JTUS, Volume 2 No. 12 December 2024 648
JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 12 December 2024
E-ISSN: 2984-7435, P-ISSN: 2984-7427
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58631/jtus.v2i12.133
The Influence of Islamic Character Education in
Extracurricular Activities on Strengthening
Students' Mental and Moral Aspects
Siti Khodijah1*, Siti Asiah2, Dede Kamaludin3, Winda Komalasari4, Anisa Fitri5, Fika Diena
Qoyyimah6, Nunung Lastika Adiansyah7
1 STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta, Indonesia
2,3,4,5,6,7 Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi, Indonesia
[email protected]om1, sitiasiahunismabek[email protected]2, dedekamaludin@gmail.com3,
komalasariw85@gmail.com4, 21nisfit@gmail.com5, fikadq2[email protected]6,
nununglastika1[email protected]7
Globalization has had a significant impact, both positive and negative, on Indonesian society,
especially in the moral and mental aspects of the younger generation. Phenomena such as
declining moral values, deviant behavior, and mental problems are challenges that need to be
addressed through effective character education. This study aims to analyze the role of Islamic
character education through extracurricular activities in strengthening the mental and moral
aspects of students at MI Hidayatul Mukhlisin. The method used in this research is a qualitative
approach with a case study method. Data were collected through in-depth interviews,
observations, and document analysis related to the implementation of extracurricular activities
based on Islamic character education at the school. The results showed that extracurricular
activities such as scouts and Islamic values-based activities play a significant role in shaping
students' characters. Islamic character education through these activities succeeds in: (1)
improve students' morality and ethics, (2) strengthen spiritual and social aspects, (3) form
Islamic personalities, and (4) build mental resilience in facing various life challenges. The
implication of this research confirms the importance of integrating Islamic values in
extracurricular activities as a strategy to form a young generation that is noble, has strong
morals, and is able to adapt to the demands of globalization. Recommendations are given to
schools to improve the planning and implementation of character-based activities and to
extend this research to other school contexts for more generalizable results.
Keywords: Islamic Character Education, Extracurricular Activities, Moral Development, Mental
The Influence of Islamic Character Education in Extracurricular Activities on Strengthening Students'
Mental and Moral Aspects
JTUS, Volume 2 No. 12 December 2024 649
The impact of globalization is significant across the globe, particularly in Indonesia. Both
positive and negative influences are prevalent in this era of globalization. Notably, the negative
impact manifests in phenomena such as acts of violence and persecution among school peers (D.
I. Sekolah, 2017). Many people are suffering from mental illnesses, and the current prevalence is
on the rise. Referring to the results of the Household Health Survey (SK-RT) conducted in 1995 by
the Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia, it is
estimated that 264 out of every 1000 family members experience such health conditions. This
phenomenon consistently graces electronic and print media every day. Individuality and human
character are embedded within the soul. Therefore, efforts and considerations for mental health
should be placed in the context of developing constructive human behavior and character patterns
(Surakarta, 2016). However, it is not only the issue of mental health; problems related to religion,
morality, ethics, and traditional culture also contribute to fundamental uncertainties in the fields
of law, morality, norms, values, and ethical living. Therefore, a strategy is needed for Education to
demonstrate its effectiveness in assisting society in enhancing the sense of national identity. One
frequently employed technique in the present era is the promotion of character development
within the realm of Education.
Morality delineates human actions as either virtuous or condemnable, right or wrong. An
individual may be deemed moral when exhibiting commendable behavior aligned with societal
norms or customs in daily life. The terms 'values' and 'morality' are frequently intertwined, giving
rise to a novel concept imbued with fresh significance (Setyawan, 2019).
The quality of human life continues to evolve in line with the evolution of social and cultural
systems, economic systems, and advancements in science and technology. Education aims to
stimulate individual potential growth to adopt critical thinking, moral principles, and beliefs that
reflect the values inherited from their environment. It is also aimed at guiding this evolution
towards adaptation that aligns with the present and future needs. A sign of a strong nation is the
presence of a solid character rooted in the cultural heritage learned from its society (Hidayat,
The principles of local wisdom do not hinder progress in the global era; instead, they become
crucial factors in enhancing the quality of human resources as a competitive asset and relative
advantage of a country. Therefore, exploring and discovering the values of local wisdom is a wise
step to strengthen the identity of a nation (Hidayah & Fathul, 2019). Education plays a crucial role
in shaping human maturity in various aspects of life. Every experience significantly impacting
someone's mindset, emotions, or behavior can be considered part of the educational process.
Generally, Education is categorized into various stages, such as preschool, elementary school,
middle school, and higher Education, including colleges, universities, or internship programs. The
educational process can occur through various means, including formal, informal, and non-formal
methods (Komara, 2021). Agus Wibowo conveyed that educational institutions are crucial in
Siti Khodijah, Siti Asiah, Dede Kamaludin, Winda Komalasari, Anisa Fitri, Fika Diena
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guiding the next generation to behave courteously and positively by societal norms. This is aimed
at producing individuals with characters aligned with collective expectations. Therefore, child
education is vital as a foundation for personality development from an early age (Aunilah, 2011).
According to the statement by Maryati Solihah, a Commissioner of the Indonesian Child
Protection Commission (KPAI) responsible for Trafficking and Child Exploitation, KPAI has recorded
1,717 cases that occurred from the beginning of the year until April 30, 2020, including 27 cases
of human trafficking and exploitation crimes. The report illustrates the high behavioral deviations
among the younger generation as a negative consequence of globalization (Susanti et al., 2020).
Character encompasses the ethical principles guiding human conduct towards spirituality,
self-awareness, interpersonal relations, environment, and patriotism. These principles are reflected
in one's thoughts, attitudes, emotions, expressions, and behaviors, shaped by religious doctrines,
legal standards, social etiquette, cultural norms, and traditions (Fu’ad, 2017). Character formation
holds significant importance in all phases of life, from childhood to adulthood. It is crucial to
initiate character education as early as possible. Consequently, when faced with temptations or
negative influences in adulthood, an individual's character will remain steadfast. The hope is that
character education from an early age can generate a generation with outstanding, religious,
faithful, and noble character for this nation.
The development of character education within students can be undermined by negative
habits present in their environment, such as labeling children. Labeling behaviors in children
sometimes occur unconsciously. Labeling serves as a definition that, when attributed to an
individual, may influence them to conform to that label (Fitriyyah, 2017). Creasy defines character
education as a process that fosters the growth and development of learners with critical thinking
skills, steadfast adherence to moral principles, and the courage to act according to actual values
despite facing various challenges. In this context, character education is not just about transferring
knowledge regarding positive values but also about how these values can be internalized and
manifested in all aspects of an individual's thoughts and actions (Kemendiknas, 2017).
Character education is a series of organized and systematically planned actions to instill
behavioral values in learners. It encompasses aspects of the Almighty, oneself, fellow humans, the
environment, and the nation. Its manifestations are evident in thought patterns, attitudes,
expressions, and behaviors that align with religious norms, laws, ethics, cultural customs, and
traditional heritage.
Since 2010, The government has implemented Character Education, which was later
expanded to involve all levels of Education, from primary school to university. However, the design
of this initiative has proven to be less efficient in shaping the next generation of individuals with
high dignity. The education system in Indonesia is only capable of producing students with an
adequate level of intelligence (Mayadiana, 2023). Character education is a learning process aimed
at shaping good morality in children by considering the aspects of knowledge (cognitive),
emotions (feelings), and behavior (actions). All three factors contribute to strengthening the child's
The Influence of Islamic Character Education in Extracurricular Activities on Strengthening Students'
Mental and Moral Aspects
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character. Through this Education, children are encouraged to develop their intellectual,
emotional, and spiritual intelligence. Character education is considered a factor shaping the
morality of the Indonesian nation through the education system. To achieve this goal, the
education sector must develop a concept of character education that encompasses various moral
values to be instilled in learners. However, these values, which include aspects of religion, honor,
morality, humanity, and social values, are often overlooked as they are challenging to measure
directly, and their indirect impact may take time to feel in the current context.
Many school graduates possess extensive and outstanding knowledge and can rapidly
answer questions across various subjects. However, they need to demonstrate intelligence
alongside good character. Conversely, Education aims to develop individuals with character and
compassionate humanity. This event occurred due to the inadequate implementation of character
education in the school environment. In contemporary times, moral Education has become a
global social phenomenon. Neglect of moral Education in Indonesia has implications for the
nation's progress, partly caused by the tendency of modern society to isolate religious aspects
from their daily activities.
The issue of morality is a universal concern, regardless of the extent of a society's
development. A mastery of positive ethics, morals, and morality does not always accompany the
presence of higher Education. Real-world observations indicate that many individuals with higher
Education engage in actions that conflict with fundamental life values, including religious and
moral aspects, when interacting within society (Rubini, 2019). Thus, there is a tendency. This
indicates the emergence of signs of students' reluctance to participate in class activities or
academic affairs. Many students still prioritize their studies over recreational and co-curricular
activities. The reasons include laziness, disturbance during studying, wasting time, or being
deemed unproductive.
Additionally, many student activities do not improve personal growtht. However, Education
encompasses more than just what is taught in schools; it also includes various topics that can
enhance the next generation's ability to address multiple issues in the modern world (E. D. I.
Sekolah, 2017). Based on the above background, the purpose of this study is to identify the role
of character education through extracurricular activities in improving students' mental and moral
resilience at MI Hidayatul, analyze the challenges of its implementation, and explore local and
religious values that can be integrated in these activities. The benefits of this research include
theoretical and practical benefits. Theoretically, this research is expected to add insight into the
field of character education, especially in the context of Islamic-based primary schools. Practically,
this research is useful for schools as a recommendation material for the implementation of
effective extracurricular activities, for teachers in designing learning programs that support
student character, and for parents to understand the role of the school environment in shaping
children's morals. For students, this research is expected to help build strong, religious, and
adaptive characters to the challenges of globalization.
Siti Khodijah, Siti Asiah, Dede Kamaludin, Winda Komalasari, Anisa Fitri, Fika Diena
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This research analyzes the habituation process in extracurricular activities within the school
environment, encompassing character education values. Therefore, this research focuses on
human attitudes and behaviors to achieve this target. The study utilizes a qualitative approach,
explicitly employing a case study method. The case study method involves an in-depth analysis of
one or several specific cases to understand the context comprehensively. This process includes
collecting qualitative data, such as interviews, observations, and document analysis, to obtain
detailed information.
Case study research provides a holistic understanding of a topic. The results of case study
research often have direct relevance to practical contexts, making them valuable for decision-
making in specific fields. Case study research can help identify and analyze cause-and-effect
relationships in complex situations. Applying the case study method, this research aims to
investigate the phenomenon more deeply, specifically focusing on one or group of cases. The
main goal is to identify the development of mental and moral habituation in students related to
character development through extracurricular activities at Hidayatul Mukhlisin Elementary School
(MI). This study can provide a comprehensive overview of improving mental and moral aspects of
character education through extracurricular activities. The research was conducted at MI Hidayatul
Mukhlisin in Gang Masjid Hidayatul Mukhlisin, Jati Mekar, Bekasi City.
Islamic character education at MI Hidayatul Mukhlisin has a substantial impact on the
progress of students in school. Some potential positive effects that may arise from Islamic
character education through extracurricular activities are as follows:
1. Encouraging the Formation of Excellent Morality: As part of the extracurricular activities at MI
Hidayatul Mukhlisin, an Islamic character education approach focuses on improving the quality
of morality and ethics per Islamic principles. This can guide the students of MI Hidayatul
Mukhlisin to develop honest, fair, patient, and responsible characters, as reflected in the
implementation of the Scout's Ten Scout Laws, which is an integral part of their extracurricular
2. Strengthening Spiritual Aspects: Islamic character education emphasizes spiritual values such
as compassion and sincerity, and sincerity in extracurricular activities can improve spiritual well-
being and strengthen the relationship between students and God.
3. Cultivation of Islamic Personality: By implementing Islamic character education in
extracurricular activities, a foundation for forming personality by Islamic values can be
established. For example, the attitude of never complaining and always being grateful in every
situation during implementing these activities.
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4. Increasing Social Awareness: Social values are also emphasized in the effort to develop Islamic
character education. Students participating in extracurricular activities are ensured to be
concerned for the needs of others, exhibit positive behavior toward friends, willingly offer
assistance, and show compassion towards all things.
5. Development of Professional Ethics: The development of professional ethics significantly
impacts behavior in the professional environment. For instance, consistently demonstrating
honesty and responsibility when engaging in extracurricular and everyday activities.
6. Facing Life Challenges: Students at MI Hidayatul Mukhlisin engaged in extracurricular activities
are equipped with mental and spiritual resilience. This can assist them in facing various life
challenges with a steadfast and optimistic attitude.
It needs to be emphasized that the implications of this Islamic character education
significantly impact extracurricular activities. This includes implementing educational programs,
support from the surrounding environment, and students' commitment to applying the values
instilled in extracurricular activities and their daily lives.
Figure 1. Opening of Scout Extracurricular
Figure 2. Making Scout Stretchers
Figure 3. Ice Breaking with Scout Claps
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Character Education
Understanding Character Education
Education means the lessons provided by teachers to their students. Both adults and
children are expected to serve as examples, learn, provide guidance, enhance ethics and morals,
and explore knowledge for each individual (Annisa, 2022). In a simple and general sense,
Education can be interpreted as human efforts to advance and cultivate physical and spiritual
potential by the values and norms prevailing in society (Yayan Alpian, M.pd., Sri Wulan Anggraeni,
M.pd., Unika Wiharti., 2019) Education is an action that transforms and defines human life, both
for educators and learners (Suryani, 2017). According to Hasan Langgulung, Islamic Education
reflects a method for the younger generation to fulfill their responsibilities, imbue knowledge, and
instill Islamic values that align with the roles and functions of humans. It involves promoting
virtuous deeds in this world and reaping the rewards in the hereafter, serving as a preparatory
process to attain them. According to Dr. Ahmad D. Marimba, Islamic Education teaches physical
and spiritual aspects based on Islamic religious laws, aiming to shape character according to
Islamic norms (Uhbiyati, 2013).
The level of Education can be regarded as a form of investment in human capacity, and its
applications are highly diverse. This investment may involve acquiring knowledge or obtaining
degrees, participating in seminars and workshops, or engaging in self-development programs to
enrich personal skills. Essentially, the intrinsic relationship between human capital and Education
reflects that Education can enhance an individual's economic value and productivity (Rahmah,
While referring to the origin of the word, the term education corresponds with "education"
in English, as well as with "Arabiya," "al-ta'lîm," "al-ta'dîb," and "al-riyādah" in Arabic. Although
each of these phrases has a different meaning due to variations in text structure and sentence
context, there is a similarity in meaning in some aspects (Maksum, Ali Ag, M Si, 2013).
The concept of Education, in simple terms, refers to transforming the attitudes and
behaviors of individuals or groups to advance human maturity through learning and practice. In
the context of terminology, Muhammad Athiyah al-Abrasyi explains that Education (tarbiyah) can
be interpreted as an effort to prepare individuals to face a better life, achieve happiness, have a
love for their homeland, physical strength, perfect ethics, systematic thinking skills, emotional
sensitivity, active in creativity, tolerant towards others, competent in language expression both in
writing and orally, as well as skilled in creativity.
An-Nahlawi describing that Islamic Education can be interpreted as establishing an
individual and social framework that guides someone to adhere to and obey Islamic teachings
and implement them to the fullest in personal and collective life (Syauqy, 2019). Islamic Education
is considered a highly essential requirement for living by the will of Allah (Ngatiman & Ibrahim,
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Terminologically, Education can be explained as the intentional effort of adults to guide
learners to develop into mature individuals (Ramayulis, n.d.). Another aspect of the concept of
Education involves the steps taken to prepare the younger generation to face life's challenges and
achieve their life goals more effectively and efficiently.
As mentioned, the definition of Islamic Education is similar to the concept conveyed by
Zuhaiini and colleagues. It is an initiative aimed at shaping the character of learners by Islamic
principles, including the development of mindset, decision-making, and behavior aligned with
Islamic teachings (Al-Thiqah Vol. 5, No. 1 April 2022 31, 2022). According to Ramayulis, Islamic
Education is an educational process that focuses on developing morals or personality (Ramayulis,
The Islamic education system is carefully designed to provide profound Education to
learners, ensuring that their attitudes, actions, and approaches to various knowledge are strongly
influenced by spiritual values and have a high awareness of Islamic ethics (Duryat, 2021). Islamic
Education is defined as an effort to develop human nature through Islamic teachings to create a
prosperous and happy life (Roslan Mohd Nor & Malim, 2014). This developmental process is
considered an essential activity within the framework of Islamic Education (Asrita, 2022).
Thus, based on various concepts of Islamic Education, it can be concluded that Islamic
Education aims to shape the personality so that an individual becomes a person with noble
character (akhlakul karimah). This is intended so that individuals can attain happiness and peace
in everyday life and reflect behavior by Islamic Sharia (Khamdani, 2014).
Education refers to a systematic process or effort to transfer knowledge, skills, values, and
norms to individuals or groups through various methods such as teaching, training, discussions,
and experiences. Education is the imparting of information and the development of human
potential. This includes the individual's intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development.
Islamic Education integrates intellectual and moral development through extracurricular
activities, fostering mental well-being by combining academic knowledge with religious and
ethical teachings. Rooted in the Quran and Hadith, it emphasizes moral and spiritual values as
core elements of Education, contributing significantly to character building and addressing mental
health issues. In Indonesia, the challenge lies in holistically imparting Islamic values to learners,
cultivating faith and noble character for comprehensive personal development.
Educational Goals
The purpose of general Education is the realization of desired positive changes in learners
after undergoing the education process, both in individual behavior aspects and their personal
lives, within the context of social life, and in the natural environment of their residence (Nasution,
n.d.). Jalaluddin states that the objectives of Islamic Education should be formulated based on the
philosophical values inherent in the philosophy of Islamic Education. Quraish Shihab argues that
the mission of Islamic Education is to advance individuals, both personally and collectively, to fulfill
their roles as servants and stewards contributing to the development of the world by the concepts
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established by Allah (Nabila, 2021). The mission of Islamic Education is to educate individuals with
faith. These shape characters are devout, and provide Preparation for them to play a role as Allah's
stewards in this world (Aisah et al., 2023). The objectives of Education are also communicated by
an individual's development, starting from the prenatal stage through birth and into adulthood
(Rini, 2013).
From an Islamic perspective, the objective of character education is the realization of
learners who exhibit religious qualities, honesty, courage, concern for others, and responsibility.
Essentially, these objectives reflect values that serve as triggers and provide clear significance and
validation for an action (Farhani, 2019).
On the other hand, E. Mulyasa elaborates that the purpose of character education is to
enhance the quality of the educational process and its outcomes by focusing on the
comprehensive, integrated, and balanced formation of positive character and morals in learners
based on the competency standards of each educational institution. This aims to achieve the
following objectives (Studi et al., 2023).
These objectives encompass various aspects, from developing academic knowledge and
skills to cultivating character and preparing individuals for the workforce. Educational goals vary
depending on the level of Education, type of educational institution, and social context. However,
overall, these objectives aim to produce individuals who are knowledgeable and well-educated,
ready to face various aspects of life.
Islamic Character Education
According to Aan Hasana, it is stated that character education is a method for continuously
developing quality traits, and the principles of character education are derived from cultural values
that align with the philosophical values embraced by the community, namely, emphasizing that it
refers to religious values. Attention is given to students' personal lives, school, and social
environment (Farmawaty, 2021). Based on the conceptual variations between the interpretations
of Education and character, a simple definition of character education can be explained as an
intentional effort carried out by an individual or a group of people (educators) to instill character
values in others. Through this guidance, awareness is provided to students to understand, think,
and act morally in various situations. (Muhammad Riza, 2016). According to (Chowdhury, 2018),
Character education is the general term that describes various aspects of teaching and learning
for personal growth. Character education in the school environment requires full participation
from all elements, including educational components such as curriculum content, teaching, and
assessment methods, subject management, school leadership, implementation of extracurricular
activities, empowerment of educational institutions, facilities, budget allocation, and the work
culture in each school or educational environment (Haris, 2017). Raharjo interprets character
education as a comprehensive educational process that integrates moral and social dimensions
into the lives of learners, thereby producing quality education based on principles of truth that
can be undertaken independently and acknowledged. Character education emphasizes that the
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dimensions of spirituality and religious values cannot be separated from the journey of character
education (Marshall, 2018).
Islamic character education plays a crucial role in shaping the spirituality and morality of
students through extracurricular activities. Islamic Education aims to develop high morals and
noble character. In Islamic teachings, morals and ethics cannot be separated from faith, and
Islamic religious Education is expected to cultivate individuals with noble character. Character
education in Islam is also deemed important in instilling discipline in learners. In terminology,
character education in the Islamic context is a conscious action by educators towards learners to
shapeto shape character according to high moral norms. Thus, Islamic character education
through extracurricular activities is expected to positively impact the development of students'
spiritual and moral dimensions.
Characters can also refer to symbols, digits, spaces, and special symbols generated on the
screen using a keyboard. According to the Directorate General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti),
Character education can be interpreted as the process of learning values, moral Education, and
character development, with the aim of training learners to make wise decisions, uphold positive
values, and implement and disseminate goodness wholeheartedly in their daily lives (Barnawi &
Arifin, 2013).
In general, character education can be defined as all positive actions undertaken by
educators that impact shaping the character of the students they teach. According to (Cohen &
Morse, 2014), positive character involves an understanding of the values of goodness (moral
knowledge), which then generates emotional commitment (intention) to goodness (moral
feelings) and finally translates that intention into actual positive actions (moral behavior). In other
words, character encompasses various aspects such as knowledge (cognitive), attitudes (mental),
motivation (motivation), as well as behavior (conduct) and skills (expertise).
The idea of character brings the concept of character education to the forefront. Ahmad
Amin states that character formation in an individual begins with the will (intention), which
depends on the extent to which that will is manifested through the habituation of attitudes and
Mental and Moral Aspects
Understanding Mental Health from an Islamic Perspective
An Islamic Perspective on Individual Mental Well-being significantly aligns with the
viewpoints expressed by other experts. The expression 'mental health' originates from Greek, and
the idea is equivalent to 'psyche' in Latin, referring to the psychic or spiritual dimension. Therefore,
nurturing dynamic mental or spiritual well-being, rather than static, can be interpreted as mental
hygiene, highlighting the importance of efforts in maintenance and enhancement." (Hidayah &
Fathul, 2019). "An early pioneer in introducing Islamic medical knowledge was Abu Zayd Ahmed
ibn Sahl al-Balkhi, an intellectual from Persia, who elaborated on various concepts in his work
titled 'Masalih al-Abdan wa al-Anfus' (The Benefits of the Body and the Soul)." (Ariadi, 2019).
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"Soul welfare is a psychological condition that reflects an individual's ability to adapt and
cope with various challenges, both arising from internal and external situations." (Anwar & Julia,
2021). "Maintaining soul welfare is a highly crucial element, capable of providing positive effects
both on oneself and others. Disturbances in an individual's mental health can impact the
development of learners. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that soul welfare is a
sustainable state of individuals who are aware of their potential, able to cope with life pressures
in general, achieve productivity, and contribute positively to their environment." (Fakhriani, 2019).
"Therefore, students should be mentally trained to become accustomed to solving forthcoming
"The definition of mental well-being according to a health expert from Merriam Webster is
a positive emotional and psychological state, in which an individual can effectively utilize their
cognitive and emotional abilities in their environment, as well as meet daily needs".
"Mental well-being refers to an individual's psychological or emotional condition that
reflects their ability to adapt and overcome challenges, whether they originate internally or
externally. Mental health focuses on an individual's ability to think, act, and feel efficiently and
effectively in facing various life challenges." (Anwar & Julia, 2021).
"Disruptions in an individual's mental well-being may include emotional instability and
heightened sensitivity. Furthermore, mental disorders can also affect students' thinking abilities,
leading to a lack of focus in the learning process, as well as resulting in memory loss, loss of
motivation to learn, and hindering the development of learners.".
"Efforts to prevent disruptions in students' mental well-being can be initiated by
encouraging them to engage in positive activities, such as extracurricular activities within the
school environment. Students who regularly participate in these activities will develop a habit of
doing similar things in the community, which can build strong mental resilience. This not only
provides added value for them but also responds to concerns regarding the loss of mental well-
being in children, which an unsupportive environment can trigger.
The term 'moral' originates from the Latin word 'mores,' which stems from 'mos' meaning
morality, habit, and behavior. Therefore, the term 'moral' can be interpreted as morality.
Meanwhile, 'morality' refers to all things related to morality. In other words, according to Muchtar
Samad's perspective, morality can be explained as the soul that forms the basis of individual or
societal behavior, which is more focused on social norms." (SAMAD, 2016) "The moral norms
existing within a society originate from the religious beliefs embraced by that group.
"Moral education encompasses a set of basic moral principles and values, attitudes, and
character traits that need to be instilled and become habits for children, starting from their early
developmental stages until they reach moral maturity as responsible individuals." (Harahap, 2015)
"Moral centered on the judgment of conscience, based on personally chosen, rational, and holistic
ethical principles." (Suryawan, 2018).
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"The aim of moral Education is to cultivate individuals who understand moral principles and
are capable of implementing them consistently, in accordance with the moral teachings of
religion, moral values within society, and cultural heritage. Moral Education involves several
elements, including an understanding of moral traditions, the ability to think morally, empathetic
attitudes and altruistic behavior, as well as moral inclinations.".
"Morality is a system of concepts that investigates the dimensions of goodness and badness
in an action, behavior, and character. Moral issues also become a significant focus of attention,
regardless of the level of development of a society. A decline in morality in one individual can
result in dissonance in interactions with others. When many members of a society experience a
decline in morality, the quality of the environment tends to deteriorate." (Rubini, 2019) "Morality
and humanism are considered the soul of civilization, or the need for education presented with
elements that promote integrity and humanistic values." "Ibn Miskawaih, who believed that ethical
or moral education is the primary education for humans, further emphasized by al-Ghazali placing
the role of morality in education."(Kuswandi, 2019).
Morality is considered an absolute necessity for every individual. Morality can be explained
as teachings or guiding principles that form the basis of behavior, aiming to achieve standards of
goodness and high moral levels. Moral aspects of personality play a significant role in creating
healthy, fair, and balanced social interactions. Applying moral behavior is essential in shaping a
peaceful, orderly, and harmonious life. The absoluteness of morality in our lives is significant, as
one's morality is the first judgment received or noticed. The better one's morality, the more people
feel pleased with them; conversely, if one's morality is poor, more people will dislike them. Prent
explains that the word "moral" originates from Latin, namely "mores," which stems from the
syllable "mos," encompassing meanings of customs, behavior, character, traits, and morals.
Along with the evolution of time, the concept of morality is then interpreted as habits. (Anak
& Dini, n.d.) "In Suseno's perspective as expressed in his writing, the assessment of an individual
can be based on their quality, whether as an individual or as a member of society and the state."
(Kurnia, 2015). "Kohlberg also believed, like Lickona, that morality requires good examples. For
him, morality that is not embodied in action is like a corpse. Therefore, all moral exemplars are
considered moral education agents.
"Teaching in the field of religious Education is one step toward shaping the internal aspects
that drive individuals to adopt moral behavior. True moral behavior is not only about adhering to
societal norms and rules but also about being regulated, monitored, and controlled from within
oneself, accompanied by feelings and personal responsibility. The term 'internal police' refers to
the conscience that relentlessly observes an individual's actions, giving clear warnings if there is
deviation from the path that should be followed. The conscience serves as an internal standard
that controls individual behavior."
"There is a difference between morality and morality; morality involves judgment of
individual principles based on considerations of good and bad values, while morality refers to the
Siti Khodijah, Siti Asiah, Dede Kamaludin, Winda Komalasari, Anisa Fitri, Fika Diena
660 JTUS, Volume 2 No. 12 December 2024
quality of someone's consideration of good and bad values." (Ananda, 2017). An individual is
considered to have morality if they have the awareness to accept and follow existing rules.
Morality can also be interpreted as a behavioral guide applied to each individual to interact with
others, creating a positive environment such as fostering relationships and mutual respect despite
religious differences.
Mental and Moral Implementation of Extracurricular Activities
Character formation requires a good example from a teacher, who should avoid favoritism
or harsh attitudes. Teachers are expected to show respect and compassion towards students,
provide personal guidance by seeking and understanding each child's unique talents, offer praise
or positive feedback, and use individual meetings to provide corrective feedback when needed.
Someone with knowledge should be able to avoid unethical behavior. Even if someone knows, if
they are not honest, unwilling to forgive, greedy, or take what is not theirs, they do not truly have
Assistance in implementation can be understood as the realization or execution of a concept
or plan. According to Usman's perspective, implementation involves activities per se and entails
actions, deeds, or even mechanisms of a system. In this context, implementation is a routine and
an organized activity to achieve desired outcomes. Usman's definition of implementation
emphasizes that it is not just about doing something but about carrying out an activity earnestly,
by prevailing norms, to achieve specific goals. Therefore, implementation does not stand alone
but is closely related to the context and influencing factors (Annur et al., 2019).
Implementing or applying a concept, process, or series of new activities can be understood
as expanding activities that harmoniously coordinate the interaction between goals and the steps
to achieve them. This also requires an efficient organizational structure and a reliable
implementation network. This perspective aligns with the implementation concept introduced by
Setiawan (II & PUSTAKA, n.d.). Where implementation is described as an effort to implement new
ideas, processes, or a series of activities with the hope that others will accept and adapt within the
bureaucratic framework to achieve desired goals, from Harsono's perspective, implementation
can be defined as the process of translating policy from the political domain into administrative
action, which includes policy development to enhance a program (Rosad, 2019).
Implementation is the action or execution of a carefully designed and detailed strategy.
Generally, the implementation process begins after planning is deemed optimal. Implementation
involves various activities, actions, or steps that apply the mechanisms of a system. It is a mere
activity and a carefully planned endeavor to achieve specific goals (Rudihastuti, 2018).
By the quote from (Budi Winarno), implementation can be understood as the process that
occurs after enacting a law, which authorizes programs, policies, benefits, or specific concrete
outcomes (Rafii et al., 2020). Assistance for implementation involves providing facilities to carry
out an action that can result in consequences or impacts on something. These actions are taken
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JTUS, Volume 2 No. 12 December 2024 661
so that the consequences or impacts can take the form of laws, government regulations, court
decisions, and policies produced by government bodies in the context of national life (Ma’rifataini,
2018). Nurdin and Usman state that implementation involves activities, actions, deeds, or
mechanisms within a system. Implementation is not merely limited to activities but is a planned
endeavor to achieve specific goals (Mamonto et al., 2018).
In his work titled 'Implementation in Administrative Systems,' Guntur Setiawan states that
implementation is the expansion of activities that adapt to each other through the interaction
between goals and the steps taken to achieve them. This process requires an efficient
implementation network and administrative system. Thus, the concept of implementation as
described indicates that it is a process to integrate new ideas, processes, or a series of activities,
with the hope that others can accept and adapt within the framework of the administrative system
to achieve desired goals, supported by a reliable implementation network.
According to Danil A. Mazmanian and Paul Sabatier in 1979, implementation can be
understood as the understanding that emerges after establishing a program that becomes the
focus of government attention in policy design. The implementation process is also considered
an event that occurs after state policy guidelines are created and approved (Suhendriyo et al.,
Solichin Abdul Wahab states that implementation involves actions by individuals, officials,
government, or private groups. These actions aim to achieve the goals set in policy decisions
(Safitri, 2016). Professor H. Tachjan's perspective states that implementation as part of public
policy is an administrative process carried out after the policy is established or approved. This
activity lies between policy formulation and policy evaluation, with a top-down logic, which means
its interpretation is subordinate or alternative (Niningsih, 2023).
The paragraph above discusses the concept of "mental health," which originates from
mental hygiene. The word "mental" comes from Greek and is equivalent to "psyche" in Latin,
referring to the psychic or soul aspects. Therefore, "mental hygiene" is interpreted as the dynamic
maintenance of mental health, indicating continuous improvement efforts (Ariadi, 2019).
Dr. Jalaluddin, in his book "Religious Psychology," describes mental health as a state of inner
tranquility, safety, and peace. He suggests that inner peace can be achieved through self-
adjustment, including surrendering to God. A health expert from Merriam Webster defines mental
health as a state of emotional and psychological well-being in which individuals can effectively
utilize their cognitive and emotional abilities within their community while also meeting their daily
Deni highlights the positive influence of extracurricular activities on the character formation
of children. This is evident when children face various competitions and championships. Through
such preparations, children's mental resilience is strengthened to face various situations, including
victories and defeats. Students are also taught to pray together before routine practices, fostering
Siti Khodijah, Siti Asiah, Dede Kamaludin, Winda Komalasari, Anisa Fitri, Fika Diena
662 JTUS, Volume 2 No. 12 December 2024
a habit of prayer before engaging in daily activities. Deni notes that students who do not
participate in extracurricular activities tend to have less controlled behavior than their peers who
are active in extracurricular activities. However, not all students exhibit uniform behavior.
Mental Health characteristics include an individual's mental well-being influenced by
internal and external factors. Internal factors involve aspects such as personality, talents, and
genetic heritage. Conversely, external factors encompass the environment and family and external
variables such as legal, political, socio-cultural, religious, occupational, and similar aspects.
Supportive external factors can maintain a person's mental health, while detrimental external
factors have the potential to cause mental disorders (Niningsih, 2023).
Signs of Mental Illness are unhealthy mental conditions, whether psychological, social,
moral-religious, or physical health-related, that can be recognized through characteristics that
contradict mental health characteristics. For example, the inability to adapt positively to the social
environment is considered a sign of mental disturbance. This adaptation process differs from
social adjustment because adaptation involves active involvement and depends on the individual's
abilities while considering their social context (Ariadi 2019).
Based on the explanation, extracurricular activities are conducted outside of regular school
hours or within the school environment to broaden students' understanding and knowledge.
According to Sutisna, extracurricular activities are not just a source of entertainment for students
but are considered essential instruments in achieving significant educational goals. This view is
echoed by Ayarifuddin and Asmu, who state that extracurricular programs support educational
objectives, addressing aspects that cannot be resolved within the curriculum (Amirzan, 2019).
According to (Rakhmanti, 2014), activities outside the curriculum are efforts to explore
students' potential. These activities also cater to students' needs, such as diverse interests, skills,
and talents. Additionally, extracurricular activities play a significant role in supporting both in-class
and out-of-class activities and developing students' social skills. Social skills, alongside academic
prowess, are necessary for students to effectively apply their knowledge. By strengthening
students' talents and potential, they will be better prepared to face challenges and responsibilities
in their Education. Interaction with the environment is also an integral part of the learning process
that can influence behavior. This environment encompasses relationships between individuals,
society, nature, and other aspects, not limited to the subject matter found in textbooks.
A study conducted by (Suleiman et al., 2019) mentions that The importance of
extracurricular activities as an integral part of the services provided by schools is emphasized. They
state that students' access to these activities can significantly impact their academic achievement.
Research conducted at a Secondary School in Kwara State indicates that extracurricular activities
have a tangible influence on students' academic performance. Factors such as the availability of
facilities and extracurricular activity instructors are important aspects of this research. These
findings underscore the need for schools to pay greater attention to providing facilities that
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JTUS, Volume 2 No. 12 December 2024 663
support extracurricular activities, encouraging active student participation, which is expected to
positively impact their academic achievement (Ma’rifataini, 2018).
According to (Rohinah MN., 2012) extracurricular activities refer to educational activities
outside the core curriculum and counseling services to support students' development according
to their needs, potentials, talents, and interests. These activities are organized by educators or
educational staff who are qualified and authorized in the school. These extracurricular programs
are scheduled outside of class hours to fulfill students' needs for knowledge, self-development,
guidance, and habituation to strengthen their basic skills. The activities aim to reinforce the
formation of students' characters and include activities such as congregational prayers or Friday
prayers at school, celebrations of Islamic holidays, Islamic student organization (Rohis) activities,
Scout activities, social service activities, Islamic-based arts, as well as various other religious social
activities held outside of class hours.
According to the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 39 of 2008 concerning Student Development, extracurricular activities are
considered one avenue for student development. By involving students with academic and non-
academic skills, extracurricular activities in schools serve as a means of development that can
enhance students' abilities holistically (Mansir et al., 2020).
The conclusion of this study highlights several advantages, limitations, and potential
applications related to Islamic character education through extracurricular activities in
strengthening the mental and moral values of students at MI Hidayatul Mukhlisin. The main
advantage of this study lies in its ability to demonstrate that extracurricular activities based on
Islamic character education significantly support the development of noble character, the
enhancement of spiritual awareness, and the strengthening of students' social values. This is
evident through programs like scouting, which play a vital role in forming morality, social
sensitivity, and professional ethics. However, this study also has some limitations. The research
was conducted in only one school location, so the results may not fully represent other
educational contexts.
Additionally, the study relies on qualitative methods, making the quantitative results more
challenging to measure. The findings of this study can be applied in the planning and
development of Islamic character education programs in other schools. This study also opens
opportunities for further research to expand the understanding of the impact of Islamic character
education in various educational settings and its influence on students' mental and moral
development in the future.
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Copyright holder:
Siti Khodijah, Siti Asiah, Dede Kamaludin, Winda Komalasari, Anisa Fitri, Fika Diena (2024)
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Journal Transnational Universal Studies (JTUS)
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