Umatun Markhumah, Shabrina Herawati, Eko Pujiatmoko
932 JTUS, Vol. 01, No. 11 December 2023
to govern humans both in their relationship with Allah SWT, with fellow humans, with the universe,
and with other created beings. This sharia was stipulated by Allah for Muslims, both contained in
the Al-Qur'an and in the Sunnah of the Prophet. God is the supreme lawgiver. Islamic Sharia is a
concrete embodiment of God's will in the midst of human life in society. Sharia is a principle stated
in the Qur'an and the principle of the Qur'an itself. In order for this principle to be properly
realized, it certainly requires examples. In this case it takes examples from the Prophet. Through
the behavior and words of the Prophet, humans can understand what is the will of Allah Ta'ala.
Therefore the Prophets and Messengers should be exemplary in implementing the Shari'ah.
Third, morality is an attitude that causes good or bad behavior. Derived from the word
khuluk which means temperament, attitude, behavior, character, character. These words have a
relationship with attitudes, behavior, or human behavior towards the Creator (Creator of the
universe) and creatures (which are created). The moral element by itself contains moral principles
and rules of behavior in relations between human beings. In this way, moral education does not
end at the level of inheritance of knowledge about moral rules and principles that govern
behavior, but further than that how moral rules and rules govern this behavior are actually
manifested in real everyday behavior. Humans of faith, piety and noble character are formed
through life processes and especially through educational processes, especially religious life and
religious education. The educational process occurs and lasts a lifetime, both in the family, school
and community. In Islam, to test good or bad morals, the measurement or reference is the Al-
Qur'an and As-Sunnah. Any actions that are ordered and recommended in the Al-Qur'an and As-
Sunnah are good morals. Any actions that are prohibited in the Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah are
included as bad morals. The teaching and learning process that is expected in moral education is
more to educate not teach.
Obsacles in the Formation of Islamic Character
It cannot be denied that Indonesia is a very plural country in terms of diversity of ethnicity,
race, language, and religion. On the one hand, this plurality can be a valuable capital if it is well
coordinated and regulated, but on the other hand this plurality can also become a significant
challenge and obstacle in carrying out development if it cannot be properly coordinated and
regulated. Several incidents occurred in the country due to friction triggered by issues of ethnicity,
religion, politics, and other interests.
In matters of religion, for example, as we all know that there have been several religious
conflicts in Indonesia (Angkat, 2021). This conflict does not only occur between one religious
community and another religious community, but in the case of Muslims, not a few conflicts occur
between Muslims themselves. It is very ironic indeed, why this conflict can occur among Muslims
even though Islamic teachings clearly emphasize peace. Islam which brings a message of peace
to its people as well as to other people does not become a guideline for its people to build peace
among them. Differences in theology (aqidah), schools of thought (Islamic law), tarekat (morals),