JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 10 October 2024A close-up of a logo

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E-ISSN: 2984-7435, P-ISSN: 2984-7427

DOI: https://doi.org/10.58631/jtus.v2i10.117

Organizational Communication Patterns in The Management of Mental Development of Kodam II Sriwijaya in The Digital Era


Silva Aresta Wulandari1*, Aminah Swarnawati2

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]1



Mental coaching is one of the methods to shape the mentality of Army soldiers to always act based on high morals, enthusiasm, and awareness, with the aim of forming commendable and responsible morals in living life. This research aims to analyze the pattern of organizational communication in the management of mental development of soldiers through planning, organization, implementation, and supervision, as well as what media are used in each process in Kodam II Sriwijaya. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques were conducted through interviews and documentation, while data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing or verification. This research also uses source triangulation to validate the data. The results showed that in the Planning and Organizing stages, the Wheel Pattern and Chain Pattern communication patterns were used, where the leader was central in determining work plans, instructions, reports, and organizational structures. At the Implementation stage, the patterns used are Wheel Pattern and All Channel Pattern, with new communication media such as WhatsApp as the main tool. At the Monitoring stage, the Wheel Pattern remains dominant, where the leader acts as the center of evaluation in receiving and sending messages. The implication of this research is the important role of structured communication and the use of new media in the management of soldiers' mental development, which can improve the effectiveness of organizational communication and soldiers' performance.


Keywords: Communication Patterns, Management, Mental Coaching, New Media.



The role and position of the Indonesian National Army (TNI, Tentara Negara Indonesia) always take part in preventing military and non-military threats and contributing to the advancement of the nation and state (Kamil, 2022). However, in the current era of advancement in technology, information, and communication, of course, military threats have experienced a paradigm shift, not just physical or direct threats, but have shifted to ideological threats, mindsets, and a lot of information from various online media (Rahayu, 2021). The rapid dynamics of the global strategic environment have shifted a paradigm that the current threat has become multidimensional, environmental changes must certainly be followed by increasing superior and competitive human resources (Hidayat, 2021). The success of communication in the TNI AD is certainly identical to how management runs in each process, the existence of management will make it easier for an organization to achieve the goals that have been planned. Organisation is a 'cooperation achieved symbolically' and organisational communication is the field of studying how cooperation is achieved or how organisations are formed (Silviani, 2020). The hierarchy of power and connections does not apply fairly to the organization.� After all, the organization is made up of people, and each organization has a certain tone, attitude, or feeling in it (Littlejohn & Foss, 2010).

Communication activities in an organization must have a flow that will form a pattern, the communication pattern in an organization is the process of how a message including the flow of information and instructions is conveyed in detail, meaning it is determined by the official hierarchy of the organization from the top to the bottom or vice versa, of course, to carry out their work functions (Ruliana, 2014). The use of communication management is carried out in organizations as a reciprocal process to give, persuade, and give orders from various information to others and is a demand to bridge communication theories and communication practitioners (Fajrun et al., 2023). Communication management is very synonymous with social interaction, where communication management includes P4I (Reception, Processing, Storage, and Delivery of Information) in the social sub-system, including: Individuals, groups, organizations, masses and communities (Simanjuntak et al., 2022).

Referring to the opinion of G.R. Terry (Sukarna, 2011) there are four functions of management, namely: (1) Planning can be described as an action that selects or connects various interesting facts using assumptions that will occur in the future; (2) Organizing is the determination, grouping, and arrangement of various activities needed to achieve goals, placement of employees towards activities, and showing relationships with each other; (3) Actuating is to arouse the desire to encourage all members in the organization to desire and strive hard to achieve goals; (4) Controlling can be formulated as a process of determining what must be achieved or commonly called (Standard), what is being done, namely implementation, assessing implementation, and if necessary making improvements, so that the implementation is in accordance with the plan, that is, in line with the standard (size) that has been determined from the beginning of the plan.

The togetherness of management cannot be separated from the existing organization, a CCO theorist defines the constitution of this organization in five simple words: 'Communication makes the organization exist' (Men et al., 2024). Organizations are like organisms or like active beings that must constantly process information in order to survive.� But the food of information on an organization's plate is often vague, which means that the message given has at least two different things, such as interpretations that may occur. When faced with such ambiguity, it encourages organizations to engage in something that makes sense so that the designed communication behavior can reduce ambiguous information (Griffin, 2006). In the organization itself there are several patterns that connect members in completing their responsibilities. Tubbs and Moss explained that the pattern of communication or relationships can be created by complementing and complementing each other in a balanced and orderly manner (Ansah, 2020). In a relationship that fills, of course, every form of individual behavior will be followed by other individuals. (Devito, 2011) in his book Communication Between People has explained the communication patterns that occur in organizations into 5 forms. The following is a communication pattern created by (Devito, 2011) in the form of Circle Pattern, Wheel Pattern, Y Pattern, and All Channel Pattern:


Figure 1. Communication Patterns

In mental coaching, there are kasi-kasi who carry out their functions and duties according to the role that has been determined by the KASAD decision (Army Staff Decision). In addition to carrying out functions and duties, of course, the TNI AD also makes changes to the communication system, in Kodam II Sriwijaya changes in conveying messages in mental coaching, one of which is by using communication media. Marshall McLuhan explains how important 'media as media' There is a sharp difference between oral, written, and electronic media where each has a different effect on how we interact with the media. Meanwhile, Donald Ellis explained that the media is always dominant at a certain time and can shape behavior and thoughts. Where as the media changes, the way we think, manage information and the way we relate to each other will also change (Littlejohn & Foss, 2010). It is known that New media is a term used for various communication technologies with digitization and its wide availability for personal use as a means of communication (McQuail, 2011). By following the current times, the TNI AD uses New Media as one of the means of communication such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, official websites and more predominantly uses WhatsApp as a means of communication with fellow members. In the media, one of them contains how to minimize violations by carrying out routine activities such as commander's hours, one of the messages conveyed is to be wiser in the use of social media, establish good communication between seniors and juniors, provide counseling to each soldier, and several other activities in the form of social concern. This research emerged from seeing several phenomena regarding TNI AD soldiers who violated the rules for the misuse of firearms and ammunition that occurred in several places.�

Table 1. Violations of Misuse of Firearms

Year 2018-2023

Throughout Indonesia

Year 2018-2023

Kodam XVII/Cendrawasih


Kodam II Sriwijaya

There were cases of violations gradually, peaking in 2022: At least 45 cases occurred.

The highest number of violation cases occurred, from 1 case to 27 cases or around 270% in 2022.

There has been a decrease in cases since covid until now.

Source: ppid.tni.mil.id

At Kodam II Sriwijaya there is currently no misuse of firearms, but there are 83 other cases of violations with a total of 95 personnel in 2023, but this case is at least only 0.0043% of the total number of personnel in it. It was also explained that since covid until 2023, the number of cases of violations in Kodam II Sriwijaya has decreased (data source: Garkumplin warriors for FY 2023).� Seeing this, of course, there is a communication process carried out by organizations within the Sriwijaya Military Command II, especially on mental coaching which can make a decrease in violation cases compared to other Military Commands. We know that communication always has an impact, and the impact of this communication is certainly cognitive, affective, and psychomotor (Devito, 2011). This mental coaching can be carried out correctly and is able to change the mental condition of the soldiers if in the process there is good and appropriate communication to get the desired goal. As explained by (Devito, 2011), communication can fulfill at least four common goals, namely discovery, coaching, meaningful relationships, persuasion and play (Devito, 2011).

From the explanation, it can be concluded that good communication will result in good mental coaching for the soldiers. Because soldiers are required to show the best performance in carrying out their duties and stick to the identity they already have. Even though there is a decrease in cases every year at Kodam II Sriwijaya, there are still several violations that occur. Actually, the main goal of mental coaching is to minimize cases of violations to 0 cases.

Based on the above background, the purpose of this study is to analyze the role of communication management in the mental development of soldiers in Kodam II Sriwijaya and how effective it is in reducing cases of violations, including misuse of firearms and ammunition. This research aims to explore how the communication patterns applied, the media used, and the strategies developed can help achieve the main goal of mental development, which is to minimize violations to reach zero cases. This research also aims to understand the relationship between new media used in internal communication and changes in soldiers' behavior and attitudes. The benefit of this research is to contribute to the development of a more effective communication strategy within the Army, especially in the mental development of soldiers. The results of this study can be the basis of recommendations for Kodam II Sriwijaya and other commands in improving the quality of mental development through more targeted communication, the use of appropriate media, and an adaptive communication management approach.



The research was conducted using qualitative descriptiveness, by mentioning a specific design, carefully and reflecting on the role that the researcher played in the study by clearly describing the growing list of types of data sources, and then documenting the accuracy or validity of the data that had been collected in the field (John & Creswell, 2014). The data collection process uses interviews with key informants in a structured manner, and documentation includes taking separate data on evidence in the field and also basic evidence through research reports in the form of books, articles, and most of it is data in the form of photo archives, activities and so on which is in BintalJarahdam II/Sriwijaya. For data analysis techniques in the form of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawn. This research is also inseparable from the data validity test using data triangulation where in this technique the research uses a variety of sources, methods, researchers, and theories to provide corroborating evidence (John & Creswell, 2014). The description of the concept is explained by the application of the theory as follows.

Table 2. Concept Description



Organizational Communication Patterns in Management

Concept Description

Aspects explored

1. Planning:

A.   Circle Pattern

B.   Wheel Pattern

C.   Y Pattern

D.   Chain Pattern

E.    All-Channel Pattern


a)     Equal power

b)     Defining Goals

c)      Clear Leader

d)     Leaders as the center

e)     Members are connected to each other

2. Organization:

A.   Circle Pattern

B.   Wheel Pattern

C.   Y Pattern

D.   Chain Pattern

E.    E. All-Channel Pattern


a)     Member Position

b)     Leaders as the center

c)      Have other Leaders

d)     Communication system

e)     Equal rights

3. Implementation:

A.   Circle Pattern

B.   Wheel Pattern

C.   Y Pattern

D.   Chain Pattern

E.    E. All-Channel Pattern

a)     Direct or indirect communication

b)     Message sender and receiver center

c)      Boss and subordinate messaging process

d)     Media used

e)     Participatory management system

4 Supervision:

A.   Circle Pattern

B.   Wheel Pattern

C.   Y Pattern

D.   Chain Pattern

E.    E. All-Channel Pattern


a)     Doesn't have a leader

b)     Work instructions, reports, and commands

c)      Communication limits

d)     Message feedback

e)     Member participation




In this research discussion, various latest findings are explained based on facts from the field that have been carefully reduced and presented data that is not manipulated. Interviews have been conducted with the Head of BintalJarahdam, the Chief Executive of Historical Development, Kasi Bintaldjuang, and Kapok Binjarahdam on August 8-10, 2023. The application of the Organizational Communication Pattern to the management of mental coaching in the digital era through the Joseph Devito Communication Pattern and then with the George Terry management function (POAC) and the use of McLuhan media. The following are some of the things that have been discussed from the research that has been carried out:

Patterns in Planning

Planning is carried out in determining organizational communication patterns by looking at the categories of Circle Pattern, Wheel, Y, Chain, and All Channels: 1.) Circle pattern by finding out about the same power in mental coaching, about how the system occurs in each process. Through the entire interview, it was explained that the same circle pattern regarding power does not exist in mental coaching, because basically these members have their respective roles, all of which have been regulated in the implementation of the Command Function Bintal activities from the beginning, and this is also explained in the decision (KASAD) regarding tasks in the organization. The content is about how to plan the personnel involved by starting to organize the activities to be carried out, then starting to coordinate with related agencies about personnel needs, alpha, infrastructure, and budget. 2.) Wheel Pattern, regarding the determination of goals by leaders. In the planning process to determine the goals in this wheel pattern, the leader has a big hand in each process, in every determination of structural parts, and then the tasks given to subordinates as well. The wheel pattern has a clear leader, and in mental coaching it also has a clear leader. 3.) Pattern Y, in Pattern Y regarding the position of other leaders other than the main leader in each planning process. In planning in Pattern Y, there is no other leader other than the central leader who regulates the course of a plan carried out on this mental formation. Although in Kodam II, the supreme leader is the Commander, but in the mental coaching itself, the main leader is still (Kabintal) who regulates and monitors the process in the field, then the results and processes that occur in the field are of course conveyed to the commander in the end. The position of the leader (Kabintal) is the central part, this part makes the leader the center. Under this kabintal there are deputy cabinets and other heads who have their own responsibilities in their respective fields. 4.) Chain pattern, raising the issue of leaders who are the center of planning in every process of mental coaching. The statement about the leader as the center of planning in every mental coaching shows that the chain pattern is indeed used in every planning process. Because leaders have full rights to determine goals and processes that occur in mental coaching. 5.) The pattern of all channels, explained about the process by which members can connect to each other in planning. The activities that occur in each member can be connected to each other if indeed in the process in the field they have the same needs. So in the planning in the Pattern, all channels can be used if there is indeed the same need when the mental coaching process occurs. And not all of the members under this kasi can be connected randomly without certain procedures. They must have the same goal first to be able to connect with each other.

In the results of interviews that have been conducted regarding the pattern in the planning process in mental coaching, the results were obtained that stated that in mental coaching using Wheel Patterns and Chain Patterns. This can be seen in the process and results of interviews that refer to the Wheel Pattern, according to (Devito, 2011), the wheel pattern , is a communication pattern that describes a message coming from one source, or commonly referred to as a leader or number one person in the top position, and then the message is spread to another from that source. This type of communication pattern is usually carried out by a group where the leader has full control over all members (Ruliana, 2014). This is also supported by an interview source who explains that this leader has subordinates in mental coaching which is commonly referred to as kasi, the formation of kasi in every planning process is determined by the leader. Where leaders have a great role to plan and elaborate policies, plan and study various references according to the material, plan to coordinate with related agencies about personnel needs, plan personnel involved by organizing organizing activities, and plan the administration needed.� Each of these processes is in accordance with what G. A Terry said in his book Sukarna explained that planning is the selection of a fact and the connection of it, as well as the making and use of assumptions for the future by describing or formulating an activity that is necessary to achieve maximum results (Sukarna, 2011). These things are the main focus of a leader in planning in mental coaching.�

Then in planning in this mental coaching also uses the Chain Pattern, where according to (Devito, 2011) that this communication pattern shows that the level of trust of leaders in subordinates is very high in the delivery of information. In this mental coaching, it is like a leader who conveys to the chairman of the kasi, then from the head of the head of the head of Then, in the planning, from the staff of the section called BALAK (Implementation Agency) where the implementing agency submits a submission to the leadership, namely a letter of submission for coaching at a unit, then after the submission at ACC, then make a plan. All processes occur sequentially and each member has certain responsibilities according to their existing functions. This is where the leadership command system moves like a chain from top to bottom. �This data is supported by data triangulation which states that in the mental coach is chaired by the chairman of the kabintaldam, the kabintaldam is responsible to the commander. So the top leadership of Kodam II is the commander of the military region (PangDam), so this kabintal is a special stone in mental coaching or (chairman in mental coaching). Then this cabin has direct subordinates, namely the section in Kodam II. The Commander gives full authority to the chief to carry out the planning process together with the chiefs, so in every process it is like a chain of command.

Patterns in Organizing

The organization described through the structure in the bintal function development activities is arranged at the central, municipal, and unit levels. Duties and responsibilities are carried out in accordance with the organization attached to the person in charge, organizer and executor to support the demands of the activities that take place. 1.) Circle pattern, seen from the organization, namely the position of members between each other.� In this explanation, the position of the members of each other in the circle pattern is not the same, or varies according to the responsibilities and tasks that have been given from the beginning. All of them are not the same because there is a role according to the ability and rank of each member in it. 2.) Pola Wheel, the leader as the center in determining organizing in mental coaching. For organizing seen from the wheel pattern, it is also clear that the leader determines each process in the division of labor, and others in every mental coaching activity. 3.) Pattern Y regarding leaders other than the central leader. The planning process and the organizing process are once again in accordance with the final decision of the cabinet. This extension between leaders is only to see sustainability in each process, but not to interfere in each other's affairs that are not good. 4.) Wheel Pattern, a communication system that moves from one member to another. This communication occurs because each member is indeed required to communicate with other members. It is possible that this is to convey the messages in the field during mental coaching. All of them coordinate in each process, even though they already have their own parts. 5.) Pattern all channels, members who have the same right to influence other members. It was explained that the rights of members to influence other members on organizing in the all-channel pattern do not apply if the message or advice provided contains a negative nature. Because in every process in the organization, each member must have a good influence on fellow members so that the mental coaching carried out can run smoothly.

In mental coaching in organizing, the results of the interview stated that the members of the organization used Wheel Patterns and Chain Patterns. The definition of Organizing cannot be realized without any relationship with others and without assigning specific tasks to each unit. George R. Terry stated what is organizing, organizing is the determination, grouping, and arrangement of various activities that are delegated to each person in relation to the implementation of each activity (Sukarna, 2011). The application of this organization is applied to the Wheel Pattern, where (Devito, 2011) also explains that in the wheel pattern individuals in a central position receive contact, information and solve problems with a specific goal. Then the source of information is obtained only through the leader, where the leader is the only source of information (Ruliana, 2014). The statement reinforces the results of the interview in which it is explained that the leader is the center in determining the organization, where the leader decides the final result of the information and becomes the only source of information about the decision, activity, and organizational structure. It was explained that for the placement of the core or special leaders, everything begins with the decision of the KASAD or commonly called the decision of the army staff. Furthermore, Organizing in mental coaching also uses the Chain Pattern which explains that the communication system moves from one member to another. Joseph A Devito explains that centralization is also here, where this pattern also offers a more balanced flow of information between members, even though two individuals (who are at both ends of the chain) interact with only one person (Devito, 2011). This is explained by the triangulation of data in the results of the interviews which states that in this mental coaching adheres to a structured organization, from the top down chain or chain of command, this is the so-called organizing system using the chain pattern.

Patterns in Implementation

In the first implementation, this study also looked at each pattern, starting with 1.) Circle pattern. The circle pattern here wants to see direct and indirect communication in each member in mental coaching in the implementation process. It is explained that communication that runs directly and indirectly in the implementation of the circle pattern occurs if each member does have a certain interest in the mental coaching process. 2.) Chain pattern to see the leader as the center of the sender and receiver of the message. The implementation of the wheel pattern in this mental coaching is carried out so that each implementation process can be monitored properly, carefully conditioned, and can continue to be observed so that there are no deviations. 3.) Pattern Y, the way members send and receive messages to superiors or subordinates in turn. It is explained that each member has the right to send messages directly related to mental coaching; Whether it's problems that must be solved, positive information, and other provisions related to mental coaching. Because due to significant media changes, of course, it changes some basic things in the process of sending and receiving messages, even though members must still obey the existing rules, but the limits of communication are no longer too closed between members and each other. 4.) Chain Pattern, regarding what media is used in each activity. In the implementation of this Chain Pattern, the communication system runs slightly differently due to changes in the media in the delivery of messages. Leaders can immediately get feedback from the message conveyed and the last member can communicate not only with one above or next to him, but with several other members. This media plays a very good role because it can make it easier for each member to take care of everything regarding mental coaching. 5.) The pattern of all channels, to see in this mental coaching adheres to a participatory management system. In the implementation of the Pattern of all channels in mental coaches, it is explained that this participatory management actually only occurs by providing input and suggestions. For things that are already important such as functions and responsibilities, of course, these things cannot interfere with each other.

Regarding the organizational communication pattern used in the implementation, it is quite different in Planning and Organization, because in this implementation there is a change in the media in the implementation system, this concerns the communication tools and the communication itself (Abrantes et al., 2024). Departing from a mental coaching system whose implementation occurs in different cities, in different places, and even in remote areas that are quite difficult to reach. Because of this situation, every member begins to depend on the new media. The use of patterns in the main implementation is still focused on the Wheel Pattern, but what is unique in the implementation process is that one of them is seen using the all-channel pattern. The use of new media in mental coaching focuses on Whatsaap media, which is one of the media for sending and receiving messages. This change in media is explained in McLuhan's theory, on Technological Determination. That the media shapes us because we take part over and over again until it becomes an extension of ourselves. Because each medium emphasizes different senses and encourages different habits, engaging the media day after day will condition the senses to receive some stimuli and not record others. Media that emphasizes the ear over the eye changes the ratio of perception to the senses (Griffin, 2006). Then according to (Devito, 2011) regarding the advantage of the pattern of all channels is that information will be minimized, because everyone gets information from all members of the organization. This pattern allows for the free flow of information among all members of the group. In the implementation of mental coaching itself, Kodam II Sriwijaya has used online media as a means of communication, it was also explained in interviews that the media used has been in various forms, ranging from WhatsApp, Facebook, and others. It is all used by the TNI in order to convey messages, convey desires, convey mental coaching to soldiers. So that the existence of this mass media is used as the most important means to understand the orders issued from the upper command, where the orders are conveyed to members through communication tools, such as WhatsApp and several other media.

Mental coaching has been applied in social media such as the official website (kodam-ii-sriwijaya.mil.id), Facebook (Kodam II/Sriwijaya Penerangan), Instagram (Kodam Sriwijaya), Twitter (Kodam II/Sriwijaya) Each social media in it shows about activities that invite members to continue to contribute to society and the country, this is in accordance with the purpose of mental coaching, one of which is illustrated from Instagram.

Figure 2. Instagram Kodam II Sriwijaya

On the official Instagram of Kodam II Sriwjaya here has at least 31 thousand followers with 7,155 posts, all of which show about the activities carried out in the entire ranks of the units in Kodam II. In this Instagram there are also activities, one of which is a form of mental coaching, namely by showing the 'Commander Hour' activity which explains that soldiers must avoid the slightest violation that can defame the unit, no one should commit drug abuse, and also emphasize to be wiser in the use of social media. Where soldiers are expected not to spread news that is not necessarily the truth. This is one of the mental coaching in terms of maintaining ideology.

Patterns on Surveillance

The contribution between the leadership and the kasi-kasi, as well as other members has their own war on this supervision. 1.) Supervision is carried out to see the Circle Pattern in mental coaching. In the supervision carried out in this circle pattern, the four sources explain almost the same, where supervision is carried out by the main leader.� Once again we know that this circle pattern does not have a leader, while in every process of mental coaching in Kodam II there is a cabinet leader who supervises. 2.) Chain Pattern regarding supervision through work instructions, reports and orders. In the supervision in this Chain Pattern, it is explained that every work process, work instructions, reports and orders are carried out with existing procedures, with existing provisions. Where of all of them, leaders have a big role to supervise so that every mental coaching process remains on the right track and is well coordinated without significant obstacles. 3.) in Pattern Y regarding leaders, members are limited to communicating with only one leader. In the Y Pattern, which explains that members are limited to communicating with only one leader, such a thing does not happen. 4.) A chain pattern where feedback can be obtained by the leader in mental coaching. From the feedback regarding the supervision that occurs in the Chain Pattern, it is explained here that this feedback can be seen from the performance results of its members. Everything is measured correctly, so that the results of these tasks can be evaluated in such a way and conveyed to the leader. 5.) All-channel pattern, it is said that all members can participate in mental coaching. In the supervision in the pattern of all channels regarding members can participate in this mental coaching occurs for each individual. The point is that each member is obliged to build his own mentality, must maintain the good name of this agency, but if he participates in other concepts, especially in the functions and work of other members, of course there are limits that must be maintained.

Regarding the communication pattern used in supervision, only the Wheel Pattern is used. Seeing this statement, the results of this study refer to the Wheel Pattern which explains that in the process of supervision itself, the system already exists in the decision of KASAD in the Administrative Instructions which explains that in the supervision it is stated that at the Municipal level, Pan/And/Gub who determines and determines policies for the supervision of implementation planning, then Aspers/Dirbinlem who organizes and supervises the implementation of activities,� Then the Cabinet that plans technical supervision of the implementation activities. Then in the preparation process, it is explained that the Pang/Dan/Gub is the one who determines and determines the supervision policy, then the Aspers/Dirbinlem who organizes and supervises the implementation, and the Kabintal also organizes and supervises the implementation of the preparatory activities. For the final process, it was explained that the Pang/Dan/Gub received an evaluation report on the implementation of supervision on the activity, Aspers/Dirbinlem who carried out supervision on the termination activities, and the cabinet that carried out and reported the evaluation of the supervision of the termination activities (Kasad Decree Number Kep/804/X/2017). George R Terry argues that the term supervision as quoted by Muchsan, supervision is determining what has been achieved, then starting to evaluate and then implementing corrective actions, if necessary to ensure that it is in accordance with the initial plans (Muchsan, 2017).



The conclusions in this study reveal four main communication patterns used in the management of mental coaching in Kodam II Sriwijaya. First, at the Planning stage, the Wheel Pattern and Chain Pattern are prominent, with the leader playing a central role in determining the plan and acting as the main decision-maker. The hierarchical structure allows the leader to remain at the core of decision-making, ensuring that all planning initiatives are efficiently communicated down the chain of command. Secondly, in the Organizing phase, the same pattern is used, where the flow of information follows a structured top-down approach, reflecting a clear chain of command that reinforces the leader's dominant position in organizing activities. However, in the Implementation phase, the communication pattern shifts slightly to include the Wheel Pattern and the All-Channel Pattern, the latter introduced due to the increasing use of new media such as WhatsApp in daily operations. This shift highlights the adaptation to modern communication tools, which allow for more dynamic and flexible interactions. Finally, in the Supervision phase, the Wheel Pattern remains the only means of communication, ensuring that all evaluations and feedback are directed back to the leader for final supervision and decision-making. For future research, it is recommended to explore how the integration of new communication technologies, such as social media platforms or collaborative tools, can further improve communication efficiency and organizational outcomes in a military environment. In addition, studying how communication decentralization can affect leadership effectiveness and decision-making can provide valuable insights in developing organizational communication models.



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Copyright holder:

Silva Aresta Wulandari, Aminah Swarnawati (2024)


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Journal of Transnational Universal Studies (JTUS)


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