JTUS, Vol. 01, No. 11 December 2023 935
JTUS, Vol. 01, No. 11 December 2023
E-ISSN: 2984-7435, P-ISSN: 2984-7427
Analysis of the Critical Discourse of the Fairclough Model as
Alternative Legal Case Analysis Approaches Allegation of
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: Yuniasih.2[email protected]
With the rapid development of social media applications today, especially the YouTube
application, more and more YouTubers are known by the wider community. One of them is
youtuber LM. One of LM's video content "Eating Pork Crunch" (2023) went viral so that it was
entangled in a blasphemy law case under Article 28 paragraph 2 of the ITE Law. To find out the
content of the youtube video has the potential for blasphemy or cannot be analyzed by
qualitative description method with Fairclough's model critical discourse analysis analysis. The
critical discourse analysis of Fairclough's model is divided into three dimensions, the micro
dimension, the meso dimension, and the macro dimension. The stages of data analysis are (1)
stages of providing data and (2) stages of data analysis. The results of critical discourse analysis
are further associated with forensic linguistics. The results of the analysis are to determine
whether the content of LM's youtube video has the potential for blasphemy. The results of the
analysis showed that the analysis of LM's video content "Eating Pork Crunch" (2023) was
identified as having the potential for blasphemy.
keywords: critical discourse analysis, fairclough's model, forensic linguistics, youtube,
The development of information technology is growing rapidly. The development of
information technology is one of them in the development of social media (social media).
Currently, more than half of the world's people use social media, which is 60% or 4.80 billion
people, 150 million new users have been online in the last 12 months with an average daily use
of 2 hours 24 minutes (Harris et al., 2023).The order of social media from the most used today is,
youtuber, whatsapp, instagram, wechat, tik tok, FB messenger, snapchat, dolyin, telegram,
kuaishou, sina weibo, QQ, and pinterest. Muhtar & Rohman, (2023) explained that of the ten
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applications, the applications that are often used in Indonesia are whatsapp, instagram, facebook,
tik tok, Instagram, twiter and FB messenger. However, the use of youtube is also not inferior in
With the rapid development of social media applications today, especially the YouTube
application, more and more YouTubers are known to the wider community, such as artists known
through television. These YouTubers are free to upload content on their yuotube channels. This
freedom causes the uploaded content to smell of SARA. This was confirmed by Dedy Permadi
(2021) that since 2018, Kominfo has handled 3,640 hate speeches based on ethnicity, religion,
race, and anatrgolongan (SARA) in the digital space (Gurning, 2023). Content containing SARA,
including video content that has allegations of blasphemy. Video content like this will usually go
viral. This is what causes public unrest because it can divide public opinion or even lead to other
physical actions.
The content of youtube videos that have alleged blasphemy that has gone viral lately is the
content of YouTuber Lina Mukherjee (hereinafter abbreviated as LM). Reporting from kompas.com
(2023), on March 9, 2023, LM uploaded the content "Eating Pork Crunch" (2023). The content has
been watched 9.8 million times (youtube account @LinaMukherjee) so Lina Mukherjee was
charged with blasphemy law cases Article 28 paragraph 2 Juncto Article 45 paragraph 2 of the
ITE Law and Article 156 letter a of the Criminal Code (jawapos.com, 2023).
Based on this explanation, to find out whether LM's youtube video content contains
allegations of blasphemy as alleged or not, it can be proven by critical discourse analysis. Critical
discourse analysis (AWK) is a discourse analysis research that mainly studies the ways in which
abuse of social power and inequality is imposed, reproduced, legitimized, and countered by texts
and talks in social and political contexts (Van Dijk, 2015). In the context of this study, analyzing
yotubue LM video content has the potential for blasphemy or not. The critical discourse analysis
used is Fairclough's model. Fairclough's critical discourse analysis model is considered important
to explore meaning based on uploads, the background of uploads, and consider the socio-cultural
elements of the community at the time the upload was made (Kusno et al., 2022).
In addition, previous research using Fairclough's model of critical discourse analysis has
been widely conducted. First research (Asghar, 2021; Asidiky & Puspa, 2020; Karouw et al., 2019;
Kusno et al., 2022). These studies have the same theoretical approach in expressing meaning to
be more comprehensive, namely using the Fairclough model critical discourse analysis approach.
Second, the News of Islamic Blasphemy on the Website of Kompas and Republika A Critical
Discourse Analysis research conducted by (Suganda et al., 2018). This study has similarities with
this study, namely analyzing allegations of blasphemy committed by Basuki Tjahaja Purnama.
Third, Hoax Text Analysis Around Bank Information: Language study perspective of critical
discourse analysis and forensic linguistics (Mulkan & Harmonis, 2017). This research has
similarities with this study, which uses the AWK approach and forensic linguistics to investigate
hoax cases. In the context of this study, it is using Fairclough's AWK model approach and forensic
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Analysis Approaches Allegation of Blasphemy
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linguistics to analyze LM's youtube video content whether it has allegations of blasphemy or not.
Based on the explanation above and the previous study, this study aims to (1) describe
Fairclough's AWK model in LM's youtube video content "Eat Pork Crunch" (2023) and (2)
determine LM's youtube video content "Eat Pork Crunch" (2023) has the potential for alleged
blasphemy or not .
This research method is qualitative description with critical discourse analysis. The cutative
research method is also called the interpretative method because the research data is more
concerned with the interpretation of data found in the field (Sugiyono, 2020). The model of critical
discourse analysis is the Fairclough Model. This model divides the analysis into three divisions,
namely (1) micro dimension, (2) meso dimension, and (3) macro dimension. The object of research
is LM's youtube video content "Eating Pork Crunch" (2023) uploaded on March 9, 2023. The
technique used to collect data is note-taking.
Researchers after determining the object of research study, then listen repeatedly to
understand the content of the youtube video. After listening, the oral data from the video was
transcribed into written language. The steps to provide data are in accordance with Mahsum,
(2018) which explains the stages of forensic lingusitic studies are (1) stages of providing data and
(2) stages of data analysis. The stage of providing data, is (1) making phonetic transcriptions of
videos, (2) making resolutions of analyzed speeches; (3) ensure authenticity (4) find comparison
data (if needed).
The stage of data analysis after the data is available is to conduct a critical discourse analysis
of the Fairclough model consisting of (1) micro dimensions, (2) meso dimensions, and (3) macro
dimensions. In the third stage of critical discourse analysis, namely the macro stage that relates
the text to the socio-culture of the discourse (object of study) is located and develops.
After a critical discourse analysis of Fairclough's model, forensic linguistic analysis was
carried out. In this case, the results of previous studies were reduced based on data that had the
potential for blasphemy. From the data that has been obtained, it is concluded whether the data
has the potential for blasphemy or not.
Youtuber LM who is also a tiktoker born in Samarinda. LM often appears on TV shows to
podcasts owned by famous YouTubers in the country. That way, LM is quite widely known to the
Indonesian people, no wonder if the YouTube video content is widely watched. Reporting from
kompas.com (2023), on March 9, 2023, Lina uploaded the content "Eat Pork Crunch" (2023) on
her tiktok account, which is also on @linamukhrejee youtube account with a
https://www.youtuber.com/shorts/xIYvFSQYKLM link. The content has been watched by 9.8
million times so Lina Mukherjee was charged with legal problems for blasphemy cases and
938 JTUS, Vol. 01, No. 11 December 2023
disseminating information and finally became a suspect who was charged with Article 28
paragraph 2 Juncto Article 45 paragraph 2 of the ITE Law and Article 156 letter a of the Criminal
Code (jawapos.com, 2023). Based on the source of the data is then transcribed. The results of the
transcription need to be studied with the Fairclough model critical discourse analysis approach.
The analysis was carried out with three dimensions, namely textual practice (micro level), discourse
practice (meso level), and sociocultural (macro level) as follows
Dimensions of Textual Analysis (Microanalysis)
This analysis was carried out on the text transcribed from LM's youtube content video
"Makan Kriuk Pork" (2023). Rohana, (2015) explain the stages of microanalysis, namely (1)
vocabulary, (2) grammar, and (3) text structure. Studies that can be done on the vocabulary used
are (a) classification patterns depicted in the text, (b) ideological words that are fought, (c) relation
of meaning of ideological words, (d) formal and informal words (e) striking words, (f) positive and
negative evaluations, and (g) metaphors used. Grammatical studies can analyze (a) transitiveness,
(b) nominalization, (c) active-passive sentence, (d) sentence modes, (e) persona pronouns, and (f)
expressive modalities. Study of text structure through analysis of (1) interaction conventions and
(2) text sequencing. The micro-dimension study of this study sequentially analyzes (1) text
structure, (2) grammar, and (3) vocabulary.
Text Structure
The text structure can be divided into three parts, namely the opening part, the body part,
and the closing part. LM's youtube content video transcription results read::
Lina Mukhrejee sits at a table in a restaurant. On the table are food (rice, vegetables and
side dishes). Lina is doing a live broadcast.
"Bisamillah, eh lupa... Teman-teman, saya pikir hari ini saya akan dipecat dari kartu keluarga
karena saya ingin tahu tentang pork crunch (menunjuk ke menu lauk pork crunch)
"Jadi, hari ini saya telah mematahkan pilar iman"
Tentu saja, kartu keluarga saya dicabut, tetapi saya hanya ingin tahu karena di akun tik-tok
saya ada banyak sit-up.... Tapi saya makan pork crunch, kok merinding, ya? Kemarin makan daging
itu biasa saja.
(Read audience questions)
"Mbak Lina, sudah berapa kali kamu makan daging babi?"
Total tiga kali, ya. Pertama di Sri Lanka. Saat itu, saya tidak sengaja makan karena saya tidak
bisa berbahasa Inggris ... Pog.. pog. Saya pikir pog adalah pat-pok-pok. Jadi, saat itu Anda berusia
24 tahun.
Kemudian, setelah makan daging babi saya bertanya kepada mantan yang sama ... Saya
berkata, "Eh, masjid yang mana? Dijawab gaya "minta masjid sudah makan .... (laugh).
Kedua kemarin, ada acara di tempatnya non-non.
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Yang ketiga adalah dengan kesadaran diri. Coba seperti apa rasanya, rasanya seperti daging
babi yang ramai. Ya Tuhan. Saya dipecat dari kartu keluarga saya
In the opening part, LM says "Bismillah" before eating the pork crunch in front of him.
Continued to express complaints that LM would be expelled or no longer recognized as a family
member because of curiosity about pork crunch. This meaning is strengthened by the context of
LM's discourse in a restaurant in front of which food is served, then LM will eat the dish. From the
expression that he is curious about pork crunch, it can be interpreted as a dish in front of him
consisting of rice, vegetables, and side dishes. The intended side dish is pork crunch. LM's activities
were broadcast live on his tiktok account and then also uploaded on his youtube account. This is
marked by LM's greeting "guys" at the beginning of the live broadcast, intended to greet the
In the content section, LM conveyed the consequences of his act of eating pork kriuk
violating the pillars of faith. By eating pork crunch, LM has committed an act that is prohibited by
Islam as a religion adopted by YouTubers. As a diverse person of Islam, YouTuber LM has
deliberately eaten pork crunch so in Islam it is recommended to perform penitential prayers.
Rohmadi, (2015) explains how to purify people who deliberately eat meat by washing their mouths
seven times, one of which is mixed with dust, after which they perform penitential prayers.
Next, there was an LM live broadcast audience who asked "How many times has LM eaten
pork,". From LM's explanation, he has eaten pork three times. First when LM was in Sri Lanka due
to an element of accident. At that time did not know the meaning of the English word pig is pig.
Second, LM eats pork with awareness when attending non-Muslim events. Because in video
content, LM often shows LM eating crunch, such as crackers, salted fish and others, so LM is
curious about the taste of pork crunch.
In the closing part, LM delivered eating pork crunch with awareness in a restaurant and
broadcast live. This is the third time LM has eaten pork. LM complained that he would be expelled
or not considered a member of his family anymore as a result of eating pork crunch. The sentence
is as expressed in the opening part of the discourse.
The grammatical analysis used in LM video content is that grammatical studies can analyze
(a) transitiveness, (b) active-passive sentences, and (c) sentence modes. The transitiveness in LM's
post shows that LM mentioned something negative by saying "bismillah." This offends Indonesian
people who are Muslims before eating pork crunch. Furthermore, LM mentioned with awareness
of eating pork crunch with LM as a follower of Islam. This is also considered offensive to Islam
because in Islam eating pork is haram, which means that Muslims are forbidden to eat pork, if
they have already eaten pork curd, they must do sohlat penance and purify their mouths.
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Furthermore, judging from the active-passive voice that LM uses in his video content. The
sentence used is a direct sentence spoken by LM. The direct sentence is used to answer the
audience's question "How many times does LM eat pork?" while the passive voice is used to state
the beginning and end of the text. The active sentences used by LM include "So, today I have
broken the pillars of faith" and "In total three times. First in Sri Lanka. At that time, I accidentally
ate because I couldn't speak English... Pog.. pog. I think the pog is pat-pok-pok. So, at that time
you were 24 years old. Passive voice is characterized by affixes in verbs used, e.g. revoked, fired.
Analysis of sentence modes in LM video content in general has the potential for blasphemy.
It is found in the first sentence of "bismillah" before eating pork crunch and at the end of the text
that LM self-consciously chewed pork crunch. This, according to LM, resulted in LM "violating the
pillars of Islam". With these remarks considered to have committed blasphemy because eating
pigs is prohibited in Islam, LM is Islamic so LM was reported to the authorities for violating article
28 paragraph 1 of the ITE Law.
Vocabulary Use
The use of vocabulary in LM video content when viewed from the formality of the words
used, including informal words. This is supported by the video content performed in a relaxed
atmosphere in a restaurant. The text classification pattern that LM uses in its video content
belongs to the description text type. (Mahsum, 2018) description text is a text that has a social
purpose to describe an object or object individually based on its physical characteristics. In this
case LM describes what will be done (eating pork crunch), explains LM has eaten pork three times,
and is accompanied by a description of the consequences of LM eating pork.
Discourse Practice Dimension (Meso Level)
Critical discourse analysis of this model at the meso-level dimension is in the form of
interpreting the relationship between production and interpretation of discursive processes. Two
things that become land are (1) interpretation of text, and (2) interpretation of context. In text
interpretation there are four levels of interpretation, namely (a) the birth form of speech, (b) the
meaning of speech, (c) local coherence, (d) text structure and points. In context interpretation,
there are two levels of interpretation, namely (a) situational context, and (b) intertext context
(Rohana, 2015). The text in the context of this study is called discourse.
The interpretation of discourse is seen from its form, including oral discourse, which is in the form
of LM youtube content videos. To obtain research data, the video is then transcribed in written
form. The discourse depicts LM eating at a restaurant in front of him served a menu consisting of
rice, vegetables and side dishes, pork crunch.
Interpretation of the meaning of speech made by LM. Before eating the pork crunch, LM
said "bismilah" which is what Muslims usually do because LM is diverse in Islam. So, this became
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a habit in his life before eating praying first. Of course, my family card was revoked, but I was just
curious because on my tik-tok account there were a lot of crunches.... But I eat crunch
How come pigs get goosebumps, huh? Yesterday eating meat was ordinary. From this
statement, it is interpreted that LM had eaten pork before eating this pork crunch, but before
eating this pork kriuk he felt goosebumps (in KBBI online is standing roman hair (or goose hair)
because of fear and so on), before eating pork kriuk LM felt scared.
His actions will result in LM being expelled from family member cards because LM is illicit
food. LM admitted that there is a "So, today I have violated the pillars of faith", meaning that LM
has done an act that is prohibited by Islam as the religion adopted by LM, namely eating pork
crunch. LM stated "today I have broken the pillars of faith". That is, LM has violated the pillars of
faith by eating pork crunch. LM's complaint "fired me from the family card"
Another complaint is that the first experience of eating pork was because it misinterpreted
the meaning of pig (pork) into pog-pog (applause) chanted. His ignorance was explained in LM's
question asking his ex-girlfriend about the mosque. Which was answered with a satirical
statement, namely why do you want to pray (ask the mosque) because you have eaten pork.
The interpretation of the situational context is that LM is in a restaurant in front of which
there is a food menu. The dish consists of rice, vegetables and side dishes. Before eating, LM said
bismilah. Where a Muslim is forbidden to eat pork, but to recite basmallah which is sunnah before
eating a meal. This controversial act is considered to have elements of blasphemy. LM has eaten
pork 3 times. The first was done accidentally while in Sri Lanka, the second at a non-Muslim event,
which was when in a restaurant that was broadcast live. LM ate the third pork consciously and
broadcast live for the audience to see. It turned out that the content went viral, viewed by millions
of viewers.
Therefore, LM has spread information aimed at causing hatred or hostility of individuals and
/ or certain community groups based on ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroup (SARA) through
video content to the community so that LM is entangled in article 28 paragraph 2 of the ITE Law.
This resulted in controversy in society, especially people who are Muslim. Therefore, LM's actions
can be understood as blasphemy.
The interpretation of intertext context (intertectuality) was carried out by comparing the
content of LM's youtube video "Eating Pork Kriuk" (2023) which after being virally reported in
various media in Indonesia. The LM content is reported in newspapers, both online and offline.
Intertectuality was carried out on the news in detik.com (Wednesday, October 31, 2018)
with the title Accused of Blasphemy, Tetran Muslim and Coki Paradede Apologize. The detik.com
online newspaper carried (1) Tetran Muslim and Coki Paradede were considered to have
committed blasphemy through a video of cooking pork mixed with dates on youtube. (2) Both
apologized for actions that disturbed the community, (3) Both revealed that making the video was
not related to Mejelis Lucu Indonesia, (4) the video content of Tetran Muslim with Coki Paradede
cooking pork mixed with dates, (5) Interpreted Muslims want to cook pork which is considered
942 JTUS, Vol. 01, No. 11 December 2023
haram in Islam mixed with dates, (6) Jokes made when cooking, for example "Try, we listen to hell,
hell, hellfire, this pig is hell."; " If Muslims are the best part of the pig, it is thrown away. There is
no best in alharamin." This prompted comments from Derry Sulaiman who considered the video
Based on these two reports, important points were obtained, namely
1. Blasphemy is related to words that offend religious people. In this case the religion of Islam.
2. Blasphemy linked to pork
3. Blasphemy content goes viral
4. Blasphemy causes uproar or unrest in society.
5. The creator apologizes to the general audience
Dimensions of Socio-Cultural Practices (Macro Level)
Critical discourse analysis at the macro level dimension analyzes the relationship of
discourse with social structure, analyzes the factors behind LM video content emerging and the
social state of society after the discourse (video content) goes viral. The background of LM's video
content is LM's curiosity about the taste of pork crunch. This is because in LM's content there are
many videos of LM eating "kiruk" food. LM's content "Eating Pork Crunch" went viral, causing
unrest in the community. Both online and other media reported that LM committed blasphemy
and was charged with article 28 paragraph 2 of the ITE Law. The LM case is still ongoing in South
Sumatar PN.
There are several cases of blasphemy in the social context of Indonesian society through
social media, either YouTube or other accounts. The first case is the case of Tetran (Mumtaz, 2019)
in the video content "Tutorial on Cooking Pork and Dates" (Kompas.com, 2018) and the second
case involving Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok (2016) reported (BBC New Indonesia, 2016).
Both cases illustrate the blasphemy that Indonesia has in relation to Indonesia's Muslim-
majority society. Both cases were reported to authorities and became suspected perpetrators of
blasphemy. In addition to Ahok getting public criticism, Ahok himself was sentenced to two years
in prison. The case of Tetran Muslim and Coki Paradede was not imprisoned, like Ahok, but they
were ostracized by society, but also disomasi (his arrival in a certain city was denied) or in other
words Tetran Muslim and Coki Paradede received social law after creating unrest in the
community. After LM's youtube video content went viral, LM was also reported to the authorities
for blasphemy and eventually became a suspect in the case. In addition, LM also received public
The Relevance of the Results of the AWK Fairclough Model Analysis with the Forensic
Lingustic Study
After analyzing LM youtube video content data based on Fairclough's model critical
discourse analysis based on micro, meso, and macro dimensions, it was found that LM video
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content had the potential for blasphemy. This is evidenced by the results of critical discourse
analysis of Fairclough's model on micro, meso, and macro dimensions. The results of the analysis
are as follows.
1. Micro-dimensional analysis, through the analysis of (1) text-discourse structure, in LM (2023)
video content "Eating Pork Crunch" consists of an opening, content, and closing; (2) grammar
analyzed through (a) transitiveness, it was found that the word considered to have the potential
for blasphemy was "Bismilah" and LM's statement "with self-awareness eating pork crunch," (2)
active-passive voice, obtained LM in the content using active voice used to express what LM
did, while passive voice was used to express LM's feelings at the beginning and end of the
content, (c) the sentence modes in LM's video content when associated with Islam have the
potential for blasphemy, for example in the words "bismilah", "violating the pillars of Islam",
and LM's statement "knowingly eating pork crunch."
2. Meso dimension analysis, analyzed through (1) text interpretation and context interpretation
and (2) intertext interpretation. The interpretation of the text is carried out on the whole
discourse interpreted according to the word that composes the sentence, for example before
eating the pork crunch LM says "bismilah" which is usually done by Muslims because LM is
diverse in Islam. So, this became a habit in his life before eating praying first. Intertext
interpretation, which compares LM news related to blasphemy cases due to the upload of "Eat
Pork Kriuk" video content reported in various media with similar cases. The cases taken to
compare with LM's case, are Ahok's case and the video case of Tetra Muslim and Coki Paradede.
Based on these two intertectuality analyses, conclusions were obtained: (a) blasphemy is
related to words that offend religious people. In this case the religion of Islam, (b) blasphemy
related to pork, (c) blasphemy content goes viral, (d) blasphemy causes uproar or unrest in
society, € the content creator apologizes to the general public.
3. The macro-level dimension obtained (a) behind the LM video content being made is LM's
curiosity about the taste of pork crunch. (2) LM's content "Eating Pork Crunch" went viral,
causing unrest in the community, both online and other media reporting LM committing
blasphemy and being charged with article 28 paragraph 2 of the ITE Law. The LM case is still
ongoing in South Sumatar District Court.
Based on the results of the analysis of the critical discourse of the Franchugh model that has
been exposed, in this study there is a relationship between the critical discourse analysis of the
Franchugh model with forensic lingusitics. Based on the analysis of micro, meso, and macro
dimensions in LM's video content "Makan Kriuk Pork" (2023), it was found that it has the potential
for blasphemy. From the potentially blasphemy expression, LM was reported to the authorities on
charges of committing blasphemy.
LM, who is also a tiktoker who is quite well known to the public, has received criticism from
various parties. In addition, LM made the public restless by uploading video content "Makan Kriuk
Babi" on social media accounts. Therefore, LM was charged with article 28 paragraph 2 of the ITE
944 JTUS, Vol. 01, No. 11 December 2023
Law. Currently, LM's legal status rises from witness to suspect. In addition, currently, the South
Sumatra PN is still processing criminal cases, blasphemy that has been committed by LM.
Based on the results of the research and discussion that has been described, it can be
concluded that Lina Mukhrejee's video content entitled "Eating Pork Crunch" (2023) has the
potential for blasphemy as evidenced by the results of Franchugh's critical discourse analysis,
including micro dimension analysis, meso dimension and macro dimension. The results of the
study can be attributed to forensic lingustics aimed at assisting law enforcement through
language analysis. Based on the results of critical discourse analysis, Franchugh's model that can
be used as evidence that LM has committed blasphemy is The results of the micro-dimensional
analysis found the word "Bismilah" before eating pork crunch, and LM's statement sentence
"violating the pillars of Islam", and LM's statement "consciously eating pork crunch.The results
of the meso dimension analysis through intertectuality analysis concluded that (a) blasphemy is
related to words that offend religious people. In this case the religion of Islam, (b) blasphemy
related to pork, (c) blasphemy content goes viral, (d) blasphemy causes uproar or unrest in society,
(e) content creators apologize to the general public. The results of the macro dimension analysis
found that LM's content upload "Eating Pork Crunch" went viral, causing unrest in the community
so that LM was convicted of blasphemy and charged with article 28 paragraph 2 of the ITE Law.
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