JTUS, Volume 3 No. 1 January 2025 21
JTUS, Vol. 03, No. 1 January 2025
E-ISSN: 2984-7435, P-ISSN: 2984-7427
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58631/jtus.v3i1.144
Islamic Stock Market Efficiency: Volatility and Performance Analysis
Amid Global Economic Uncertainty
Choiruddin1*, Safrizal2, Dewi Sartika3, Addiya Ullami4,
Romadhan5, Arief Safari6, Amie Amelia7
Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta, Indonesia
choiruddin354@gmail.com1, safrizalib01@gmail.com2, d3wiaisyah@gmail.com3,
saripanwar60@gmail.com4, ramaelzayn98@gmail.com5, safari2606@gmail.com6,
ameliaamie6[email protected]om7
The efficiency of the Islamic stock market is pivotal amid global economic uncertainties, serving as
a resilient alternative to conventional markets through adherence to sharia principles. This study
aims to analyze the efficiency, volatility, and performance of the Indonesian Islamic stock market
(Jakarta Islamic Index/JII) over a five-year period (20192024), reflecting global economic challenges.
Using a quantitative approach, this research employs volatility and performance analysis models
with data drawn from financial reports and macroeconomic indicators. Findings reveal that while the
Islamic stock market in Indonesia experiences increased volatility during economic crises, it
demonstrates superior stability and competitive returns compared to conventional markets. These
results underscore the role of sharia principles in mitigating speculative risks and enhancing market
resilience. Implications of this study suggest that policymakers, investors, and regulators can
leverage the insights to develop strategies for risk management and investment optimization within
the Islamic capital market ecosystem. Enhanced financial literacy and technological innovations are
recommended to bolster transparency and efficiency, ensuring sustainability in the global economic
Keywords: Islamic Stock Market, Market Efficiency, Volatility Analysis, Global Economic Uncertainty,
Jakarta Islamic Index, Sharia-Compliant Investments.
In the perspective of Islamic capital markets, efficiency is an important indicator to measure the
extent to which available information is reflected in stock prices (Rodoni, 2019). However, previous
research shows that there are information imbalances that can cause inefficiencies in the Islamic market
compared to the conventional market that is currently developing (Siska, 2022). These inequalities are
often caused by a lack of understanding of the operational mechanisms of Islamic stocks, including
certain ethical restrictions and prohibitions that can affect market liquidity and volatility (Sunaryono et
al., 2024).
Amidst global economic uncertainties, such as rising global interest rates, geopolitical conflicts,
and global supply disruptions, the Islamic stock market faces additional challenges to maintain stability
Choiruddin, Safrizal, Dewi Sartika, Addiya Ullami, Romadhan, Arief Safari, Amie Amelia
22 JTUS, Volume 3 No. 1 January 2025
(Islam et al., 2024). However, the real sector-based nature of Islamic stocks can be a competitive
advantage in maintaining investment value in times of crisis (Pardiansyah, 2017).
The existence of Islamic stock indices, such as the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) and the Indonesia
Islamic Stock Index (ISSI), demonstrates the ongoing efforts to strengthen the Islamic capital market
ecosystem in the global market. However, high volatility due to external changes raises questions
about the extent to which the Islamic stock market can be categorized as an efficient and productive
market (Syamsu Alam et al., 2021). In this context, research that analyzes the relationship between
volatility, efficiency, and performance of the Islamic stock market is needed to support the
development of future market policies.
Previous research relevant to this study provides important insights into the efficiency and
characteristics of the Islamic stock market. Study by (Malik, 2017) shows that the Islamic stock market
in Indonesia has weak efficiency with low liquidity, illustrating the condition of the domestic Islamic
stock market. Meanwhile, (Beik & Fatmawati, 2014) found that despite the higher volatility of Islamic
stocks compared to conventional stocks, the Islamic market shows stability in the long run, providing
an in-depth understanding of the relationship between volatility and market efficiency. Furthermore,
research (Nuraini, 2024) emphasized that financial technology plays an important role in improving
the transparency and efficiency of the Islamic stock market, showing the great potential of technology
in supporting the development of the Islamic market.
Most of the previous studies only focus on the market efficiency aspect without integrating
volatility analysis in depth. In addition, there is limited research on the impact of external factors, such
as the global economic crisis, on the efficiency of the Islamic stock market, which is needed in the
global market (Malik, 2017).
Based on the above background, the purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between
volatility, efficiency, and performance of the Islamic stock market in Indonesia in the face of global
economic uncertainty. This research also seeks to uncover the impact of external factors, such as the
global economic crisis, on the stability and sustainability of the Islamic stock market. The benefit of
this research is to provide strategic insights for stakeholders, including investors, regulators, and
academics, to develop policies that support the efficiency and stability of the Islamic capital market.
For investors, the results of this study can serve as a guide for better investment decision-making amid
economic uncertainty. For regulators, the findings of this study can serve as a basis for formulating
policies that increase transparency and reduce risk in the Islamic capital market. Meanwhile, for
academics, this research can be a reference in developing further studies related to the efficiency and
dynamics of Islamic capital markets in a global context.
This study employs a quantitative approach integrated with descriptive and inferential analysis
methods to evaluate the efficiency, volatility, and performance of the Islamic stock market amid global
economic volatility. The research focuses on the Islamic stock market in Indonesia, represented by the
Indonesian Islamic Stock Index (ISSI), as well as the global Islamic stock market represented by the
Dow Jones Islamic Market Index (DJIMI).
Efficiency of Islamic Stock Market: Volatility and Performance Analysis amid Global Economic
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Research Criteria
The research population comprises all companies listed on the Islamic stock indices at both
national (ISSI) and international (DJIMI) levels. The sample is selected purposively, adhering to the
following criteria:
1. Companies that remained consistently listed on the respective sharia index throughout the research
period (20192024).
2. Companies with complete and publicly available financial reports for the research period.
3. Companies representing diverse sectors of the economy to ensure broad coverage.
The targeted sample size consists of 50 companies for national analysis (ISSI) and 30 companies
for international analysis (DJIMI), ensuring a representative assessment of Islamic stock market
Data Collection
This study utilizes two primary types of data:
1. Secondary Data: Includes daily stock price data obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
platform and the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index, alongside macroeconomic variables such as
inflation rates, interest rates, and exchange rates sourced from Bank Indonesia and the World Trade
Organization (WTO).
2. Qualitative Data: Derived from company annual reports, providing insights into compliance with
sharia principles and operational practices.
Data Analysis
Descriptive statistical techniques are applied to evaluate data distribution and historical trends
in market volatility, complemented by inferential analysis to test hypotheses and draw conclusions.
Data validity is ensured through the use of official and credible sources such as the Indonesia Stock
Exchange and the World Bank. To verify reliability, test-retest analysis is employed, confirming the
consistency and reproducibility of results across different datasets. This methodological framework
enables a comprehensive analysis of the Islamic stock market's efficiency and its response to external
economic shocks, ensuring robust and actionable insights for stakeholders.
Efficiency of Islamic Stock Market in the Context of Global Economic Uncertainty
Islamic stock market efficiency can be measured through its ability to utilize information
optimally, with stock prices reflecting all available information. Based on research conducted by
(Nasution, 2015), the Islamic stock market shows semi-strong efficiency characteristics, where stock
prices reflect publicly available information, but there are still opportunities for market participants to
obtain higher profits in the short term.
In the face of global economic uncertainty, for example during the 2008 financial crisis or the
COVID-19 pandemic, Islamic stocks tend to be more stable than conventional stocks. Research by
(Febrianti, 2018) confirmed this, showing that Islamic stocks in Indonesia experienced a smaller price
decline during the crisis compared to the conventional stock index. This can be explained by Islamic
investment principles that emphasize long-term investment and rejection of excessive speculation, as
Choiruddin, Safrizal, Dewi Sartika, Addiya Ullami, Romadhan, Arief Safari, Amie Amelia
24 JTUS, Volume 3 No. 1 January 2025
well as instruments that are more transparent in the valuation of their assets in the global economic
However, in situations of global uncertainty such as political tensions or trade wars, Islamic
stocks also experience significant pressure. This shows that although the Islamic stock market is
relatively more stable, it remains vulnerable to external factors that are global in nature and affect the
underlying sectors of the world economy and the global economy (Halim, 2020).
Volatility and Risk of Islamic Stock Market
Stock market volatility refers to the level of stock price fluctuations that occur within a certain
period. This volatility is very important because it can affect investment decisions, both by institutional
and individual investors. One important indicator used to measure volatility is the coefficient of
variation and the GARCH (Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity) model, which
can capture the dynamics of volatility in the Islamic stock market (Agustin, 2015).
Based on data obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and analysis conducted by
(Puspitasari et al., 2024), Islamic stocks tend to have lower volatility compared to conventional stocks,
especially in the face of global economic uncertainty. In the 2020 crisis, Indonesian Islamic stocks only
experienced a decline of around 10%, while the conventional stock market experienced a decline of
more than 20%. This lower volatility can be explained by the Islamic investment principles that reduce
speculative risk and prioritize stability.
However, it is also possible that in a more in-depth analysis, Islamic stocks also show quite sharp
fluctuations in some sectors, such as the energy and commodity sectors which are strongly influenced
by international price policies and currency exchange rates. (Mutohharo & Nurhayati, 2021).. Therefore,
although the Islamic stock market is more stable, external factors affecting the global economy still
have an effect on stock price fluctuations in the global market.
The Effect of Global Economic Uncertainty on Islamic Stocks
Global economic uncertainty has a major impact on the stock market, both conventional and
Islamic stocks. During the 2020-2023 analysis period, the Islamic stock market experienced a sharp
decline during the COVID-19 pandemic, but with a faster recovery than the conventional stock market.
Research by (Jauhari, 2024) shows that Islamic stocks show higher resilience amid global economic
uncertainty. This is because Islamic stocks are more influenced by sectors that have strong
fundamentals and are less exposed to price fluctuations caused by global market speculation.
Sectors that are less affected by the crisis such as the food and medicine sector are more
dominant in the Islamic stock market. In this case, Islamic stocks are more driven by stable and socially
responsible principles, in accordance with the concept of Islamic economics that prioritizes shared
prosperity in improving the global economy.
However, global economic uncertainty caused by factors such as global inflation and tight
monetary policy continued to affect the performance of Islamic stocks (Jalil et al., 2024). Some Islamic
companies that focus on sectors that are more vulnerable to crisis, such as the hospitality and
aviation sectors, experienced significantly sharper declines.
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Comparison of Islamic and Conventional Stock Markets in Response to Economic
One of the interesting findings of this analysis is that Islamic stocks are more reactive to
fundamental and long-term information, while conventional stocks are more influenced by short-
term speculation. This is consistent with the theory of market efficiency developed by (Hamid,
n.d.) in efficient market theory, where relevant information is quickly reflected in stock prices in
the global economic market.
The Islamic stock market has the advantage of transparency and the avoidance of harmful
practices such as usury and gharar, which can create market uncertainty (Bouslama & Lahrichi,
2017). Therefore, in the long run, Islamic stocks tend to be more stable and provide better returns
in a safer market context. However, this study also found that the Islamic stock market has its own
challenges in terms of liquidity and reliance on a few less diverse sectors.
The results of this study indicate the importance of developing policies and regulations that
support the Islamic stock market, especially in the face of global economic uncertainty. One of the
policy suggestions is to expand Islamic investment instruments, such as the issuance of more diverse
sukuk, as well as increase economic literacy and education on Islamic investment to the public in all
global economic markets.More proactive policies that create market transparency and reduce
dependence on external factors are also needed. The development of Shariah-based financial
technology can also help create a more efficient market and minimize volatility (Hisam, 2024).
The conclusion of this study conclusively shows that the Islamic stock market in Indonesia,
represented by the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII), showed semi-strong efficiency during the 2019-2024
period. Although public information affects stock price movements, the market is not fully efficient in
absorbing and reflecting all available data. Amid global economic uncertainties, such as the COVID-19
pandemic and geopolitical tensions, the Islamic stock market showed greater stability compared to
the conventional market, underscoring its resilience. Moreover, shariah-compliant investment
principles, which emphasize the support of real assets and prohibit speculative practices, contribute to
competitive returns and make the Islamic stock market a viable alternative during periods of economic
These findings provide valuable insights for future policy and market development. Investors are
encouraged to include Islamic stocks in their portfolios to reduce volatility risk, while regulators should
increase transparency and implement efficiency standards to foster investor confidence. Issuers should
consistently adhere to Shariah principles to maintain market integrity and attract wider participation.
Future research could explore the integration of advanced financial technologies, such as blockchain,
to further improve market efficiency. In addition, the establishment of a comprehensive global Islamic
index, along with increased cross-border collaboration and financial literacy initiatives, will strengthen
the sustainability and competitiveness of the Islamic stock market in the global economic landscape.
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Copyright holder:
Choiruddin, Safrizal, Dewi Sartika, Addiya Ullami, Romadhan, Arief Safari, Amie Amelia (2025)
First publication right:
Journal of Transnational Universal Studies (JTUS)
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