The Cultivation of Local Wisdom Values “Nemui Nyimah” in the Lampung Student Association Community in Solo City in Building Multiethnic Tolerance
Local Wisdom, Nemui Nyimah, Multi-Ethnic ToleranceAbstract
Indonesia is known as a multicultural country with ethnic, religious, cultural, and linguistic diversity. However, the era of globalization and modernization has eroded local wisdom values, including Nemui Nyimah, a Lampung cultural value that emphasizes hospitality, openness, and generosity in social life. This value is relevant in building tolerance in a multi-ethnic society. This research aims to explore the application of the Nemui Nyimah value in building multi-ethnic tolerance in the Lampung Student Association community in Solo City and identify strategies used to preserve the value. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a single case study strategy. Data were collected through participatory and non-participatory observation, interviews with stakeholders, and documentation. Data analysis was conducted through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the Nemui Nyimah Value is implemented through various activities such as deliberation, gotong royong, and social activities that strengthen solidarity and harmony between members of the multi-ethnic community. Implementation strategies include the formation of cultural studios, togetherness activities, and community empowerment to increase understanding of local wisdom values. This research has implications for showing that the value of Nemui Nyimah plays an important role in building multi-ethnic tolerance and can be a solution in maintaining social harmony in the midst of globalization. The practical implication is the importance of cultural education and cross-generational collaboration to preserve local values in a multicultural society.
Copyright (c) 2024 Catur Ayu Kurniasih, Moh. Muchtaro, Winarno
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