K-Means Algorithm for District/City Classification in West Java Based on Stunting
Toddler Data
JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 2 February 2024 61
poverty and development. According to a report from the United Nations Children's Emergency
Fund (UNICEF), more than half of stunted children, about 56%, live in Asia, while more than a third,
or about 37%, come from the African continent. Indonesia itself still faces major challenges related
to child nutrition and growth problems (Hanifa & Mon, 2021)(Izani, 2021). UNICEF data shows
that around 80% of stunted children are spread across 24 developing countries in Asia and Africa.
Indonesia ranks fifth in the list of countries with the highest stunting prevalence, after India, China,
Nigeria, and Pakistan. Currently, the prevalence of stunting in children under the age of 5 in the
South Asia region reaches around 38%.
Nutrition issues remain a major focus in Indonesia, especially in the context of nutrition in
toddlers. The health condition and nutritional status of toddlers are important indicators of overall
public health. This is due to the impact caused by cases of malnutrition, undernutrition, stunting
(growth delay), and other nutritional problems that are a burden for families, communities, and
countries (Unicef, 2012). Some factors that are suspected of causing stunting include the mother's
pregnancy history, including the mother's short posture, too close pregnancy distance, too many
births, the age of the mother during pregnancy who is too old or too young (under 20 years), and
insufficient nutritional intake during pregnancy. In addition, factors such as non-implementation
of Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD), failure of exclusive breastfeeding, and early weaning
process also play a role. Economic and sanitation factors also have a correlation with the incidence
of stunting (Pangestuti et al., 2023). The impact of stunting includes cognitive, motor, and verbal
development that is not optimal in children, increased morbidity and mortality, body posture that
is not optimal in adulthood (shorter than average), and learning capacity and performance that is
less than optimal at school (Organization, 2020). Cluster analysis is one of the important methods
in the field of Data Mining. Data mining is a process that uses various statistical, mathematical,
artificial intelligence, and machine-learning techniques to extract and identify valuable
information from various large databases (Sitepu et al., 2011). Cluster analysis in data mining is a
method used to group a series of data into groups based on predetermined similarities (Matdoan
& Van Delsen, 2020). Among the various cluster analysis methods available, two of them are K-
Means and K-Medoids Clustering. Both of these methods are types of partitioning clustering
methods that have interrelated algorithms. Such methods tend to be faster than hierarchical
methods and more advantageous especially when the number of data objects is very large.
The K-Means clustering algorithm plays an important role in the data mining domain and is
relatively simple to implement and execute. The K-Means algorithm is a distance-based clustering
method that divides data into clusters, and it works primarily on numerical attributes. In practice,
this algorithm is often used because of its relative speed and ability to adapt easily (Sangga, 2018).