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Description automatically generatedJTUS, Vol. 03, No. 6 June, 2024

E-ISSN: 2984-7435, P-ISSN: 2984-7427

DOI: https://doi.org/10.58631/jtus.v3i6.98

Kalimasada Program KNG Website: An Effective Policy Innovation for Improving Service Quality in the City of Surabaya


Fitriyah Mardhotillah1*, Yuanes Leti Suhera2, Mukarto Siswoyo3, Nursahidin4

1,2,3,4Swadaya Gunung Jati University, Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia

Email: f[email protected]1*, [email protected]2, [email protected]3, nursahidin.sirod@ugj.ac.id4


Currently, researchers have special attention related to population administration, because in fact administration has a very important role in people's lives. The Kalimasada Program (Administrative Aware Environmental Area) of the Surabaya City Disdukcapil is an innovation in administrative services to create a community that is aware of the importance of population administration. The website that supports the Kalimasada program is the Klampid New Generation (KNG) website, a website that is an innovation of the Surabaya City Disdukcapil program in providing effectiveness and efficiency of services. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the Kalimasada program through the KNG website in Sawahan Village, focusing on the program's effectiveness, challenges, and areas for improvement. This study uses a qualitative method with an emphasis on descriptive techniques. Data collection was carried out using in-depth interview techniques, observations, and documentary studies, followed by data presentation, data reduction, and conclusion drawing, with source triangulation ensuring data validity. Compliance, the smooth routine of functions, and the realization of the desired performance and impact are three aspects according to Ripley and Franklin that are indicators in knowing the implementation of a policy. The results of the study show that the implementation of the Kalimasada program in Sawahan Village in general has gone well. However, it needs to be improved again regarding the obstacles that still exist in the implementation of the program. The aspects that must be considered are the smooth functioning of routines so that a program implementation can run smoothly.


Keywords: Innovation, Policy Implementation, Services, Kalimasada Program, KNG Website



Population administration is fundamental for every country, including Indonesia (Fatimah et al., 2020). By providing excellent service, population administration basically has a strategic role in realizing the government's vision of a prosperous and happy society (Azzahra, 2023). The welfare of the people in question is identical to the welfare state, namely a state whose government guarantees the implementation of people's welfare (Khumayah, 2014).

One of the important conditions to encourage the expansion of innovation policies is the ability of bureaucracy to be creative and generate the power of change (Anjas Muharman & Frinaldi, 2023). Juridically, there is much room for innovation; the right of regions to regulate and manage their own households is guaranteed and vulnerable afterward (Septiyani et al., 2024). This is followed by a broad policy of decentralization, as stated in the 1945 Constitution Article 18, paragraphs 1-6 and Law Number 23 of 2014. Regional heads represent regional governments and have greater authority to make innovative efforts to develop and advance the region and improve the welfare of the community (Castro-Arce & Vanclay, 2020; Widiyahseno, 2016).

Policy implementation is the implementation of policies or decisions that have been made and agreed upon before. In this case, policies are made to overcome a problem that occurs in the scope of life, especially in society (Bharoto & Nursahidin, 2021). Policy implementation is basically more important than policymaking because policies will only be dreams or plans that are neatly stored in the archives if they are not implemented (Pan & Du, 2021; Siswoyo et al., 2019).

The increasing economic growth in the city of Surabaya which is quite rapid from year to year is comparable to the current population increase in the city of Surabaya, so that the need for population administration documents is increasing. In addition, the increasing population in the city of Surabaya also encourages the Surabaya city government to produce innovations in its services.

The Surabaya City Government has now made efforts to provide effective and efficient services to the community, one of which is by providing public service innovations in the field of population administration, namely the Kalimasada Program (Population Administration Aware Environmental Area). The program is a program that aims to provide convenience for the community in taking care of population administration without having to visit the Surabaya City Population and Civil Registration Office office directly by allowing it to be handled by the Chairman of the Kalimasada pilot RT or at the nearest RW Hall. The existence of the Kalimasada program is also to create an orderly environment and village regarding population administration with the hope that the community will be more active in itself in achieving the creation of a society that is aware of the importance of accurate and up-to-date population administration.

The existence of the Kalimasada program is also the Population and Civil Registration Office of the City of Surabaya has developed an online platform to support the Kalimasada program, namely the Klampid New Generation (KNG) website, this website was developed to allow residents to take care of various population documents can be done online.

Although in the implementation of the Kalimasada program has been running well, but in its development there are still obstacles such as the lack of understanding of the Chairman of RT in running the KNG website and the existence of regulations that require that in the management of the documents must be the person concerned or the family in 1 Family Card with a power of attorney, the power of attorney in question is if the person concerned is seriously ill,  physically disabled or mentally disabled and the elderly, so the rules are very complicated for the community.

As for the obstacles in running the Kalimasada program, here are the solutions in handling them, namely (1) If there is still a lack of understanding of RTs in running the KNG website, then training is needed for RTs related to understanding the KNG website to support the optimization of the Kalimasada program. (2) If there are still many people who are not aware of the importance of administration, then it is necessary to optimize the Kalimasada program by providing continuous socialization related to administration. (3) And if there are constraints on the rules that require the person concerned to manage them, then there is a need for adaptation for the community in understanding the rules.

This research activity was carried out in Sawahan Village, Sawahan District, Surabaya City. This research activity is interesting to discuss because it aims to provide solutions or views to public service problems, especially in the field of population administration in Sawahan Village. In addition, the purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of the Kalimasada Program through the website of the KNG Disdukcapil of Surabaya City (Sawahan Village Study). Then the theory used is the policy implementation theory according to Ripley and Franklin which includes several indicators such as compliance, smooth function routines, and the realization of expected performance (incoming performance and impact).

The research gap that has been summarized from previous research, namely from research (Siti Sri Utami and Indah Prabawati) with the title Implementation of the Kalimasada Program in Population Administration Services in Margorejo Village, Wonocolo District, Surabaya City (2024)", it was found that there were differences in the results of the variables used and also the change of the application to a website that supports the implementation of the Kalimasada program. The results of different variables and loci are variables of smooth routine functions with the same theory of policy implementation according to Ripley and Franklin. The results turned out to be not only the factors that carry out the tasks of the Kalimasada program and infrastructure facilities that are factors in the smooth functioning routine but in the author's research, there is a development of rules in the management of population administration which is one of the factors for the smooth functioning routine as well.



This research is designed using a qualitative method with an emphasis on descriptive techniques. The research was conducted in Sawahan Village. This village is in the center of Surabaya City. Data were collected through thorough interviews, observations, and documentary studies. Data collection was carried out using in-depth interview techniques, observations, and documentary studies. Then it is analyzed with the stages of data presentation, data reduction, and conclusion drawing (Sugiyono, 2014). Then to ensure the validity of the data using source triangulation, source triangulation is a term used to describe the correctness of certain information using various data sources, such as documents, archives, interview results, observation results, or even interviews that are more than 1 object that has a different point of view. The resource persons involved in this research include the Sawahan Village Head, the Government and Public Service Section of Sawahan Village, the Chairman of RW, and the Chairman of the Sawahan Village RT.



One of the innovations of the Surabaya City Population and Civil Registration Office program is the Population Administration Aware Environmental Area (KALIMASADA). Program innovation that provides convenience to the community in taking care of administration without having to go to the Surabaya City Disdukcapil. The Kalimasada program is also of course, a frontline factor for the Surabaya City government in providing population administration services to the community so that the community can take care of it through the Chairman of the RT, RW Hall, Village, or even in the District. This program is identical to its management which can be done through the Chairman of RT. The Kalimasada program also greatly helps the role of the Chairman of the RT in serving his citizens in terms of population administration. Moreover, not all residents understand technology, so the role of RT is very helpful for the community to be more aware and understand that the management of adminduk in the city of Surabaya can now be done online. The Kalimasada program collaborates by utilizing digital-based technology, with the Kalimasada program, the community can supervise several Adminduk services through the Chairman of RT. The program was enforced in the city of Surabaya on July 1, 2022, and the Kalimasada Program is regulated based on the Decree of the Mayor of Surabaya Number 188.45/318/436.1.2/2021 concerning the Establishment of Pioneering Environmental Areas for Population Administration Conscious Communities (Kalimasada) of the City of Surabaya.

The purpose of the establishment of the Kalimasada program is to increase public awareness regarding the importance of accurate and up-to-date Population Administration management. Thus, this program will be very effective in realizing the Indonesia Aware Adminduk Movement (GISA). The national movement known as GISA or the Indonesian Aware Adminduk Movement aims to increase the public, user institutions, and the government's awareness of the importance of a renewed administration (Negeri, 2019).

In its implementation, the Kalimasada Program also helps people who are still far from understanding technology, especially the elderly, to understand related to the management of Administrative documents the goal is related to (Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Dan Reformasi Birokrasi Republik Indonesia Nomor 7 Tahun 2021 Tentang Kompetisi Inovasi Pelayanan Publik Di Lingkungan Kementrian/Lembaga, Pemerintah Daerah, Badan Usaha Milik Negara, Dan Badan Usaha Milik D, 2021).

This program appoints 62 RT heads in each sub-district in the city of Surabaya as pioneers of administrative services within RTs to bring population administration services closer to the community. In building the KALIMASADA village, the head of the RT is the main figure or role in running the program, but in its implementation, he also collaborates with the village administrators, namely cadres and PKK women, to encourage the community to take care of population documents in the nearest place.

In an effort to implement the Kalimasada program so that it can run smoothly, the Surabaya City Disdukcapil has created an online service in the form of a website called Klampid New Generation (KNG). The development of the Kalimasada program, which initially used the KNG website to support the running of the program and switched to using the application, has now returned to using the KNG website. Because the use of the KNG application is currently still under improvement to maximize its use, they switched back to using the website to support the running of this program. The website is intended for residents who are domiciled in the city of Surabaya, so residents who are not from or domiciled in the city of Surabaya cannot use the website. To take care of the Population Administration, it can be accessed through the link https://wargaklampid-dispendukcapil.surabaya.go.id/app/login (INTAN, 2023). To be able to access the website, people can use smartphones or laptops that support it.

The following is the appearance of the KNG website that can be accessed through the website:


Figure 1. Klampid New Generation (KNG) website display


The image above is the display of the Klampid New Generation (KNG) website, which can be accessed via smartphone or laptop. The KNG Disdukcapil Surabaya City website is designed to provide facilities and information about population administration services in the city of Surabaya. With this website, the Kalimasada program is hoped to run effectively and efficiently. In addition, it is hoped that the public will realize the importance of completing and updating population administration documents.

Now it can be seen that the implementation of the KNG website has helped improve the population administration services of the City of Surabaya, it can be seen from the increasingly easy for people to update their population administration documents, both through the Chairman of the RT, in the Village, or access independently. In addition, the existence of the KNG website in population administration services shows that the performance of the bureaucracy has succeeded in enabling public service innovations that are easier, faster, and clearer for the community. This aims to make the community feel satisfied with the services they receive.

Below are the steps to use the KNG website for people who want to apply for administration online or independently:


Source : Surabaya City Disdukcapil Website

Figure 2. Brochure on how to use the Klampid New Generation (KNG) Website


In the research on the implementation of the Kalimasada program through the website of the KNG Disdukcapil of Surabaya City (Study of Sawahan Village), was analyzed using Ripley Franklin's policy implementation theory (Ripley & Franklin, 1986) in his book entitled Policy Implementation and Bureaucracy, he said that to determine the success of policy implementation, there are three variables, namely compliance, smoothly function routines, and desired performance in and impacts. For more details, below will be described the three dimensions:


According to Ripley and Franklin, the success of the implementation of a program or policy can be determined by how compliant the implementers are with the regulations implemented in the law (Cahyadi et al., 2018 (Wulansari & Prabawati, 2021)). One of the levels of measure of the effectiveness of policy implementation is the level of compliance of the implementer with the policy, namely how well it acts in accordance with the provisions and complies with the policy rules. The approach refers to the behavior of the implementers themselves, whether they comply with standard procedures as well as policy rules. In addition, the level of understanding of the implementers on how to carry out the tasks that have been given in accordance with the policy must be understood (Gernandes, 2015).

The Kalimasada Program Policy is regulated in the Decree of the Mayor of Surabaya Number 188.45/318/436/1.2./2021 concerning the Determination of the Pioneering of the Population Administration Conscious Community Environmental Area (KALIMASADA) of the City of Surabaya (Intruksi Walikota Surabaya Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 Tentang Penghapusan Sanksi Administratif Denda Keterlambatan Pelaporan Kelahiran Kepada Masyarakat Kota Surabaya, 2022). Explaining that the Surabaya City government through the program can be managed through the Chairman of the RT, in the sense that the Chairman of the RT is the executor of the Kalimasada program. However, it is allowed if the community wants to take care of it independently through the Klampid New Generation (KNG) website or in the Village. The RT Chairman service is carried out if there are people who do not have the ability to manage adminduk or do not have tools (smartphones). So, the role of RT is to provide an alternative solution for residents who need these services.

Based on the findings from the interviews and what was observed by the researcher during the research in the variables of the compliance level of the Kalimasada Program implementer, it was found that the implementation of the Kalimasada program in Sawahan Village, precisely at the RT level, has been running well. This is shown from the statement of the Sawahan Village Head, who said that the head of the RT in Sawahan Village had carried out his duties as the implementer of the Kalimasada program well, namely by running the Kalimasada program in accordance with its goals. The purpose of the Kalimasada Program is none other than to make Villages/Environmental Areas Adminduk Aware by providing services through the Chairman of RT in order to create effective and efficient services.

Smoothly Function Routines

According to Ripley and Franklin of the latter, a successful implementation means that the routine runs smoothly and that no problems or obstacles arise. (Cahyadi et al., 2018). It is hoped that there will be no obstacles when running a program, but every time you run a program, there will certainly be smoothness and obstacles. This can be seen from the routines of the service duty executors and those who receive services. However, the existence of obstacles is also an evaluation for every implementer and recipient of services.

One of the factors that became the smooth routine of the Kalimasada program function was the understanding of the Chairman of RT in running the Kalimasada program, the availability of facilities and infrastructure, and community compliance with the applicable rules related to the management of Population administration. If these three factors are well interconnected, they will create a smooth way of carrying out their functional routines. However, in reality, it is not well connected, meaning that there is a lack of relationship between the three factors, so there are also obstacles that hinder the smooth routine of the function.

The first is based on the findings of interviews and observations of researchers in researching the smooth routine of the function of the understanding factor of the Head of RT in running the Kalimasada program in Sawahan Village. From these results, it was found that there are still RT chairmen who do not understand the Klampid New Generation (KNG) website. The website supports the implementation of the Kalimasada program. On the website, there are features that can serve the management of population administration online. This is shown from the statement from the head of the government and public service section of Sawahan Village that there is still a delegation of duties from the head of the RT in providing population administration services due to the lack of understanding of the Chairman of the RT in understanding the Klampid New Generation (KNG) website. So there are still people who take care of their population administration in the Village on the grounds that the Chairman of RT still does not fully understand the KNG website. However, few RT Heads have understood and learned about the KNG website from Village officials.

Second, based on the results of interviews and observations conducted by researchers in researching the smooth routine of the function of facilities and infrastructure factors in running the Kalimasada program. Now the Surabaya City government has provided free wifi facilities and computers to complement the facilities provided in public spaces, namely at the RW Hall, to create a smooth process in providing population administration services. At the RW Hall, Sawahan Village is also related to the fact that the facilities are adequate to provide services to the community. This is shown by the statement of the Sawahan Village Head, who said that the facilities and infrastructure in each RW Hall in Sawahan Village are adequate and feasible to be operational in providing services.  

The third is the conclusion from the researcher's interviews and observations in examining the smooth routine of the function of regulatory factors in the management of population administration in carrying out the Kalimasada program. In the administration of the population, there are rules that apply so that they can be obeyed by the community, one of which is the rules of the local government. The Surabaya City Government has established the rules for the management of population administration listed in the (Peraturan Daerah Kota Nomor 6 Tahun 2019 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Administrasi Kependudukan, 2019). In the regulation, there is a rule that states that every document management can only be carried out by the person concerned or his family in 1 family card with a power of attorney. The management of documents with the power of attorney in question is if the person concerned is seriously ill, physically disabled, mentally disabled, or elderly. From the results of an interview with the Chairman of the Government and Public Service Section of Sawahan Village, he said that there are still many people who feel that the rules of population administration management must be carried out by the person concerned or the family who is still in 1 family by attaching a power of attorney makes the management of population administration complicated. So there are not many people who still complain about the rule. Meanwhile, the rule was made to minimize misinformation in the management of population administration.

It can be concluded that in carrying out the routine, the function of implementing the Kalimasada program in Sawahan Village is still not running smoothly. This can be seen from the existence of several factors that still have obstacles.

The realization of desired performance in and impacts.

The realization of the desired performance and impact, that with good performance and impact is a manifestation of the success of policy implementation (Cahyadi et al., 2018).

According to the results of interviews and observations and what the researcher saw, there was a desired performance and impact in the implementation of the Kalimasada Program, and it was found that the performance of the Kalimasada program implementer in Sawahan Village had achieved the desired results. This can be seen from the performance of the implementation of the Kalimasada program, which is running well so that the community can now take care of their population administration independently or through the local RT Chairman. If the Kalimasada program continues to be implemented, it is likely that the people in Sawahan Village will be aware of the importance of taking care of accurate and up-to-date population administration and the creation of more transparent services. Because the community can immediately feel its performance and can supervise the administrative management process.

In terms of the expected impact from the results of interviews and observations conducted by researchers, the impact related to the implementation of the Kalimasada program in Sawahan Village has a very positive impact. This is shown by the impact of the implementation of the Kalimasada program, which is to create an environment of awareness of population administration in Sawahan Village and also provide ease of service for the community. So that the community will be able to receive effective and efficient services. As well as the Kalimasada service is obtained through the head of the RT for those who do not have the ability to take care of population administration and also the Klampid New Generation (KNG) website, which supports the implementation of the Kalimasada program, as well as management that does not charge any fees (Pemerintah Kota Surabaya, 2021).



The analysis shows that the compliance level of the Kalimasada Program implementation in Sawahan Village, especially at the RT level, is running well, with the village head stating that the RT leaders have implemented the program according to its objectives. The smooth functioning of the program is influenced by the RT leaders' understanding, the availability of facilities and infrastructure, and community compliance with administrative regulations. Despite obstacles such as the RT leaders' lack of understanding of the Klampid New Generation (KNG) website and the community's low compliance due to the perceived complexity of administrative rules, the facilities and infrastructure in Sawahan Village are adequate. The expected performance and impact of the Kalimasada Program have been achieved, with the program running well, providing transparent services, raising community awareness about population administration, and making services effective, efficient, and free of charge.



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Copyright holder:

Fitriyah Mardhotillah, Yuanes Leti Suhera, Mukarto Siswoyo, Nursahidin (2024)


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Journal Transnational Universal Studies (JTUS)


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