The Importance of Understanding Pancasila Ideology as the basis of Life for the Indonesian people in the Era of Globalization
pancasila ideology, basis of life, globalization, actualizationAbstract
The teachings of Pancasila are very important teachings to be understood and applied to everyday life in order to shape the good nature of the nation's children in the era of globalization. Pancasila is the basis of the State of Indonesia, meaning that Pancasila acts as a source in making all decisions. Based on the findings obtained from several sources, such as articles, books, and scientific papers related to the research topic, it is stated that pancasila and globalization are two conflicting factors. Over time, humans living their lives in the world will experience changes in various fields. Written changes that affect the good and bad of the way people live their lives. Pancasila is the national symbol of Indonesia, which means Pancasila as a key figure in conveying the moral message of the nation. Pancasila is a view to live in order to live a peaceful and dignified society. Implementing Pancasila is an important task that we must immediately realize considering that globalization is currently continuously developing and its impact is flowing rapidly. These actions are intended to mitigate the negative effects of globalization and outside influences. If the implementation of Pancasila is done properly, the negative impact of globalization can be minimized so that we can use the impact of globalization to encourage progress in the country
Copyright (c) 2023 Bambang Yuniarto, Ahmad fuadi, Imam Firdaus, Bunga adilia utami, Dienda Widianty Setiawan
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