JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 3 March 2024 145
JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 3 March 2024
E-ISSN: 2984-7435, P-ISSN: 2984-7427
Adaptive Reuse Factors in Tenants Tjikini Ex Rumah Dinas Peruri
Blok M, Jakarta
Turohman, Retna Ayu Puspatarini, Martinus Bambang Susetyarto
Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia
Email: 152012[email protected]c.id, [email protected]c.id, bambang.s@trisakti.ac.id
There is an increasing need for inclusive public open space, as a place for residents to socialize
as well as a means to express creativity in Jakarta. BUMN Peruri and the DKI Regional
Government are collaborating with the private sector to reuse buildings (adaptive reuse) that
have been neglected for 20 years, namely the former Peruri official residence in block M as a
form of environmental improvement for the community and region. Adaptive reuse in this
building is a change in the function of the space from an official residence to a tenant unit for
rent. In this research, the units of observation were tjikini tenant. Changes in the function of the
space in the tjikini tenant apply a retro tropical industrial theme. The use of retro tropical
industrial elements is still rarely applied to the interior design of a tenant. To explore the retro
tropical industrial theme in tjikini tenant, this research uses qualitative methods. The qualitative
method was carried out by collecting field data and observations which were cross-checked
with literature studies. Meanwhile, to find out about the Tjikini tenant, part of the former Peruri
Block M official residence as a community-based venue, this was done by interviewing the
tenant owners, architects and visitors. The aim of this research is to explore the harmony of
themes in adaptive reuse applied to Tjikini tenant building. This research explores the
application of adaptive reuse through facade elements, floors, ceilings, walls and space
keywords: Adaptive Reuse, Community-Based Venue, Inclusive, Retro Tropical
Longing for Jakarta as a cultured cosmopolitan city, with good city design, and creates a
vibration of creative activity (Sirait, 2016). There is an increasing need for inclusive public open
spaces, as a place for citizens to socialize as well as a means to express creativity in Jakarta. BUMN
Peruri collaborates with the private sector to reuse the building (adaptive reuse) that has been
abandoned for 20 years, namely the former Peruri official house in block M as a form of
environmental improvement for the community and the region. Adaptive reuse in this building is
Turohman, Retna Ayu Puspatarini, Martinus Bambang Susetyarto
146 JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 3 March 2024
a change in the function of space from an official house to a tenant unit for rent Christantia, (2018)
(Remøy & Van der Voordt, 2014). In this study, the observation unit is used as a tjikini tenant.
Changes in the function of space in tenant tjikini apply the theme of retro tropical industrial. The
use of retro tropical industrial elements is still very rarely applied to the interior design of a tenant.
This adaptive reuse concept does not merely restore the physical appearance of architecture
but seeks to respect the historical value implied in it, and appreciate architectural elements by
shifting new functions that are more appropriate and useful. This is certainly expected to have a
positive impact on users, the region, and the surrounding community (Tanaka & Mustaram, 2023).
The formulation of the problem in this study is the suitability of the theme raised, namely
retro tropical industrial in tjikini tenants, what changes occur in tjikini and koStu tenants, as a result
of the application of adaptive reuse, what shortcomings can be seen in the application of retro
tropical industrial in tjikini tenant buildings, What is still included in the typology of existing
buildings and what has changed.
This study aims to explore the alignment of the retro tropical industrial theme in adaptive
reuse applied to tjikini tenant buildings. This study explores the application of adaptive reuse
through façade elements, floors, ceilings, walls, and space functions.
The theoretical benefit for researchers is to know the application of adaptive reuse to tjikini
tenants in the former Peruri block M official house. In addition, to know that adaptive reuse can
be applied to heritage buildings with certain limitations without changing the characteristics of
the building, history and inherent original elements.
As information material to the next generation that what makes tenants tjikini, can exist with
the development of today's architecture, one of the factors is adaptive reuse that is right on target
and in harmony with the building.
Adaptive reuse is the answer to the problem of open space needs in Melawai, Kebayoran
Baru District, South Jakarta Administration City. The utilization of the old building of the former
Peruri block M housing is positively correlated with the creative industry sector. However, business
actors in the creative industry (arts, performance, trade) must pay attention to sustainability
aspects. The exploitation of buildings must wisely address aspects of environmental conservation
as an integral part of building utilization for the creative industry (Tam et al., 2016).
Building maintenance activities and the level of change that can occur in maintaining
building components can be classified into several types, including preservation, restoration,
consolidation, adaptive reuse, and reconstruction (Olanrewaju et al., 2015).
This research seeks to solve the problem of how adaptive reuse in the context of spatial
architecture, and environmental sustainability. The concept of industrial architecture is
synonymous with unfinish design and the use of raw materials (Pratama & Hantono, 2021). Based
on the main function of the building, making industrial architecture has the main goal of efficiency
so that industrial architecture shows simplicity shown through raw materials or basic materials as
the main materials such as iron, cement, and steel (Amini et al., 2019; Hamdani & Hantono, 2021).
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According to Pratama & Hantono, (2021), industrial architecture has the characteristic of exposing
exposed structural and mechanical elements.
According to Anwari Dananjaya, (2013) trying to take advantage of climatic conditions that
occur as a result of the façade arrangement that creates terraces, balconies on the body of the
building. Terraces and Balconies are conceptually intermediate spaces between outside winds
heading inward
The retro style is part of the vintage that refers to designs from the decade of the 1960s and
1970s. The Art Deco styles that emerged in the early 1900s included vintage. Designs over 100
years old are classified as antic (gayagayapersonal conversation, March 24, 2014).
This research was conducted at the ex Peruri Blok M Official House, which is located at Jalan
Panglima Polim No.37, RT.1/RW.1, Kelurahan Melawai, Kebayoran Baru District, South Jakarta
Administration City, DKI Jakarta Province 12160. Block M is a Dutch design that makes residential
areas with the concept of parks, then develops into shops (block M) and business centers (SCBD,
Sudirman Central Business Destrict).
The research method used is qualitative (Sugiyono, 2017). Where the concept and theme
of retro tropical industrial is taken based on events in the field, then developed into local theories.
The position of the theory at the beginning of the study was only to help direct it temporarily
(Wangi & Madekhan, 2019).
Data collection techniques and strategies that will be carried out as follows: Owner / Tenant
Owner :
1. Contact the management to ask for permission to interview with the owner / tenant owner of
the tjikini shop.
2. Confirm to the tenant owner tjikini for an appointment day, place and time can meet for an
3. After the day, place and time are agreed together, then continue the interview process.
4. Media interviews conducted with live interviews.
5. Record all information from visitors, as primary research data.
Arsitek :
1. Contact the architect concerned to ask for permission to interview with the owner / tenant
owner of the tjikini shop.
2. Confirm the Architect for the appointment of the day, place and time can meet for the
3. After the day, place and time are agreed together, then continue the interview process.
4. Interview media that can be google met, zoom and live interviews.
5. Record all information from visitors, as primary research data.
Visitors :
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148 JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 3 March 2024
1. Surveys, Observations, measurements of amateurs of objects through field observations.
2. Start an interview with the informant on the object of observation, after obtaining the relevant
3. Record all information from visitors, as primary research data.
The results of the field data collected were analyzed and examined by literature studies, and
interviews with tenant owners, architects, and visitors.
Starting from the fresh idea of Peruri's President Director in running his business, Peruri not
only runs its core business but also must be sensitive to the environment and able to contribute
more to society (Manurung, 2022). According to the direction of shareholders, Peruri must also
be able to provide social impact.
The longing for Jakarta as a cosmopolitan and the city's perspective must show culture, with
good design and create a vibration of creative activity that moves Mrs. Dwina Septiani Wijaya
(President Director of Peruri) to make important decisions about changes that occur in the area
of the former Peruri office house block M.
Tenant Tjikini is a manifestation of Peruri in responding to environmental improvements for
the community and the area of the former Peruri office house block M, which is Peruri's land that
has been abandoned and abandoned for more than 20 years.
An investigation into the aspects that affect functional changes is carried out on: elements
of building space and building scope. Analysis on the scope of building space elements includes
aspects of components, old functions and new functions in zoning space.
Figure 1 Research Site Plan ex Rumah Dinas Peruri Blok M
Source: Arcadia Disain, 2019
In this study, unit 1 which is the limitation of the research is on the façade, layout, and
changes in space functions. The selection of observation units in figure 5.1 refers to the theory of
Gros, 2013; Tam & Hao, (2019), on the element of utility, with emphasis on the function of
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buildings that accommodate activities. And the element of venustas in the emphasis of beauty,
seen in this case the use of color elements in it includes aesthetic and psychological elements
Aspects of Adaptive Reuse Application
Tenant Tjikini Restaurant
Figure 2. Function Change Plan of Tjikini Restaurant
Source : Rohman, year 2023
At points a and b the partition is removed, so that the dining room of visitors feels more
spacious and the arrangement of tables, chairs is more optimal. The existing structure (practical
column) was not moved, avoiding changes in the arrangement of the structure on the 2nd floor.
Point C has a wall addition
Table 1 Application of Adaptive reuse to the object of research
Legacy Functions
New Functions
1st Floor Living room,
Dining room, undercellar
Floor 1 Cashier and bar area, ac
dining area, staff room under stairs,
dining front porch, and front plaza
2nd floor Bedroom, toilet,
storehouse, balcony
Floor 2 reservasi area, staff room,
toilet dan area dining ac, area dining
smoking area (balkon), loker staff
Back :
Back :
Turohman, Retna Ayu Puspatarini, Martinus Bambang Susetyarto
150 JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 3 March 2024
Service area, maid room,
Toilet, kitchen, warehouse, open dinning
Permanent 2-storey building
The main structure of the old building
has not been changed/maintained and
adjusted to its original form
Building 2 floors, there is a
terrace in front, window
openings on the 1st floor
and 2nd floor, balconies on
the 2nd floor with a tropical
colonial building style
Building 2 floors, there is a terrace in
front, window openings on the 1st floor
and 2nd floor, balconies on the 2nd-
floor function as non-AC dining with a
tropical colonial building style, changes
the color of the window and door
frames to dark green, and the tenant
name " tjikini"
Interior (Space
Front :
Front :
1st floor; Living room, Living
2nd floor; Bedroom, toilet,
The rooms on the 1st floor are generally
used as bars, cashiers, and dining area
AC, while the 2nd floor as a dining area
AC, balconies function as non-ac dining
area, toilets, staff rooms, staff lockers
Warehouse, toilet, garden,
The rooms are used as toilets,
warehouses, kitchens
Table 2 Application of Adaptive reuse to the object of research
Legacy Functions
New Functions
Front :
1st Floor Living room,
Dining room, undercellar
2nd floor Bedroom, toilet,
storehouse, balcony
Back :
Service area, maid room, toilet
Front :
1st Floor --> Cashier and bar area,
goods display and ac dining area,
front porch dinning, and front plaza
2nd floor --> warehouse, toilet,
prayer room, dining area AC
(multifunctional room), non-dining
area (balcony)
Back :
The toilet, roasting area, kitchen &
warehouse, preparation room,
rotating plaza area
Permanent 2-storey building
The main structure of the old
building has not been
changed/maintained and adjusted to
its original form
Adaptive Reuse Factors in Tenants Tjikini Ex Rumah Dinas Peruri BLOK M, Jakarta
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Legacy Functions
New Functions
Building 2 floors, there is a
terrace in front, window
openings on the 1st floor and
2nd floor, balconies on the
2nd floor with a colonial
building style
Building 2 floors, there is a terrace in
front, window openings on the 1st
floor and 2nd floor, balconies on the
2nd floor with a colonial building
Front :
Front :
1st floor; Living room, Living
2nd floor; Bedroom, toilet,
The rooms on the 1st floor are
generally used as bars, cashiers, and
dining areas, while the 2nd floor is
used as dining area ac
(multifunctional room), toilets and
prayer rooms
Warehouse, toilet, kitchen
The rooms are used as toilets,
kitchens, coffee roasts, preparation
Table 3 Recommendations for the Application of Adaptive reuse to the object of study
Old Building
Recommendation/New Building
Residencetial &
Café, Restaurant
Main building
2 permanent
The structure of the Main Building has not
changed/maintained and changes are adjusted to the
original form
building (rear)
1 permanent
The structure of the Supporting Building has not
changed/maintained and changes are adjusted to the
The condition is
still original/has
The renovation adjusts the character of the original
building: openings such as windows and doors can be
semi-transparent so that the inner space gets a view
(interaction with the outdoors), the color of the walls is
white & the frame paint becomes dark green
Architectural walls and ceilings are
maintained/reinforced and the application of finishing
such as wall paint/wood by the character of the
original building.
Turohman, Retna Ayu Puspatarini, Martinus Bambang Susetyarto
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The floor retains the original material in good
If the condition of the floor material is damaged/lost,
then the rearrangement of the Floor pattern using a
mix of original materials and additional materials
whose character supports.
Decorative elements can display new characters and
functions, the addition of spotlights (modern) and old
hanging lamps (vintage) strengthen new characters
Elements Industrial, Tropical, and Retro Application Elements
Based on observations and measurements in the field, it can be described in detail the floor
plan, the application of retro tropical industrial elements from changes in the function of Tjikini
The nostalgic values stored in the building and its architecture make it even more interesting
to visit by all ages as a gathering place. The interior of a commercial space, such as a restaurant
or café, explores old interior elements that can serve as an area setting. Visitors reminisce about
nostalgia through the shape of windows, doors, walls, and interior elements that are still
Tenant Tjikini Restaurant
Figure 3 Use of Modern and Old School Elements on the 1st Floor of Tjikini Restaurant
Source : Rohman, year 2023
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At point a kitchen area with modern fixtures, modern folding doors with cactus green paint,
and white paint walls. At point b The use of old-school style chair tables in the back plaza area,
shade signs.
In point c, the design of the bar & cashier table in an old-school style is equipped with a
modern coffee machine, the walls are painted white so that it looks brighter, equipped with menu
boards and glass shelves and raw materials from raw materials, the ceiling is exposed by white
paint finishing equipped with modern decorative lights (spot lights) and old school chandeliers.
At point d the existing door is only repainted in green, finishing the floor of the lock tiles in
old school gray color, walls with white paint with old-school light meters equipped with old-school
restaurant signboards, ceilings exposed with white paint finishing equipped with modern
decorative lights (spotlights) and old school chandeliers.
Point e of the existing stairs with old school railings (existing) with dark green paint. At point
f the existing door is only repainted in green, with plain knit floor tile finishes (yellow ash, old
school), old-school style chair tables, ceilings exposed with white paint finishes equipped with old
school chandeliers.
Figure 5 Use of Modern and Old School Elements on the 2nd Floor of Tjikini Restaurant
Source: Rohman, year 2023
At point the use of old-school style chair tables with old-school key floor finishing, old-
school existing doors painted cactus green, ceilings painted white with old-school fans with
modern decorative lights (spotlights), and old-school chandeliers.
At point b of the old-school existing window door, old-school style chair table, floor tile,
old-school gray and yellow color locks, and modern lights (spotlight), the roof has a critical Gaya
Turohman, Retna Ayu Puspatarini, Martinus Bambang Susetyarto
154 JTUS, Vol. 02, No. 3 March 2024
At point d modern staff lockers, old-school yellow and grey key floor tiles, old school
chandeliers. At point d modern sink and hand dryer, old-school style decorative glass.
The unique atmosphere of the old school room is the main attraction for visitors who can
enjoy the area and its surroundings. This nostalgic atmosphere is often hard to come by in modern
environments, making it a desirable experience for those who frequent these places. The adaptive
reuse of the former Peruri blok M official house has increased the number of visitors and the
growing interest in buying goods offered in the area. Adaptive reuse approaches have had a
positive impact on visitor numbers and the commercial viability of businesses operating within
historic buildings.
Adaptive reuse with a combination of modern elements plays an important role in extending
the life cycle of cultural heritage and as an urban strategy capable of generating new economic,
cultural and social values, thus enabling innovative local development (Spina, 2020). The purpose
of adaptive reuse is to reuse space that can no longer be used while maintaining economic, social,
and ecological sustainability (Li et al., 2018). Utilization as a commercial space is a solution that
can be applied to the former Peruri block M official house because the condition of the building
is still sturdy and its construction is still possible to be used for new activities.
Tjikini tenants demonstrate the potential for adaptive reuse of historic buildings, particularly
those that are currently abandoned and unmanaged, to provide benefits for social, economic, and
environmental sustainability.
Informant Interview Report 1
On Saturday, at 11.30 WIB I waited in the dining area on the 1st floor of the tjikini shop
block M informant. The informant only arrived at 12:45 pm.
Conduct an interview by recording all information during the interview, by asking permission
in advance to the informant that during the interview will be recorded. After I met the informant,
namely the father of "DHt", the interview process took place.
The background of Mr. "DHt" renovating this old building is that he received an offer from
the management to join the tenant part of block m. Because of his love for the old building, Mr.
"DHt" was very excited to take part. Moreover, this renovated building is an old building in the
50s that was converted into a commercial building, it will have added value.
So that the building is not damaged just like that, it is necessary for someone to take care
of it. From the Architect there are no technical drawings that are the tenant's handle in renovating,
their guide line only cannot change the shape of the building, façade / appearance, can only
explore the interior area. Color, finishing material is not limited, so the tenants here are mottled
colors. The choice of cactus green itself was chosen after exploring the colors and their tenant
owners gave a cool impression, then another change was in the demolition of the partitions in the
main building area on the 1st floor so that it seemed relieved by continuing to use the existing
structure. The floor material at the time of receiving the unit was plain white ceramics measuring
Adaptive Reuse Factors in Tenants Tjikini Ex Rumah Dinas Peruri BLOK M, Jakarta
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40x40, because the tenant owner felt it reduced the atmosphere of the old building, so it was
replaced with a plain yellow ash tile floor. The access stairs to the 2nd floor still exist, only the floor
material has been changed, because the floor at the time of receiving the unit uses 40x40 ceramic
and the installation is also not neat, so it is replaced with ash-colored rhinoceros tiles.
The tenant owner uses interior design services as well as contractors to renovate this
building, but the selection of lamp ornament paintings is done by himself. The choice of condulit
installation itself is because the management does not have a picture of the MEP of this building,
considering not breaking into the walls of the building and the considerable cost, the conduit
system is the most suitable. Security is also more safety, if there is damage tracking it is easier.
The parties involved in this renovation include Arcadia as an architect, management, Indra
Sukma as a designer as well as contractor, and electrical contractor.
This tenant itself was established in 2019, reaching the break-event point in the first 3
months when it opened because it was a new thing after it returned to normal. It was closed
during the COVID-19 pandemic and resumed operations in early 2023.
Informant Interview Report 2
On Friday, at 17.30 WIB I met with the architect of the former Peruri Blok M official house,
after several cancellations due to his busy life.
Conduct an interview by recording all information during the interview, by asking permission
in advance to the informant that during the interview will be recorded. After I met with the
informant, namely the father of "JGS", the interview process took place online via zoom.
He is the cofounder of m bloc space, and is the architect of the tenant ex peruri blok m
official house. Starting from an economic point of view where this peruri asset is an abandoned
ex official house for about 20 years, with an average tax of around 25 million but does not provide
added value. So the president director appointed Arcadia to provide input, about what can be
made in the former official house.
After doing a long research, looking at the history of block M with a hangout in the 1950s,
and this building is not a heritage building but the remnants of tropical buildings in the 1950s era
left in Jakarta. If demolished and built with modern buildings is very common, so the architect
proposed the idea of converting the building with a hub creative space with a total of 16 units
with different economic activities.
The architect began to conduct an inventory related to the building, because this is an old
building that will not be demolished but will be repurposed. Where the façade or appearance,
structure, and layout are not changed but maintained. Only the interior area is explored, according
to the needs of both the dismantling of the bulkhead, the use of finishing materials and the
addition of additional areas on the back side.
The parties involved in this renovation process are the owner (peruri), building management,
tenant owners, designers & contractors in each tenant. This activity began operating in early 2019,
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by carrying out a community creative hub with various activities including live music concerts,
tenants, exhibitions, charity activities etc. It was temporarily closed due to the covid 19 pandemic,
then began to be active again in early 2023 according to a circular from the government.
Figure 6 Informant Interview Report 3
On Friday, at 17.30 WIB I met visitors to the koStu shop who were at the location at that
time. Conduct an interview by recording all information during the interview, by asking permission
in advance to the informant that during the interview will be recorded.
The shop is a meeting point place related to friends and colleagues, because the place is
unique and close everywhere. Often come to the shop for appointments with friends, and
according to him the architectural design style is an old school retro-style building in the 50-60s.
Where the old building is renovated into something new, with its interior a mixture of old
and industrial buildings. What is lacking from this building, according to him, is the finishing work,
there are some areas that look less neat and clean, in contrast to new buildings. Very happy to be
able to reminisce back to the past but with the shape of the present, it's fun to make a meeting
point and will recommend to friends.
Informant Interview Report 4
On Saturday, at 11.30 WIB I met visitors to the tjikini shop who were at the location at that
time. Conduct an interview by recording all information during the interview, by asking permission
in advance to the informant that during the interview will be recorded.
He came together with old friends, used to be in the same office and from out of town who
currently come to Jakarta, usually they meet in central Jakarta but this time trying a new
atmosphere ti kedai tjikini blok M. Because often hear from some media who float this place to
hang out and this is the first time you can enjoy a relaxed atmosphere here.
The design style is ok, because food can be found anywhere but here it is sold more to the
creativity and vibes, which are not found anywhere else. Its not interesting from this place is quite
far away with my residence, prefer posh block because it is closer to the office as well. But overall
ok, many of my friends are coming here too and will recommend to other friends.
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Informant Interview Report 5
On Saturday, at 11.45 WIB I met visitors to the tjikini shop who were at the location at that
time. Conduct an interview by recording all information during the interview, by asking permission
in advance to the informant that during the interview will be recorded.
He came alone with an old friend, used to be in the office together to hang out and discuss
many things. In general, the place is ok, the old building that is now turned into a commercial
building. Interested in datenga because of its more creativity and vibes, and what is less interesting
in his opinion is that it is too close to the main road, so it is a bit noisy when inside the tenant,
then in the tenant building area there are often renovations but the building is not closed so it is
less safe. Unlike in Singapore and Japan, renovations are closed so it is safer. In general ok, access
is easy but for private less and abal recommendations to friends.
Gambar 7 Heritage Business Funding Model
Source : Rohman, year 2024
From the results of the interview above, if translated into a diagram it will look like the
picture above. Where between buble one with another has an interrelationship and is related to
each other in the frame regulation. This diagram is very important because it is a real illustration
of the situation on the ground.
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Figure 9 Heritage Development Concept Model
Source : Rohman, year 2024
So to make an ideal place or building there are at least 3 main points as a basis including: :
1. Strategic
2. Creative
3. Tactical
Between bubbles are sliced into each other and form one strong character, as a new forming
The conclusion of the application of adaptive reuse in the former Peruri Blok M official
house, in Tjikini tenants is carried out by adaptive reuse with a combination of existing building
elements in the style of tropical colonial architecture / jengki era of the 50s with a combination of
modern elements and very strong old school / retro style elements. Tenants are given freedom in
developing interior architectural design, materials and color finishing while to look the building is
not allowed to be changed. The retro tropical industrial theme can be said to work. With a focus
on local brands and local culinars, tjikini tenants and boarding houses and retro ambience are the
main attractions, and the adaptive reuse approach has had a positive impact on the commercial
viability of businesses operating in the former Peruri Blok M official house.
The unique atmosphere of the old school room is the main attraction for visitors who can
enjoy the area and its surroundings. This nostalgic atmosphere is often hard to come by in modern
environments, making it a desirable experience for those who frequent these places. The adaptive
reuse of the former Peruri blok M official house has increased the number of visitors. Utilization
as a commercial space is a solution that can be applied to the former Peruri block M official house
because the condition of the building is still sturdy and its construction is still possible to be used
for new activities.
Adaptive Reuse Factors in Tenants Tjikini Ex Rumah Dinas Peruri BLOK M, Jakarta
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Turohman, Retna Ayu Puspatarini, Martinus Bambang Susetyarto (2024)
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Journal Transnational Universal Studies (JTUS)
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