JTUS, Volume 2 No. 12 December 2024 668
JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 12 December 2024
E-ISSN: 2984-7435, P-ISSN: 2984-7427
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58631/jtus.v2i12.140
The Cultivation of Local Wisdom Values “
” in the Lampung Student Association
Community in Solo City in Building Multiethnic
Catur Ayu Kurniasih1*, Moh. Muchtaro2, Winarno3
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
caturayu954@gmail.com1, muhtarom1974@gmail.com2, winarno_uns@yahoo.co.id3
Indonesia is known as a multicultural country with ethnic, religious, cultural, and linguistic diversity.
However, the era of globalization and modernization has eroded local wisdom values, including
Nemui Nyimah, a Lampung cultural value that emphasizes hospitality, openness, and generosity in
social life. This value is relevant in building tolerance in a multi-ethnic society. This research aims to
explore the application of the Nemui Nyimah value in building multi-ethnic tolerance in the
Lampung Student Association community in Solo City and identify strategies used to preserve the
value. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a single case study strategy. Data
were collected through participatory and non-participatory observation, interviews with
stakeholders, and documentation. Data analysis was conducted through data reduction, data
presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the Nemui Nyimah Value is
implemented through various activities such as deliberation, gotong royong, and social activities
that strengthen solidarity and harmony between members of the multi-ethnic community.
Implementation strategies include the formation of cultural studios, togetherness activities, and
community empowerment to increase understanding of local wisdom values. This research has
implications for showing that the value of Nemui Nyimah plays an important role in building multi-
ethnic tolerance and can be a solution in maintaining social harmony in the midst of globalization.
The practical implication is the importance of cultural education and cross-generational
collaboration to preserve local values in a multicultural society.
Keywords: Local Wisdom, Nemui Nyimah, Multi-Ethnic Tolerance.
Indonesia is known as a country with diverse cultures, ethnicities, religions, and languages
(Mavridis, 2015). This diversity characterizes the nation and is reflected in the national motto, Bhinneka
The Cultivation of Local Wisdom Values “Nemui Nyimah” in the Lampung Student Association Community
in Solo City in Building Multiethnic Tolerance
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Tunggal Ika, which means "Different but still one." However, this diversity also challenges the creation
of harmony, especially in globalization and modernization. The values of local wisdom, which serve as
a guideline for community life, are now facing threats to their existence. One relevant local value in
answering this challenge is Nemui Nyimah, a cultural concept from Lampung that reflects hospitality,
openness, and generosity in social life.
According to theory, local wisdom is behavior that develops over generations in a community,
which then becomes a value firmly held and internalized as culture (Geertz, 2007). Nemui Nyimah
reflects these values in Lampung society. Nemui means "visiting" or "friendship," while Nyimah means
"generous" or "open." In daily life, this value includes polite, friendly behavior and gracefully accepting
Local wisdom can be understood as human efforts to act, behave, and behave wisely toward a
particular object or situation (Ridwan, 2007). Local wisdom, such as Nemui Nyimah, is important as a
guide to life that builds social solidarity maintains harmony, and prevents conflict, especially in a
multiethnic society. In this context, Nemui Nyimah functions as a cultural value and a strategic tool to
create social harmony.
However, the existence of traditional values, such as Nemui Nyimah, is currently being eroded
by the influence of globalization. Modernization brings significant changes in the way people interact
and perceive cultural values. The younger generation, in particular, tends to be more interested in
popular and modern culture, which often goes against traditional values. In addition, technological
advances accelerate the flow of information and introduce new cultures, often outside the local
wisdom. This has caused values such as Nemui Nyimah to be abandoned and forgotten.
In the context of multiethnic life, this challenge is even more complex. The increase in tolerance
attitudes is due to the high contribution of historical awareness, religious values, and multiethnic
understanding of students through socialization in the history learning process (Azis et al., 2018).
Tolerance includes respect for differences and recognizing and accepting cultural, ethnic, and religious
diversity. (Yulianti. & Dewi, 2021) stated that tolerance is an attitude that respects differences in terms
of religion, culture, and customs to achieve a harmonious life. In this case, Nemui Nyimah offers a
relevant solution, as this value supports the creation of inclusive and harmonious social relations amid
One example of applying the Nemui Nyimah value can be seen in the Lampung Student
Association Community in Solo City. This community consists of members from various ethnic and
cultural backgrounds. Lampung's young generation faces significant challenges in preserving
traditional values amidst the swift flow of modernization. On the other hand, this community also has
excellent potential to become a model for building multiethnic harmony by applying Nemui Nyimah
In this community, the value of Nemui Nyimah is applied through various activities, such as
deliberation, gotong royong, and other social activities. Deliberation becomes a means to resolve
conflicts and make decisions collectively. Gotong royong, which reflects social solidarity, is carried out
through cooperation to achieve a common goal. In addition, social activities such as donations and
fundraising show how Nemui Nyimah can be applied to helping others regardless of differences.
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However, applying the Nemui Nyimah value in this community also faces various challenges.
One of them is that the community members need to understand the meaning and importance of the
value. Many members, especially the younger generation, must realize this value is important to their
cultural identity. In addition, the influence of foreign culture and modernization often blurs local values,
making Nemui Nyimah less appreciated.
To overcome this challenge, strategic efforts are needed to preserve and instill the value of
Nemui Nyimah. One strategy that can be done is the establishment of a cultural studio. According to
(Damayantie, 2019), cultural studios are a place to learn and practice traditional values and a medium
to introduce Lampung culture to the younger generation. In addition, the customary balancing
institution can play an important role in maintaining and preserving the values of Nemui Nyimah. This
institution can be a link between the older and younger generations in passing on cultural values in a
sustainable manner.
In the framework of this research, the Lampung Student Association Community in Solo City
becomes the object of study to understand how Nemui Nyimah values are applied in building
multiethnic tolerance. This research aims to answer two main questions: first, how Nemui Nyimah
values can build multiethnic tolerance in this community, and second, what strategies are carried out
to apply these values in everyday life? Thus, this research not only contributes to understanding the
values of Nemui Nyimah in the local context but also provides insight into how local wisdom can be a
solution to global challenges. In this increasingly connected era, values such as Nemui Nyimah have
greater relevance for the people of Lampung and multicultural communities worldwide.
This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a single case study strategy. This
approach was chosen to explore in depth the process of instilling the values of Nemui Nyimah's local
wisdom in building multiethnic tolerance in the Lampung Student Association Community in Solo City.
Qualitative research allows researchers to deeply understand phenomena in the context of real life,
focusing on social interactions that occur in the community.
Data were collected through three main techniques: observation, interviews, and
documentation. Observation was conducted using two approaches: participatory and non-
participatory. In participatory observation, researchers are directly involved in community activities to
understand how Nemui Nyimah values are applied in daily interactions. Meanwhile, non-participatory
observation is carried out by observing interactions between community members at formal and
informal events without the direct involvement of researchers.
Traditional leaders, administrators, and community members were interviewed to understand
better the meaning, challenges, and strategies for implementing Nemui Nyimah's value. The interview
techniques included structured interviews with specific guiding questions and semi-structured
interviews that allow for broader exploration based on informant responses.
Documentation was used to complement data from observations and interviews.
Documentation data included records of community activities, official archives, and visual
The Cultivation of Local Wisdom Values “Nemui Nyimah” in the Lampung Student Association Community
in Solo City in Building Multiethnic Tolerance
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documentation such as relevant photos or videos. These documents were obtained from official
community sources, such as social media and internal community records documenting their activities.
Data validity is ensured through triangulation techniques, both technical and source. Technical
triangulation compares data obtained from observations, interviews, and documentation to ensure
consistency of information. Meanwhile, source triangulation compares data from various sources to
ensure the validity of the findings.
The data analysis was carried out in three stages: data reduction, presentation, and conclusion
drawing. Data obtained from the field were reduced by summarizing, organizing, and selecting relevant
information. Furthermore, the reduced data is presented in the form of descriptive narratives, tables,
or diagrams to facilitate analysis. Conclusions were drawn by looking for patterns and relationships
between variables to answer research questions.
Application of Nemui Nyimah in Building Multiethnic Tolerance
The reality of Indonesia's diversity can turn into a catastrophe if differences are not understood
as a necessity (Naim, 2015). Diversity, on the one hand, is a national treasure. However, on the other
hand, it can lead to conflicts both between ethnic groups and between religions (Syahputra, 2020). The
development of Pancasila values is now increasingly eroded, as evidenced by the knowledge, attitudes,
and behaviors that occur in everyday life in this nation. Actions that should not be taken are raised to
trigger various disputes, hostility, and divisions. Pancasila as a national ideology means that its values
are the ideals of the Indonesian nation and a unifying tool for this nation (Muchtarom, 2012).
Koendjaraningrat also emphasized the importance of economic development and
modernization in Indonesian society (Book, 2023). He argued that modernization should be carried
out by maintaining good cultural values while adopting positive changes to improve the welfare of
society (Sumilih, 2015). For Lampung indigenous people, the social value of Nemui Nyimah is a
philosophy of life. It has been ingrained, grown, and developed for a long time in the community to
become the identity and characteristic of the Lampung people. According to Informant 1, explaining
Nemui Nyimah in language as follows
In Lampung, the name comes from the root word temui, which means guest. In contrast, nemui
is defined as receiving guests, visiting, establishing friendship, meeting each other, and welcoming
joyfully. Then nyimah comes from the root word simah, which is generous, polite, not stingy, smiling,
and friendly to anyone. The prefix nyi (miah) in nyimah means behavior.
The value of Nemui Nyimah has an important role in creating harmonious social relations in
multiethnic communities. (Palyanti et al., 2024) Stated that local wisdom, such as Nemui Nyimah, serves
as a guideline for maintaining social solidarity. In this community, the value of Nemui Nyimah is applied
to encourage friendly, open, and respectful interactions between members. This is in line with the
opinion of (Haryanto, 2014), who emphasizes that local wisdom can strengthen social relations and
prevent conflict in a plural society.
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Deliberation in Nemui Nyimah reflects the principle of openness and respect for differences. This
is relevant to the theory of multicultural communication proposed by (Fitria, 2024), which emphasizes
the importance of open communication and mutual respect in building intercultural relationships.
When connected with Pancasila, each precept has elements of tolerance in it, including the
a. Belief in One God, by recognizing and giving freedom to others to embrace religion and practice
their religious teachings;
b. Fair and Civilized Humanity, namely by creating an attitude of mutual tolerance and tempo spiro in
social life;
c. Indonesian Unity, which recognizes and respects the differences in society;
d. Social Justice for All Indonesian People, namely by respecting and appreciating the results of joint
decisions even though they are not by opinions;
e. By developing a fair attitude towards fellow human beings, Kerakyatan yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmad
Kebaksanaan dalam Permusyawaratan Perwakilan (Eleanora & Sari, 2019).
Civic Education (Civics) seeks to instill attitudes in Indonesian citizens in general and the nation's
young generation in particular so that, have insight and awareness of nationality and a sense of love
for the country as a manifestation of Indonesian citizens who are responsible for the survival of the
nation and state, have insight and appreciation for the diversity of Indonesian society so as to be able
to communicate well in order to strengthen national integration, have insight, awareness and skills in
exercising rights, obligations, have awareness and respect for fundamental human rights and essential
human obligations so as to be able to treat citizens fairly and non-discriminatively, actively participate
in building a democratic Indonesian society based on democratic values and culture sourced from
Pancasila, have an attitude pattern, mindset and behavior pattern that supports Indonesia's national
resilience and is able to adapt to the demands of the times for the progress of the nation (Octavian,
This explains that students, as a young generation, must be able to find their true identity by
carrying out deliberations and making decisions to act together without having to decide for
themselves as a form of a sense of kinship (Mardawani & Lusiana, 2018). The application of Nemui
Nyimah also reflects the theory of cultural conflict put forward by (Samovar et al., 2013), which
emphasizes that cultural differences can be managed through mutual understanding and respect for
local values. Nemui Nyimah is a bridge to overcome differences and build social harmony in this
community. Strategies for Implementing Nemui Nyimah's Local Wisdom Values in Building Multiethnic
Local wisdom owned by the Indonesian people can shape the character of the nation as well as
the identity of the Indonesian people (Anggraini & Kusniarti, 2017). The strategy of applying the values
of Nemui Nyimah's local wisdom in building multiethnic tolerance in the Lampung Student Association
community in Solo City is as follows:
a. Organizing intimacy with all members and introducing the local wisdom of Nemui Nyimah.
Welcoming and serving as an effort to realize a humanist and familial kinship.
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b. Maintain friendship and harmony among Lampung students by organizing competitions for
student interest and creativity.
c. Forming a cultural studio. By facilitating dance activities to preserve the values of local wisdom,
Nemui Nyimah will maintain kinship, intimacy, and harmony. In addition to the community
members maintaining friendships, there will also be positive activities to develop their creativity,
talents, and ideas.
d. Empowerment of members of the Lampung Student Association community in Solo City. This event
builds a sense of tolerance and member participation to develop community resources sustainably
through a persuasive and non-imposing model, improve knowledge, attitudes, and behavior, and
optimize the community's ability to find, plan, and solve problems.
Local wisdom is important for development solutions, including building harmony and anti-hate
(Dove, 2006). One of the implementations of Nemui Nyimah's local wisdom values can be by forming
a community, based on the results of an interview with Informant 2, who said
Forming this community is one of the implementation strategies to instill Nemui Nyimah values
in groups that aim to gather aspirations and foster students from Lampung Province in maintaining
and creating harmony. In addition, this community is to preserve cultural values, especially the principle
of Nemui Nyimah. This is important because the application of Nemui Nyimah's behavioral attitudes
has faded in people's lives, especially in this global era of digitalization. The younger generation has
begun to be eroded by local wisdom, starting to forget about
In line with (Damayantie, 2019), The principle of Nemui Nyimah in practice is based on a sense
of sincerity to create harmony in social life. Nemui Nyimah's behavior in community life can be
interpreted as an expression of the actions of the principles of kinship, intimacy, and harmony between
community members. One of the behaviors in Nemui Nyimah is the obligation to maintain friendship.
From the existence of Nemui Nyimah, one of which can shape the character of students. The formation
of citizen character is based on religious values, intelligence, honesty, resilience, democracy, caring,
critical thinking, creativity and innovation, compliance with social norms that apply in the life of the
nation and state, independence, and confidence (Muchtarom, 2012).
The strategies that can be used in applying the principle of Nemui Nyimah values include the
a. Establish a cultural center
As a form of preserving the values of local wisdom, Nemui Nyimah ensures harmony and
community unity in economic and social cooperation and structuring community relations, which
are now increasingly widespread (Damayantie, 2019).
b. Establish a customary balancing institution.
Customary balancers are very important in gathering aspirations and fostering Indigenous peoples'
maintenance and creation of harmony. In general, balancers in Indigenous communities agree to
preserve cultural values, especially the principle of Nemui Nyimah. This is important because the
application of Nemui Nyimah's behavioral attitudes in community life has been fading (Damayantie,
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c. Community empowerment
According to Widjaja (Damayantie, 2019), community empowerment is an effort to increase the
abilities owned by the community so that the community can fully realize its identity and dignity
and develop itself independently in the economic, social, religious, and cultural fields. In principle,
the community empowerment model is an effort to protect and defend the interests of weak
Based on the strategy of applying the principle of Nemui Nyimah values, the strategy aims that
citizens who have civic knowledge and attitudes will become confident citizens (civic confidence),
citizens who can participate socially (civic competence), and citizens who are committed to or care
about the state (civic commitment). Citizens with civic knowledge, attitudes, and skills will become
smart and good citizens (Van Twist et al., 2023).
The cultivation of local wisdom values "Nemui Nyimah" in the Lampung student association
community in Solo City, which builds multiethnic tolerance, will impact citizens with abilities such as
knowledge, values/attitudes, and skills to become participatory and responsible citizens in the life of
society, nation, and state. This will help citizens become good and intelligent citizens in line with the
components of civic education.
The conclusion of this study is that the cultivation of the local wisdom value of Nemui Nyimah
in the Lampung Student Association community in Solo City plays a significant role in building multi-
ethnic tolerance. The value of Nemui Nyimah, which includes hospitality, openness, and generosity,
has proven to be an effective means of creating harmonious social interactions in multi-ethnic
communities. These values are manifested through daily behaviors such as deliberation for problem
solving, gotong royong as a form of solidarity, and mutual respect. The strategy of applying the value
of Nemui Nyimah is carried out through togetherness activities, creativity competitions, the formation
of cultural studios, and empowerment of community members. These efforts aim to strengthen
brotherhood, harmony, and increase member participation in developing the community in a
sustainable manner.
This research makes an important contribution to the preservation of local wisdom values as a
practical solution in building tolerance and harmony in the midst of diversity. The value of Nemui
Nyimah can be a model for building tolerance in other multicultural communities, both at the national
and international levels. In addition, the results of this research open up opportunities for further
studies on the effectiveness of local wisdom in character education, conflict resolution, and
strengthening cultural identity, especially among the younger generation. With the integration of
cultural values such as Nemui Nyimah into education policies and social development programs, an
inclusive and harmonious society is expected to be created in the future.
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Catur Ayu Kurniasih, Moh. Muchtaro, Winarno (2024)
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Journal of Transnational Universal Studies (JTUS)
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