Interpersonal Communication of Married Couples Through the Ta'aruf Process in Palu City


  • Sumarni Zainuddin Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Khairil Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Indonesia
  • Ilyas Lampe Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Indonesia



interpersonal communication, married couple, ta'aruf process


Ta'aruf is a process of exploring or introducing prospective husband or wife partners based on Islamic law. The objectives of this study are: 1). To determine the role of  ta'aruf mediators  in mediating married couples through the ta'aruf process  carried out before marriage. 2). To find out the process of searching for information carried out by married couples before marriage through the process of ta'aruf.  To dissect the substance of this study, the author uses Charles Berger's Uncertainty Reduction Theory in analyzing the process of finding information on married couples through the process of ta'aruf. The method used was a qualitative approach involving 11 informants consisting of 4 married couples who had been married through the ta'aruf  process and 3 ustad, which were determined purposively. The results showed that: Passive strategies carried out by ta'aruf  couples include observing the personal biodata of prospective partners, observing secretly when there are formal meetings such as when attending lectures, studies, and organizational meetings. The active strategy carried out by  ta'aruf couples is to actively ask mediators (ustad or ustadzah), close people of the prospective spouse, parties who have been married through the process of t a'aruf, and seek information through social media about the personality and daily life of the prospective partner.  An interactive strategy carried out  by ta'aruf  couples by meeting and talking directly with their potential partners before deciding to get married. The topics discussed are related to, things that are liked, discussing various things related to marriage such as vision and mission, number of children, things to be achieved in the future, in this communication is not allowed to discuss the disgrace of each spouse


