A Study on Psychiatric Social Worker and Child Guidance Clinic
JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 2 February 2024 117
9. Longitudinal Studies:
Conduct longitudinal studies to track the trajectories of children and families served by
psychiatric social workers in child guidance clinics over time, examining patterns of service
utilization, treatment outcomes, and factors influencing resilience, recovery, and relapse
10. Innovative Approaches:
Explore innovative approaches to psychiatric social work practice within child guidance
clinics, such as peer support programs, art therapy interventions, mindfulness-based
techniques, or community-based initiatives, assessing their feasibility, acceptability, and
effectiveness in addressing emerging challenges and meeting evolving needs in children's
mental health care (Walker, 2011).
This study sheds light on the critical role of psychiatric social workers within child guidance
clinics, highlighting their contributions to the assessment, treatment, and support of children's
mental health needs. Through an exploration of their roles, practices, challenges, and
opportunities for improvement, this study provides valuable insights into the complex dynamics
of child guidance clinics and the evolving landscape of mental health services for children and
families. By identifying areas for enhancement in services, collaboration, and professional
development, this study contributes to the ongoing efforts to optimize the effectiveness and
accessibility of child guidance clinic services, ultimately aiming to improve the well-being and
outcomes of children and families facing mental health challenges.
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