Accountability of Village Fund Allocation Management in The Administrative State of Wailola Village, Bula District, East Seram Regency


  • In Hutuely STIA Abdul Azis Kataloka Ambon, Indonesia
  • Amir Rumra STIA Abdul Azis Kataloka Ambon, Indonesia



Management, Village, Fund Allocation


Regional autonomy mandates equitable regulation, distribution, and utilization of national resources, as well as central and regional financial balance within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The implementation of decentralization is in line with the democratic agenda and the goal of realizing prosperity. With decentralization, democratic public decisions can be guaranteed, as well as better public services. The ongoing decentralization process has provided awareness about the importance of regional independence which relies on empowering local potential. Village autonomy also aims to generate local potential and initiatives, create equity and justice and empower people's power at the grass root level. This stage is considered very crucial because it is believed to be able to bring development achievements, namely welfare, closer to the bottom people. Rural communities can feel the impact of development directly and can enjoy good public services from the government, including through Village Fund Allocation Management. This study uses descriptive research with data sources in this study are primary data and secondary data with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, data analysis techniques used to decrypt research data in accordance with the variables to be studied and do not test hypotheses but explain and analyze the phenomenon under study


