that men usually occupy (Nurcahyo, 2016). Therefore, women are still enthusiastic to participate in politics despite the many obstacles and challenges they face. Because political participation belongs to all citizens. Another factor that has a great influence on the political system is the perception that women are only suitable to be housewives and are not suitable to play an active role in public functions in society, let alone political actors. This is similar to what Khofifah Indar Parawansa said that in a country that adheres to a patriarchal system, such as Indonesia, women's opportunities to become politicians are relatively limited because of the public's perception of the division of roles between men and women, which tends to be biased towards limiting women's roles in household affairs (Nimrah dan Sakaria et al., 2015)

Susan Blackburn in the Women's Journal (December 2012, 131) the main challenges of women's leadership are the strength of the patriarchal leadership system at the national elite level and the strength of Islamic politics which is patriarchal (Blackburn, 2012). The biggest obstacles to women's leadership empowerment are two things: first, women work too much, too much (overworked); Second, women are paid too poorly by the economic system. Both are women leaders. Basically, women have many opportunities to become leaders. However, the biggest challenge is the lack of training of women in public leadership and women's choice to stay at home. These two internal challenges are a vivid portrait of how women are still placed and position themselves as second-class citizens (Adawiyah, 2017)

Law No. 2 of 2008 on political parties defines that a political party is an organization that is national in nature and is formed by a group of Indonesian citizens voluntarily on the basis of the same will and ideals to fight for and defend the political interests of members, society, nation and state. As well as maintaining the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Thus, it can be said that political parties have an important central position and role in every understanding of democracy. Therefore, political parties are commonly referred to as the main pillars of democracy because they play an important role as a liaison between the state government and citizens. Each political party must meet a minimum of 30% women in the list of candidates submitted in the legislative election as regulated in Law no. 12 of 2003, concerning general elections, Law no. 2 of 2008 concerning political parties, and Law no. 7 of 2017. Accommodate the importance of women's representation in parliament so that women can have wider access to decision-making.

Women have the same opportunities as men in the world of politics and it is stated in Law No. 10 of 2008 that they are given the right to be married by ensuring at least 30 percent of women. So that this background is very important regarding the presence and role of women as political communicators in parliament.

The 2024 legislative election will be held at the same time as the presidential election and the regional head election. Each party has begun to prepare its political figures. Irine yusiana roba putri was the winner in the 2019 election yesterday.� The female figure who currently serves as a member of the Indonesian legislature from the PDIP party will again fight with the North Maluku constituency.

Irene Yusiana Roba Putri was born and raised in Yogyakarta, but her parents are from one of the districts in North Maluku, precisely in West Halmahera.� Irine is one of the cadres of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) who was the winner of the election of Members of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia in the 2014 election and the 2019 election with the North Maluku constituency, Two terms have been in office. What strategic steps have been played in the role of political communicators so that they can hold office until now. Irene as a political actor, what kind of ability to gain public trust, and receive political legitimacy support from the public, especially voters, this is the background for the research study, especially if you look at the background of Irene not growing up in North Maluku, this is what is an interesting concern in this research. What kind of political communication process is used by a female actress, so that the paradigm that the presence of women who are only present as a complement can be aborted by itself.� Women's political actors are very interesting to study regarding the role of political communicators, who are able to overcome various challenges, especially patriarchal issues and as a complement to the 30% quota.

In the world of politics, political communicators play a major social role, especially in the process of forming public opinion. Political communicators as actors or identified as leaders who have above-average potential and competence compared to citizens in general in terms of conveying thoughts or ideas wherever they are. Efforts to declare themselves as political communicators include; politicians, professional communicators, and activists, what is required is to have the ability to communicate. The ability to communicate means that a person is able and intelligent in conveying arguments, ideas, and thoughts to the public, wherever he or she is. That is, no matter where he is, every statement is able to influence in every thing that is said.

As political communicators, they are interested in conveying political messages to other parties, both formal and informal, with the aim of creating mutual understanding with the audience that is the target of their message. So that female political communicators are also considered important, as is the case with what Irine did as a legislative which will be discussed in this study. Based on the above background, the purpose of this research is to analyze the role of women political communicators in shaping public opinion, especially regarding Irine Yusiana Roba Putri as one of the women legislators who was successfully re-elected in two election periods in the North Maluku Electoral District. This research focuses on how Irine's political communication strategies are used to overcome challenges, including a strong patriarchal culture, and how she utilizes her role as a political communicator to fight for voters' interests and gain political legitimacy.

The benefit of this research is to provide insight into women's political communication strategies, especially in the context of legislative elections in Indonesia. This research can contribute to the development of political communication theory related to gender roles, as well as being a reference for other women who want to take part in politics. By understanding the challenges and strategies that have been successfully implemented, it is hoped that it can encourage women's wider participation in politics and erase the stigma that politics is an arena that is only suitable for men. This research is also expected to be an input for political parties in designing more inclusive strategies in involving women as candidates in future elections.



Place and Time of Implementation

The examination time is carried out since the guidance decision letter was signed by the Dean of FISIP UMJ. This examination was carried out in North Maluku as the electoral district, as well as at the Head Office of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, PDI Perjuangan Faction on Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto, Nusantara II Building, Central Jakarta.

Research Approach

The approach to the study that is used in this study is a qualitative interpretation that is descriptive in nature, describing the natural means of the phenomena that exist in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the events, both people or the group of people who are involved in the topic of the study, namely in this case discussing the objectives of the Political Coordinator Irine Yusiana Roba Putri is a Member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2019-2024 period.

Research Methods

The type of research method used is a case study method with a modern political communicator approach. According theory, qualitative research is basically the process of obtaining descriptive data from observable study results. The discipline needed in this research is qualitative methodology.

In this research, the case study method with data visualization includes interviews, observations, and literature studies. Interviews were conducted in an open-ended and focused manner. The researcher asked questions to informants who are political communicators of members of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia. The set of questions was formulated in a case study protocol (Yin, 2012). The interviews conducted were similar to informal interviews which are usually used to explore various aspects or topics important for a more in-depth study. Finally, observation allows the researcher to ask as many questions as possible related to the information being studied. Observation is more flexible in framing the ideas of realism.

This method is designed to produce in-depth and quality knowledge, so that it can produce consistency and validity in research. This qualitative research is used to analyze political communicators in convincing, influencing the public, and political motives built during the 2019 campaign. Political communicators try to understand the phenomena surrounding the observed subject, while what is emphasized is the subjective aspect of public perception with an attempt to enter into the conceptual realm of the subject.

To further explore the issues in this study, researchers conducted investigations at the Aspiration Room of the DPRD Office located in Kalumpang District, Central Ternate City, North Maluku Province, as well as at the Central Office of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, Nusantara I Building, 8th Floor, Room 803 on Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Central Jakarta, 10270.

Concept Description

The concept of this research is to describe Irine's political communicator as a member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia.

Table 2. Contextual Deinterpretation



Concept Description

Aspects explored


Political Communicator:

The communication process begins or starts from the source or sender of the message, which is where the ideas, ideas, or thoughts that want to be conveyed to the other party, the recipient of the message. The source or sender of this message is often referred to as the �communicator.�


�Competence, Competence / capacity of communicator, Background of education�


The appeal of each political communicator can be seen in how audiences respond to them


In terms of equality, what political communicators construct aims to create positive and pleasant feelings among the audience.


Power is something that a political initiator must have in delivering his messages.

Research Infoman

The determination of informants in this study uses the purposive sampling technique. This� purposive sampling technique is a technique of taking informants or sources with a specific purpose in accordance with the research theme because the person is considered to have the information necessary for the research. In this case, the researcher selects informants who are considered to know the problems to be studied and are able to provide information that can be developed to obtain data.



Political Communicator Irine Yusiana Roba Putri Member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia PDI-P party

Political Coordinator Irinei Yusiana Roba Putri, as a member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2019-2024 period, is a leader in Zainal Muikarom's political communication. In his political communication, to increase the effectiveness of political communicators, some important components that must be owned are: credibility, attractiveness, similarity, and strength. The basis of the explanation is related to the main components of the research that have been presented in the first place.

1)  Credibility

Irinei is a member of the 2019-2024 People's Representative Council who must have credibility as a facilitator. This means that a political communicator, in this case, must have the skills that are taught by the background of the Educator. As the background of the educational background is very important for a career in the political world.

One of the variations in implementing the attitude of the public is the credibility of a communicator. If a communicator has high credibility in the eyes of the peiniirima, then he will be able to express in the process of imputing ideas, ideas, and other political ideas. If a political communicator has beautiful credibility in the eyes of the public, it will be considered a failure in the communication process, so that the uintuik suiliit can be answered by the people.

Within the context of the Irinei Education Team's background as a facilitator of the Irinei Center Team Coordinator, Irinei possesses a background in education and a strong commitment to supporting individuals. Additionally, Irinei has experience studying communication in Australia. Consequently, when Irinei engages with the public, it is no longer an unfamiliar or challenging task for her.

Irinei's credibility as a political communicator is evident from the statements of Perempuan voters. They describe Irinei as a capable and well-resourced figure in Perempuan politics, noting that 'Irinei possesses the expertise and human resources that are highly qualified. Her political communication skills, often used in Commission V, demonstrate her ability to lead and campaign effectively.' Another statement from the Secretary of the PDI Perjuangan emphasized that 'Irinei has the capability to deliver impactful speeches in the political arena. From the beginning of every political moment, whether it be regional elections, the presidential election, or other campaigns, Irinei has consistently participated and engaged. Furthermore, she has regularly attended and taken part in international events' (interview; January 2023).

It was also mentioned in the statements from interviews with female voters that Irinei possesses strong political communication skills. To this day, Irinei has been able to secure budget support for educational scholarships in Maluku Utara, agricultural assistance, support for SMEs, and MT-ASI food assistance in the context of addressing stunting in Maluku Utara. Additionally, Mrs. Irinei is a smart woman with high integrity and a beautiful heart.

Based on the results of triangulation interviews in the field, it is clear that Irinei possesses significant credibility. This credibility extends to her knowledge, understanding, and insight, qualities that are well-established in Irinei. As a legislator, Irinei has the ability to promote community intelligence in parliament and demonstrates a strong dedication to serving the community. This capability is evident in her success among the three contestants, showcasing her power to effectively represent the people of Maluikui. To perform the duties of legislation and oversight, one must possess insight and expertise, qualities that Irinei clearly embodies.

2)  Attraction

A political communicator, in addition to having expertise in communication, must also possess the appeal of self-discipline in the eyes of the audience. The appeal referred to here can stem from their appearance, speaking style, performance, and also from their communication and behavior. This appeal has the potential to enhance the audience's perception of quality.

From the results of the research and observation in the field, Irina is a spiritual figure who is highly capable of improving the condition of the community. There is even a phrase that Irina inherited from her father, 'Don't feel superior in front of the common people,' which seems to have deeply influenced her behavior. When interacting with the community, she shows humility, as her position as a member of the House of Representatives originally from the PDI-P, a party led by the 'wong cilik' (common people), requires her to stay connected with the grassroots. This performance of humility and approachability allows Irina to be well-received and trusted by the community.

Figure 1. Irinei's performance when mingling with the community.

Source: Instagram

In addition to the communication style that is an attraction, there are also three in terms of projects undertaken by a leigislator. Based on the real results that are proven, the public will judge it and be able to appreciate its presence. Irinei is a member of the House of Representatives who has a long history of work in the field.

3)  Similarities

As a political communicator, the ability to touch the audience by sharing the same hopes, feelings and concerns is crucial. Audiences end up visiting the communicator as an individual who can provide positive energy. In balancing the levels of public welfare and communication, a communicator must be able to go through the process wisely, so as to perform actions that are feasible and in line with the expectations and concerns of the public. If the communicator is able to achieve this level, then it will have a deep meaning for the public, and as a result, it will win the hearts of its constituents.

Successful performance in the field of public and state services should be done consistently at all times. However, for Irinei, the campaign is conducted during his term of office, which is approximately five years. Campaigning for work programs and realizing people's expectations should be done in a way that shows that she has the same concern in realizing people's aspirations.

4)  Power

Power is usually defined as meaning or influence. In this context, political communicators must have power to make the information conveyed more effective and influence the audience. This power also includes abilities that appear in a person's physical appearance (Kustiawan et al., 2022).

In implementing political communication, the issues or topics conveyed during the campaign are part of a political communication strategy that can influence the audience. Effective communication during the process of achieving political goals is very important. Long-running campaigns usually have an advantage as political capital that new campaigns do not have. Therefore, new campaigns must work extra to socialize in order to be known by the public.

In this context, Irinei has the power to carry out political communication with her audience. Factors that communicators need to consider include the involvement of supervisors and the importance of the issue to participants. High involvement of the communicator results in higher efficiency, and the more people involved in the training or audience will usually boost the efficiency of the communication tool.

Irinei's involvement in the simulation of the political communicator process was based on the field results which showed that Irinei had carried out communication in a way that was directly related to the ongoing program process. The communication actions carried out by Irinei include communication with the community, especially with people at the lower levels. For example, during direct visits and surveys, Irinei often interacts with communities and evaluates their conditions. These actions have an impact on the community's response and demonstrate the impact of the ideology on the community, regardless of religious background or other social statistics.



Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that Irinei Yusiana Roba Putri managed to carry out her role as a member of the House of Representatives for the 2019-2024 period effectively, especially in directing the public and voicing important issues of public concern. As a legislator, Irinei demonstrated three key components that set her apart from other politicians: credibility, personal appeal, and the ability to balance political ideology with the interests of the public. First, Irinei's credibility is very high, supported by a strong educational background and sufficient political experience. This makes her a reliable and trusted figure, which is reflected in her election as a member of the House of Representatives in 2019. Second, Irinei has a unique appeal to the public, where her religious communication style and commitment to improving community conditions make her a respected figure. Third, Irinei has a deep understanding of the issues facing the community and is able to integrate ideological interests with active engagement in the community. Irinei's sustained campaigning approach throughout her term demonstrated deep engagement and real concern for the needs of the community, rather than simply following a prescribed campaign schedule. This distinguished her as a proactive legislator, who placed her responsibility to the public above mere campaign promises.

This research provides significant insight into the role of female political communicators in shaping public opinion and gaining support in the often male-dominated political sphere. In the future, similar research can be more in-depth by exploring the impact of communication strategies implemented by female politicians on women's involvement and participation in politics. In addition, this research can also be the basis for further studies related to the influence of sustainable campaigns on political legitimacy and strengthening voter engagement.



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Siti Sahra Musa, Sa'diyah El Adawiyah (2024)


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Journal Transnational Universal Studies (JTUS)


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