Evaluation of the Performance of the Government's Internal Supervisory Apparatus in Local Government Supervision: A Case Study of the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Home Affairs


  • Septia Mentari Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Irfan Ridwan Maksum Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia




Apparatus Performance, Government Internal, Supervisory Apparatus, Implementation of Supervision, Administration


Regional government is one element of government administration that has an important role in realizing good governance. In order to achieve this goal, local governments need to carry out their government functions effectively and efficiently. The aim of this research is to determine the performance of the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) in carrying out supervision of regional government administration. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques in this research are literature study, interviews and observation. The data that has been collected is then analyzed through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research results show that the performance of the APIP Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Home Affairs in carrying out supervision of regional government administration is generally quite good. This is proven by the good quality of supervision results, the high reliability of supervision results, and the effectiveness of follow-up to supervision results which is quite high


