Storynomic Strategy in the Digital World: A Study on Instagram Reel in Increasing
Audience Attraction and Potential for Ordering Products Based on Indonesian Language
and Literature
JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 1 January 2024 21
Audience engagement, measured through metrics like likes, comments, and shares, shows
a positive response to Instagram Reels with Storynomic-based stories. This creates a closer
interaction between brands and consumers, creating an emotional bond that encourages active
participation from viewers.
The impact is not only limited to engagement, but also extends to potential product
ordering and purchasing decisions. Positive reactions to stories have an impact on consumers'
interest in exploring and buying the promoted product. This illustrates the important role of
Storynomic in stimulating consumer purchase actions.
The practical implication of this research is that the Storynomic strategy can be an effective
tool in marketing products based on Indonesian language and literature on the Instagram Reel
platform. Businesses can leverage this concept to increase their digital presence and build closer
relationships with consumers. While the results of this study provide valuable insights, further
research can be conducted to more deeply understand the long-term impact of Storynomic
strategies, including their impact on consumer loyalty and brand image. Thus, this research
provides a foundation for further exploration in exploring the full potential of Storynomic's
strategy in digital marketing of products based on Indonesian language and literature.
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